Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/221

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • ĭong11491010
  • What is used in contingent expenses.
ĭong cîⁿ;
commission, or contingent expenses.
thàng ĭong cîⁿ tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ;
earned only the commission.
pĕng ĭong, jîeh cōi cîⁿ?
How much is the amount, including commission?
káu poih ĭong;
a commission of two dollars on the hundred.
i sĭ tó̤ sĭu ĭong;
he is enjoying his possessions.
i bô̤ thang hó̤ sĭu ĭong;
he has no chance to enjoy what he has.
sĭ káu-poih ĭong a sĭ káu-ngŏ ĭong?
Is it two or five per cent that is taken out of the sum total, as an allowance to the agent?
bōi cía hùe sĭ ŭ lăi gūa ĭong;
in selling these goods there is a commission paid both to those they are bought from and to those who retail them.
bói īa tîeh ĭong, bōi īa tîeh ĭong;
in buying there is a percentage paid on the value, and in selling there is a percentage made on the value.


  • ip10961630
  • A city; a walled town.
kŭn ip;
walled towns.
káu ip;
the nine district cities.
síu ip;
the chief district city in a prefecture.
ip-ip cîp-cîp;
close and damp.
khah ip-cîp, khĭa-khí lío cū seⁿ pēⁿ;
it is too close and damp and one would become ill in living there.
  • ip1097649
  • To bow with the hands joined.
ip-că; cak-ip;
to bow in the Chinese style.
kìⁿ tîeh, chim-chim chíu cū kio i ip-că;
when you see him, lower your clasped hands and bow to him.


to recollect; to reflect upon.
lṳ́ it-tit mē?
Do you remember it?
m̄ it-tit khṳ̀;
have forgotten it.
úa it-tit hṳ́ tiang-sî;
I remember that time.
lṳ́ it-tit pàng sim lăi;
lay it up in your mind and remember it.
i nŏ̤ nâng sie it tîeh;
the two remember each other.
  • it109650
  • The second of the ten stems.
thài it;
the primordial cause.
  • it109510
  • One; the same; an item.
tŏiⁿ it;
the first.
it hō̤;
the best quality.
it téng;
first class articles.
it hó̤ kâi;
the best sort.
it téng hó̤ kâi;
the very best kind.
it jī câp;
from ten to twenty of them.
it câp;
a single ten.
lṳ́ it it tàⁿ úa cai;
you tell me about them, item by item.
cò̤ mih sṳ̄ kâi sim àiⁿ cwn it;
in all transactions, singleness of mind is desirable.
it ngŏ, it câp;
honest, complete, accurate.
i tŏ̤ hṳ́ kò̤ sĭ sìo it sìo jī kâi nâng;
he is one of the head men there.
  • ît109796
  • A band of eight mummers who perform set figures at sacrifices, during the worship of ancestors.
bú poih ît;
to perform as mummers.
bú-ît seng;
a mummer.
  • ît10971628
  • Ease; luxury.
îm ît;
vicious indulgence.
cí kâi nâng khah ît;
this person is too self-indulgent.
ngán sîn m̄ cĕⁿ, khah ît;
the expression of his eyes is unquiet, and too lacivious.
  • ît2612004
  • To wave; to signal with the hand.
tōa kî cē ît, nâng cū tùe i kîaⁿ;
when the large flag waves, the people follow on after it.
chíu cē ît, i cū lâi;
if you wave your hand he will come.
ît i khṳ̀;
motion to him to go.
cang chíu cē ît;
waved his arm.


  • iu1110915
  • To excel; extra; easy about; fully.
kṳ́ iu hĕng;
recommend on account of excellence of character.
iu-îu cṳ̆-căi;
easy and unconcerned.
iu kòng-seng;
head graduate.
chiang iu cău cut kâi ău-ĭ bô̤ hong;
the descendants of prostitutes, of mountebanks and of menials in the yamun, cannot rise to eminence.
i lâi kàu ēng iu lói siang thăi;
when he arrives treat him with more than common courtesy.
hun-piet iu luat;
distinguish between fitness and unfitness.
hâk hĕng kiam iu;
in both learning and deportment he stands well.
  • iu11096111
  • Grieved; sorrowful; to mourn.
kau cím bô̤ iu;
you can go to sleep without anxiety.
i sĭ teng pĕ-iu tńg-khṳ̀;
he has gone back on account of being in mourning for his father.
teng iu tŏ̤ cĭa;
mourning in retirement.
i pâi mn̂g-khí mêⁿ-àm teng iu;
they mourn every morning and evening.
  • íu1113292
  • A male friend; an associate.
male friends.
hó̤ phêng-íu; hó̤ íu;
good friends.
kū íu;
old friend.
kau íu;
iah íu;
helpful friends
sĭm sĭ íu-ài;
is very fraternal.
cíu nêk phêng-íu;
boon companions.
cū sĭ tâng