Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/222

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
theng phêng-íu;
fellow students, studying by the same window.
i kâi phêng-íu chêng hó̤;
his disposition is very friendly.
ciu jît to sĭ saⁿ phêng sì íu múaⁿ-tī-kó̤ khṳ̀;
all day they go about together in close companionship.
kau phêng chú íu;
  • íu11141640
  • The tenth of the twelve branches, represented by the cock.
from 5 to 7 o'clock p.m.
cīeⁿ teng íu;
early candle-light.
tùi íu nî cū pŵt kòng;
in the tenth year of the cycle of twelve, he became a graduate.
  • íu11141497
  • To allure; to entice.
íu-hok i khṳ̀ cò̤ ak;
entice him into wickedness.
màiⁿ íu-hok nâng;
do not tempt people to do wrong.
khṳt i ín-íu khṳ̀;
led astray by him.
lṳ́ cò̤-nî íu-phìen i?
Why did you delude him?
  • íu1113742
  • To have; to be; it is so.
íu-hăn; íu hīn;
a limited amount.
chûn íu-hīn;
have but little left.
úa thóiⁿ li íu-hăn;
I consider that the amount is very small.
lṳ́ khṳ̀ kìⁿ kuaⁿ, i ā-sĭ hàm lṳ́ kâi mîaⁿ lṳ́ cū ìn tàⁿ “íuⁿ”;
when you go before a magistrate, if your name is called you reply “Here”.
  • îu11111021
  • Through; by; a way, means, or cause; to permit.
the means by which it came about.
mn̄g i kâi ŵn-îu;
inquire into the occasion for its being so.
lṳ́ cai i kâi lâi îu mē?
Do you know how it came about?
îu lâi sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
that was the way it came to pass.
mih sṳ̄ ka-kī tit cṳ̆ îu;
he can manage everything for himself.
îu cí-kò̤ jîp khṳ̀;
enter through here.
îu i khṳ̀ cò̤, màiⁿ khṳ̀ kẃn i;
let him go and do it, and do not exercise any control over him.
îu lṳ́;
as you please.
bw̄n sṳ̄ îu thiⁿ, put îu nâng;
all things are as heaven pleases, not as man pleases.
lṳ́ îu tī-kò̤ lâi?
Where did you come from?
to sĭ îu úa keng chíu;
all goes through my hands.
i îu tī-kò̤ khṳ̀?
Which way did he go?
i îu cí tîo lō khṳ̀, a îu hṳ́ tîo lō khṳ̀?
Did he go by this road or by that one?
îu úa ka-kī;
of myself.
îu tī-tîang tit tîeh?
Through whom did he obtain it?
  • îu1112949
  • Doubtful; rather; somewhat.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ îu hó̤, i sĭ hìeⁿ-seⁿ;
this is tolerably good, but his is not thus made.
îu-ṳ̆ put kwt;
undecided in all he does.
  • îu1111855
  • Oil; to oil; to paint; oily.
peanut oil.
tea oil.
paint oil.
ta-ma îu;
phang kùe lêng-hieⁿ îu;
more fragrant than oil of bergamot.
bun-kùi îu;
attar of roses.
gû-ni îu;
oil made from hemp seed.
phang îu;
fragrant oils.
pó̤-hò̤ îu;
peppermint oil.
si îu;
soy, a sauce like Worcestershire.
sìa îu;
castor oil.
khah siap, buah îu, buah i kût cē;
if there is friction, rub on some oil, and make it smoother.
koih tīo îu;
press out the oil.
jṳ́ tîeh îu;
daubed it with grease.
mâk tîeh îu;
got a grease-spot on it.
m̄ hó̤ tih tîeh îu;
do not let the oil drop on it.
îu sim;
a lamp wick.
îu cúaⁿ;
an oil cup.
chù îu hó̤ a bṳ̄e;
have you put in the oil yet?
húe în;
kerosine oil.
ngṳ̂n-cu îu;
red paint.
àiⁿ îu pêh a àiⁿ îu lâm?
Do you want it painted white or blue?
khṳ̀ hàm îu-chak kâi sai-pĕ lâi;
go and call a painter.
chíu îu-îu nē, tîeh ēng tê-cí-kho cìaⁿ sói tit khṳ̀;
my hands are very greasy, I must use tea seed cake and then I can wash them clean.
mīn seⁿ îu;
his face is oily.
lṳ́ màiⁿ tó̤ îu cúi;
you need not be palavering around me.
  • îu1112859
  • To idle about; to enjoy one's self idly.
iu îu khùai-lâk;
blissful ease.
m̄-hó̤ îu-chíu hàuⁿ ôiⁿ;
do not idle around.
  • îu11101044
  • A wen; a swelling.
cí khí m̄ sĭ lîu, sĭ kìe-cò̤ îu;
this is not a tumor, it is called a wen.
  • îu11121629
  • To roam; to ramble; to saunter.
îu-lêh kak séⁿ;
wandered through every province.
to ramble.
îu ceng;
itinerant priests.
lău-îa chut îu;
the gods go out for an airing.
chut gūa îu ô̤h;
travel for information.
kio phêng-íu kau-îu;
saunter about with friends.
kau-îu múaⁿ-thiⁿ-ĕ, sie cai bô̤ cêk nâng;
friendly with all, and acquainted with none.
i seng cò̤ îu-khek, nâng ceng-cò̤ îu-hú;
when he becomes a traveller on the circuit, he is called a lieutenant-colonel.
  • ĭu1115316
  • A park or paddock for rearing animals; a walled garden; to inclose; to pen up; to restrain; limited.
ĭu i hong-sôk;
hampered by custom.
sui sĭ kun-cṳ́ kâi nâng īa to̤-to̤ ĭu i hong-sôk;
although he is a man of culture, yet he is bound down by vulgar usages.
sîp-sôk ĭu nâng, hîen cía put míen;
custom restrains people, and the learned are not free from its bonds.