Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/232

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • 1129309
  • To illustrate; to compare.
i miaⁿ-ke pí-jŭ;
he is expert in illustration.
cang ci kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ pí-jŭ;
use this as an illustration.
siet kâi phì-jŭ;
make a parable.
cieh lâi phì-jŭ;
use in illustration.
pì-jŭ cêk ciah cûn;
it may be compared to a boat.
  • 11281457
  • Affluent; plenteous; to enrich.
i ke lăi sĭm sĭ pù-jŭ;
they have enough and to spare in that family.
cí ke pù-pù jŭ-jŭ, cò̤ tit lâi;
this family is well off, and can afford it.
jŭ kok, pĭen mîn;
enrich the state and accommodate the people.
kuang côiⁿ, jŭ ău;
render those who have gone before illustrious, and enrich those who come after.
  • 11241629
  • To pass over; to pass beyond.
íⁿ-kèng jŭ hăng;
have passed the limit.


  • jûah2938611
  • Hot.
jûah căi;
it is very hot.
jûah thiⁿ-sî saⁿ-khò tîeh chîang ūaⁿ;
in hot weather the clothing must be changed frequently.
ŭ kûaⁿ ŭ jûah;
sometimes it is hot, and sometimes it is cold.
bŏi kûaⁿ bŏi jûah;
is neither cold nor hot.
i hwt kûaⁿ, hwt jûah;
he has chills and fever.
kûaⁿ lío īu jûah, jûah lío īu kûaⁿ;
he is cold and hot alternately.
thiⁿ-sî jûah;
the weather is hot.
cí hûe jît-tng-tàu jûah căi;
it is now very hot at midday.
thóiⁿ tîeh tó lăi cū hwt jûah;
when he saw it he became filled with excitement.
jûah thiⁿ-sî mûeh-kĭaⁿ kōi sit bī;
in hot weather things spoil easily.
i kâi sin-hūn jûah;
he is feverish.
cîah tîeh m̄ cai jûah;
eating it does not make me warm.
jûah pauh;
a cold-sore; sores on the lips.
  • jûah1131617
  • Pleased with; gratified by.
i nŏ̤ nâng sie jûah tîeh;
the two are much pleased with each other.
m̄ cai i jûah tîeh i tī-kò̤;
do not know what it was in him which suited his taste.
hía, jûah tîeh!
Well, that is fine! (said ironically).
īa sĭ cí khí le úa jûah tîeh;
if it of this sort, it will not be to my liking.
i ka-kī tó̤ tôk jûah;
he is pleased with himself and so mistakenly thinks that others are pleased with him.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ to m̄ jûah nâng li;
that will not please people.


  • jûe294649
  • To work over in the hands; to rub betweenn the two hands; to fumble.
jûe chiu;
fumble the beard.
jûe tn̂g, so̤h tó;
griping pain in the bowels.
mīn-pò jûe lío khṳt i lā ta;
squeeze out the towel and then let it dry.
chíu-kṳn khîeh khṳ̀ jûe cheng-khih;
take the handkerchief and rub it clean.
tîeh khin-khin jûe, m̄-hó̤ jûe phùa;
must rub it lightly, and not rub holes in it.
jûe kâi cúa-ín;
roll up a lamp-lighter.
màiⁿ jûe khah tōa lâk;
do not rub it too hard.
jûe i nńg;
make it pliant by rubbing it.
jûe i chùi;
rubbed it into fragments.
  • jŭe3021677
  • Piercing; shrewd; resolute.
i kâi cí jŭe căi;
he is very resolute.
thie-sẃn ceng-jŭe kâi píaⁿ-bé;
detail well drilled troops.
náng kâi jŭe-khì m̄ hó̤ tŭi;
our ardour must not abate.


  • júi1052308
  • To echo, as in replying; an answer.
júi, júi;
aye, aye; to be sure.
cèng nâng lóng-cóng júi-júi, bô̤ nâng káⁿ kêh i;
every one agreed with whatever he proposed, and none dared remonstrate with him.
hùaⁿ nâng ùi i kâi sì, mih sṳ̄ to sĭ júi-júi, nâp-nâp;
they all fear his power, and assent to and aquiesce in everything he says.
  • jûi1049618
  • Only that; and so; to consist in; but.
jûi sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ úa cū m̆;
that being the way it is, I will have nothing to do with it.
jûi-tôk lṳ́ cêk nâng sĭ hó̤;
you are the only one fit for it.
jûi sĭ lṳ́ úa cai tīaⁿ;
you and I are the only ones who know.
  • jûi10491208
  • To ponder.
cài saⁿ sṳ-jûi;
pondered it over and over.
kháu sŏng, sim jûi;
the mind meditates upon it, while the mouth chants it.
lṳ́ hó̤ ka-kī sṳ-jûi;
you think it over within your own mind.
  • jŭi27716212
  • To will; to entail; to leave, as at death.
lîm sí kâi jŭi cok;
last will and testament.
sĭ kó nâng kâi jŭi kà;
it is the instruction bequeathed to us from the ancients.
sĭ soiⁿ có kâi jŭi ngân;
those were the dying words of his ancestor.
i a-pĕ jŭi-mĕng cang cí koiⁿ phò pun cí kâi kíaⁿ;
his father left orders that this shop be given to this son.
cía sĭ tâng soiⁿ jŭi