Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/233

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

lô̤h lâi kâi;

this was handed down from former times.
jŭi sit mûeh-kĭaⁿ;
articles left behind and lost.
jŭi chûn jîeh cōi cṳ-cheh pun kíaⁿ-sun-hùe thâk;
left many books for his descendants to study.
tăi-hŭam kíaⁿ-sun to hó̤ tàⁿ-cò̤ sĭ có-pĕ kâi jŭi thói;
all the descendants may say that they are the relicts of their ancestor.
soiⁿ nâng kâi jŭi huap;
the rules bequeathed by those gone before.
kháu jŭi châi;
examine the scholars who entered once but did not pass.
jŭi pak kíaⁿ;
a posthumous son.
có jŭi kâi mûeh-ngîap;
property inherited from ancestors.
toaⁿ-toaⁿ jŭi-chûn cí kâi kíaⁿ;
left only this son.


  • jún1143102
  • To assent; to permit.
lṳ́ íⁿ-keng jún-nâp kùe úa;
you have already granted it to me.
i ŭ ìn-jún a bô̤?
Has he given his consent or not?
  • jŭn3028512
  • To fatten; to moisten; to bedew.
to enrich; to bedew.
cheng sim, jŭn hùi;
cleanse the humors and enrich the blood.
ēng cúi khṳ̀ jŭn i;
take water and moisten it.
mīn cîah lâi hong-jŭn căi;
his face has become very florid.
i kâi sek sĭm sĭ jŭn-cêk;
its color is very fresh.
ŭ lō cúi lâi cṳ̀-jŭn i, i kōi tōa;
if the dew moistens it, it will grow quickly.
àng gû-phûe hìeⁿ jūn;
as tough as cowhide.
nêk jūn căi, pû lâi būe mîⁿ;
the meat is very tough, and cooking has not made it soft.
kṳn hŵn-lío jūn;
the sinews are still tough.
  • jūn3021694
  • The intercalary month.
jūn gûeh;
the intercalary month.
mêⁿ nî sĭ jūn saⁿ gûeh a sĭ jūn sì gûeh?
Is it the third month or the fourth, that occurs twice next year?
saⁿ nî cêk jūn;
there is an intercalary month once in three years.
ngŏ nî cài jūn;
these five years have two intercalary months.


  • jṳ́72116214
  • Near; at hand; proximate.
íen jṳ́ thŵn mîaⁿ;
celebrated far and near.
hia jṳ́ kui sim;
in remote and in neighboring places, all hearts turn to him.
kùe nî tŏ̤ jṳ́;
the end of the year is at hand.
  • jṳ́586857
  • To daub; to befoul; to defile.
chíu-ńg jṳ́ kàu nah-sap;
have daubed your sleeve so that it is dirty.
cêk koiⁿ jṳ́ kàu nah-tī, nah-sap;
the whole place is daubed with dirt.
màiⁿ jṳ́ tîeh i;
do not get daubed by it.
jṳ́ tîeh îu;
daubed with paint.
chíu màiⁿ jṳ́ tîeh bâk;
do not get ink on your hands.
kha jṳ́ tîeh thô-kau-mûe;
his feet are daubed with soft mud.
  • jṳ́7201280
  • The organ of hearing.
sĭ chîo-thêng kâi jṳ́ mâk kuaⁿ;
is an official who acts as eyes and ears to the ruler.
ēng i tó̤ cò̤ jṳ́ mâk;
use him for ears and eyes.
hīn-khek kâi kuaⁿ-hú jṳ́ mâk kṳ̆n căi;
the present magistrate is very sharp eyed and quick eared.
jṳ́ mâk khuah;
a wide range for seeing and hearing.
  • jṳ́8546419
  • To spread out thin, as ointment on a plaister.
jṳ́ câu-câu;
spread it of uniform thickness.
kô màiⁿ jṳ́ khah khuah;
do not spread the paste over too large a space.
ko̤-îeh jṳ́ pô̤h- pô̤h;
spread the ointment very thin.
  • jṳ̂7191260
  • Yet; then; a particle confirming or ending off.
jṳ̂ íⁿ;
that is all.
put kùe cìeⁿ-seⁿ jṳ̂ íⁿ;
only this and nothing more.
sĭang ŏi sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ jṳ̂ íⁿ-íⁿ;
the utmost that I can do is this.
i jṳ̂-chíaⁿ m̄ pat jī;
more-over, he does not understand letters.
chông hṳ́-kò̤ jṳ̂ khṳ̀;
had been along there.
cí kù ūe chông hô̤ jṳ̂ lâi?
Whence came this phrase?
lṳ́ chông hô̤ jṳ̂ cai?
How then have you become aware of this?
chông hô̤ jṳ̂ ŏi?
Whence then came the power?
chông hô̤ jṳ̂ pat?
How could he have known?
  • jṳ̂570512
  • In disorder; out of place; in confusion.
thâu-mô̤ⁿ jṳ̂-jṳ̂;
hair unkempt.
tī-hng jṳ̂;
the place is in disorder.
piⁿ jṳ̂, khṳ̀ siu tît;
your cue is all in a tangle, go and comb it.
i tó̤ jṳ̂ tàⁿ;
he is talking wildly.
hàm i màiⁿ jṳ̂ cò̤;
tell him not to act disorderly.
màiⁿ mûeh jṳ̂;
do not disarrange it.
sĭ khṳt i lóng-jṳ̂;
it has been disarranged by his meddling with it.
sim jû;
the mind disturbed.
cò̤-nî pàng i tó̤ jṳ̂?
Why have you let it get into a tangle?
sùaⁿ jṳ̂-jṳ̂;
the thread is all in a tangle.
i kâi ke lăi jṳ̂-jṳ̂ châh-châh;
her house is all in confusion.
pûaⁿ-úaⁿ pái kàu jṳ̂-jṳ̂;
the dishes are laid in a disorderly manner.
bô̤ thâu bô̤ sú, jṳ̂-jṳ̂;
no clue to it in the midst of the tangle.