Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/234

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • jṳ̆63113012
  • Fat; rich.
būe hó̤ cîah pûi-jṳ̆;
should not yet eat rich food.
ēng khīeⁿ pûi-jṳ̆ a míen?
Is it necessary to abstain from rich food?
bô̤ pûi bô̤ jṳ̆ cîah cò̤-nî ŭ nĭ hó̤ chī a-nôⁿ?
With nothing nutritious to eat how can I have milk wherewith to nourish the baby?
  • jṳ̆1032393
  • A style, title, or name, taken by educated people at about fifteen years of age, or at marriage. It was anciently taken at twenty.
i kâi jṳ̆ sĭ sĭm mûeh?
What is his designation?
cun jṳ̆ būe cêng chíaⁿ kà;
I have not yet inquired your honorable title.
i cêng cò̤ ŭ jṳ̆ a būe?
Has he yet taken his style?
cí kâi jṳ̆ sĭ i tōa nâng cò̤ kâi;
this name is given him by the elders of his family.
  • jṳ̆1032393
  • A substitute; a second.
put jṳ̆ kè;
no two prices.
i chŵn bô̤ jṳ̆ sim;
he has no two minds about it.
put jṳ̆ sim;
not double minded.


  • jẃn102612013
  • To compile; to edit.
cía sĭ sin jẃn kâi cṳ;
this is a new edition.
cí pang cṳ sǹg sĭ gṳ̄ jẃn kâi;
this set of books is probably an imperial edition.
jẃn lío cîp cò̤ cêk pńg;
collate, and then compile in one volume.
chíu jẃn kâi cheh;
a book made by hand; a home-made book.
ka-kī jẃn kâi;
compiled it myself.
jẃn siu;
to revise.
  • jw̆n570512
  • Without method; at random; heedlessly.
i káⁿ jw̆n cò̤;
he dare act without regard to other people's rights or feelings.
jw̆n cŏ̤;
sit in a slouching attitude.
jw̆n sía;
write it almost any way.
būe cêng tiaⁿ tîeh, i jw̆n jíang;
before he was touched he bawled out.
pn̄g m̄ hó̤ jw̆n cîah;
rice should not be eaten without regard to rule.
ūe m̄ hó̤ jw̆n tàⁿ;
words should not be spoken at random.
lîah lío jw̆n phah;
seized and beat him letting the the blows fall wherever they might.
  • jw̆n28994
  • However; whatever; in whatever way.
jw̆n thóiⁿ, thóiⁿ m̄ kìⁿ;
whatever effort I make in looking, I cannot see it.
jw̆n sĭeⁿ, sĭeⁿ m̄ chut;
however much I cogitate, I cannnot think it out.
jw̆n ēng, ēng m̄ lío;
however freely you use it, you cannot use it all up.
jw̆n ieh m̄ tîeh;
can't guess it any way.
jw̆n tàⁿ, m̄ thiaⁿ;
whatever I say he pays no heed to it.
  • 便jw̆n68897
  • Whichever way you please; suit yourself; either will do; when you like.
sûi-jw̆n cò̤ to hó̤;
almost any way will do.
nŏ̤ saⁿ tîo lō cêk īeⁿ, lṳ́ sûi-jw̆n kîaⁿ;
the roads are all alike, take whichever you please.
i sieh i, sûi-jw̆n tàⁿ i to thiaⁿ;
he is fond of her, and heeds whatever she says.


  • jŵt1131617
  • Gratified; contented; delighted; to please.
i kâi sim hí-jŵt;
he is delighted.
tó lăi put-jŵt;
displeased in his heart.
i thiaⁿ tîeh m̄-jŵt;
when he heard it he was displeased.
khó̤-íⁿ jŵt mâk;
rather pleasing to the eye.
thóiⁿ tîeh jŵt nâng kâi mâk;
the sight of it gladdens the eye.


  • ka978189
  • To cut with shears.
ka pò;
cut cloth.
ka saⁿ-khò;
to cut out clothing,
cêk ki ka-to̤;
a pair of shears.
ka-to̤ kíaⁿ;
ka sin ang-kíaⁿ;
cut out a paper doll.
ka hue;
to cut out flowers.
ka cío;
cut out figures of birds.
ka côi-côi;
cut them evenly.
i bô̤ mih ŏi sái ka-to̤;
she is not very handy with the shears.
  • ka36813011
  • Glue; glutinous jelly; viscid; cohering.
gû phûe ka;
glue made from cowhide.
hṳ̂ ka;
glue made from fish.
kim-lêng ka;
glue made from the sea-bass.
a medical glue, made by boiling ass-skin seven days in the water of the glue well of Shantung.
ku ka, tek ka;
medical glues, made from tortoise shells and from deer's horns.
n̂g-mêng ka;
clarified glue.
a cement used in joiner's work.
ún ka;
fasten with glue.
ka ún m̄ tùe;
the glue does not stick.
cía tîeh ēng sĭm-mih ka cìaⁿ hó̤ ún?
What sort of glue must be used in order to make this adhere?
îeⁿ ka;
to melt glue.
khô̤h ka;
prepare glue.
cn̂g kâi bô̤ ka-lîam;
wholly destitute of tenacity.
jû ka, sṳ̆ chak;
like glue and varnish; very adhesive.
pû kàu nĕ ka-ka;
cook it to a jelly.
ka chak siang tâu;
sticking like glue and varnish.
cí kâi ka hẃn chun cū lut khṳ̀;
this glue will not hold through a change of seasons.
the back.
tùe i kâi ka-ciah ău;
followed on behind him.
ka-ciah kut;
the back bone.
tng mīn kāng i tàⁿ, màiⁿ phiah ka-ciah ău tàⁿ;
tell it to him to his face, and not tell it of him behind his back.