Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/205

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
cía sĭ i kâi ì hō̤;
this is the title conferred on him since his death.
ì huap sĭ cṳ̆ ciu chîo cìaⁿ ŭ kâi;
the custom of conferring posthumous titles existed from the time of the Chau dynasty.
i sí ău ì-cò̤ mih mîaⁿ?
What was the name which was conferred upon him by the emperor after his death?
  • ì282619
  • Idea; intention; thought; motive.
úa m̄ cai i kâi ì-sṳ̀;
I do not know what it means.
sĭm-mih ì-sṳ̀?
What does it mean?
kak nâng kak nâng cip cêk kâi ì;
each held to his own purpose.
lṳ́ màiⁿ cip ka-kī kâi ì;
do not be tenacious of your own notions.
thóiⁿ tîeh bô̤ ì-sṳ̀;
it appears nonsensical.
m̄-hó̤ ì-sṳ̀;
disreputable; a bad idea.
i cò̤ sṳ̄ bô̤ cú bô̤ ì;
he acts without any fixed purpose.
i ío ŏi, tîeh chíaⁿ i lâi cú-ì;
he is clever, and we must ask him to come and determine what shall be done.
lṳ́ kio úa cú-ì;
you decide for me.
úa m̄ káⁿ cú-ì kâi ì;
I dare not decide upon any design.
i cò̤ sṳ̄ tōa cú tōa ì;
he acts with great decision.
i tōa cú tōa ì khṳ̀ cò̤;
he went and did it with great determination.
m̄ tèng i kâi ì;
not according to his notions.
ké-ì m̄ hàuⁿ;
pretended to be averse to it.
tèⁿ ì;
pretended to be of that mind.
úa hó̤ chêng hó̤ ì kio lṳ́ tàⁿ;
I told you with a good motive.
tàⁿ ūe bô̤ ì-sṳ̀;
talks nonsense.
as you desire; a woman's head ornaments.
bw̄n sṳ̄ jû-ì;
may everything be to your liking.
chah jû-ì;
wear ornaments in the hair.
jû-ì păng;
an aigrette worn in the hair.
cē m̄ jû i-kâi ìcū khì;
if everything is not just as he wishes he gets angry.
chut nâng ì gūa;
beyond all human expectation.
ì gūa, līo m̄ kàu kâi sṳ̄;
something unexpected, and beyond all that had been calculated upon.
m̄ kùe ì;
not more than was expected.
thóiⁿ tîeh cí hûe kùe ì căi;
it appears that this time there is more than we had thought of.
i m̄ sĭ kù ì cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
he did not do so intentionally.
of deliberate purpose.
i ŭ sim ŭ ì lâi sàng lṳ́, lṳ́ tîeh siu;
he has thoughtfully and purposely brought them for you, and you must accept them.
tit ì căi;
happily chanced.
cieh ì cieh ì nē;
ironical; a double meaning.
m̄ hó̤ khah tîeh ì;
it is not well to have your mind too strongly set upon it.
lṳ́ thóiⁿ i sĭ sĭm-mih ì-kìen?
What do you think his opinion to be?
hô̤ ì?
What does it mean?
put ì;
úa thóiⁿ-kìⁿ lṳ́ bô̤ ì àiⁿ bói;
I perceive that you have no intention of buying it.
bô̤ ì àiⁿ bōi;
does not intend to sell.
tâng sim tâng ì;
of the same mind.
sía ì;
make a rough draught.
cía m̄ sĭ kong pit, sĭ ì pit;
this is not the clean
copy, it is the first draught.
ì pit ío o̤h ūe;
the rough sketch is the more difficult to draw.
hâh lṳ́ kâi ì mē?
Is it in accordance with your wishes?
thóiⁿ tîeh hâh ì căi;
it appears to be just what I want.
hâh úa kâi ì īu tîeh hâh lṳ́ kâi ì;
it suits me and must also suit you.
nín nŏ̤ nâng jī ke hŭe ì;
you two understand each other.
i sǹg sĭ ŭ sṳ ì;
he has private ends.
m̄ hó̤ cang ì chek-tâk;
do not make it up out of your own head.
chŵn bô̤ seⁿ ì;
has no business capacity.
nín màiⁿ seⁿ ì khì, tîeh hûa-hûa;
you must not get cross with each other, you must be good friends.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ sĭ tī-tîang khí ì?
Who was it that started this idea?
i mâiⁿ kâi ì tŏ̤ kò̤;
it has a hidden meaning.
i cwn sim cwn ì cò̤;
he does it heartily.
lṳ́ kâi ì sĭ àiⁿ cò̤-nî?
What is your idea about it?
lṳ́ ì àiⁿ hô̤ ûi?
What would you have?
thóiⁿ chut i ŭ hẃn ì;
perceive that he has changed his mind.
híen-híen chut i kâi cìaⁿ ì;
shows his real motives.
i chŵn bô̤ saⁿ sim nŏ̤ ì;
he has no two minds about it.
cē tàⁿ i cū hío ì;
as soon as you speak he will catch the idea.
kim khue tit ì nâng, īa sĭ côiⁿ khue sit ì nâng;
those who at this examination attain their wish, are those who at former examinations failed to attain their wish.
sĭ kam chêng, ì ngw̆n;
it is done cordially.
ì bé sim ŵn;
his will is like a horse's and his heart like an ape's; he is strong and inconstant.
cn̂g kâi bô̤ pit ì;
there is no meaning in the strokes of the pen.
lîp ì;
to make up the mind; to determine.
  • î2751845
  • Comfits; tidbits.
barley sugar; sweet-meats.
  • î276373
  • Barbarians; to kill.
î káu-côk;
slay the whole race.
northern savages.
southern savages.
  • î2741156
  • To transpose; to shift; to move; to change the place or direction of.
î khui khṳ̀;
to move off.
î-súa ío kṳ̆n cē;
move it up a little nearer.
î bûn khṳ̀ i kò̤;
sent off a dispatch to him.
î khua cĭu kín;
to accommodate with a timely loan.
î-nô̤ ŭ nŏ̤ saⁿ peh ngṳ̂n cieh i ēng;
borrow two or three hundred dollars in order to lend it to him.
cía sĭ thòi i î-nô̤ kâi;
this borrowed from another and lent to him.
î lâi, cieh khṳ̀;
borrow and lend.
chùn pō lâng î;
it is very difficult for me to get away a single step.
put lêng î-êk;
it cannot be altered.
î hue ciap bâk;
to graft flowers on a tree.
î hŭa tha nâng; î hŭa