Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/245

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

keng kâi tŏ̤-lí i chŵn bŏi káng-kìu pùaⁿ lî;

he can discuss only what pertains to food and clothing, correct principles he cannot discourse upon at all.
i sĭ tó̤ káng kó a;
lie is narrating old stories; is talking about old times.
lṳ́ màiⁿ tó̤ káng kó;
do not talk irrelevantly.
màiⁿ tó̤ káng kó cṳ;
do not talk about what is remote from the subject; do not beat about the bush.
i kâi nâng káng lí, īa-sĭ m̄ káng lí, nâng cū m̄ su-hôk;
he gives his reasons for it, if he did not people would not acquiesce in his ruling them.
jī ke chíaⁿ nâng káng hûa;
the two invite some one to arbitrate between them.
káng hûa;
treat of peace; propose a settlement.
to expouud.
cía chíaⁿ màiⁿ káng;
do not let us talk about this.
i chut chùi cū káng cho;
he talks in a coarse fashion.
m̄-hó̤ káng cho, lō̤-chò̤ mēⁿ nâng;
do not use obscene words when scolding people.
màiⁿ thiaⁿ i káng tang, káng sai;
do not heed his carping at this and at that.
i káng lâi sĭm sĭ thong-thiet;
his speech is to the point.
  • káng38411812
  • Terse, brief, concise; to condense.
i kâi ēng-tō ío káng-séⁿ;
his expenditures are less.
i kúi kù ūe tàⁿ khṳ̀ káng;
his sentences were tersely put.
īa m̄-hó̤ khah káng;
neither it is well to be too laconic.
cía khah káng bw̆n;
this is too blunt and discourteous; I fear you will deem me rude.
cìa sĭ káng khueh, a sĭ hŵn khueh?
Does this require prolonged labor or not?
tàⁿ káng cē;
be concise.
  • káng77623
  • Entire; complete.
cē khṳ̀ cū káng nî kú;
if he goes he will be gone a whole year.
cò̤ káng kò̤ gûeh, hŵn-lío būe hó̤;
has been at it a whole month and it is not yet finished.
cē cŏ̤ cū cŏ̤ káng jît;
if he sits down he will sit all day.
kâi gûeh thàng káng choiⁿ ngṳ̂n;
earned as much as a thousand dollars in a month.
cêk câi ŭ káng bw̄n tàⁿ;
there were fully ten thousand piculs in the load.
i lăi ēng káng peh nâng;
they employ at least a hundred men.
  • káng38716912
  • A triangular truncheon, or heavy rapier.
i chut cìen to sĭ ēng sang káng;
when they go forth to battle, they always use a pair of truncheons.
i kâi káng mŏng lâi hó̤ căi;
he brandishes his truncheons with fine effect.
  • káng364859
  • Streams; canals; channels in a stream.
káng mn̂g;
the entrance to a channel.
káng kháu;
the point where one stream empties into
chut káng;
emerge from the canal.
jîp káng;
enter the canal, or harbour.
pńg káng cûn;
a native boat.
gūa káng lâi kâi cûn;
a foreign boat.
kak káng kâi hùe-mûeh;
goods from every port.
cía sĭ tī cêk káng mâng kâi?
From what port is this brought?
ngŏ̤ tîeh huang, méⁿ-méⁿ sia jîp káng;
met with wind and hastily ran into a harbour.
  • káng384755
  • Slips of paper; visiting cards.
cṳ káng ìn;
a seal for stamping letters.
cêk nâng tó̤ lí cṳ-káng;
one of them is attending to the sending of letters.
foreign soap.
bói kò̤ hwn-káng lâi sói saⁿ;
buy a piece of soap to wash clothes with.
  • kàng3135110
  • Affairs; to attend to business; capable.
ŭ sĭm-mih kong kàng?
Is there any public business?
lṳ́ kâi kè kàu cí-kò̤ lâi ŭ sĭm-mih kùi kàng?
On what business does Your Excellency come?
úa lâi kàng cêk kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ lío;
I have attended to one matter of business already.
úa thóiⁿ i kàng m̄ khṳ̀;
I do not think he can manage it.
bô̤ cêk kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ i kàng tit lâi li;
there is no sort of thing that he can do.
i mih sṳ̄ jw̆n kàng;
he is very careless in the transaction of business.
cí kâi nâng lṳ́ng-kàng;
this person has fine executive ability.
cí kâi nâng lêng-kàng;
there must be some capable person for this, then it may be done.
i bô̤ châi bô̤ kàng;
he has no executive ability.
àiⁿ chūe kâi cò̤ sṳ̄, bŏi thèng kàng kâi cíe;
as for finding some one who is not careless in the transaction of business, there are few such.
i chŵn bô̤ thèng kàng;
he never manages things in a loose way.
kàng-che sĭ lêng-kàng kâi che-hîah;
a clever constable is one who has much executive ability.
kàng-ŵn sĭ lêng-kàng kâi kuaⁿ-ŵn;
a capable officer is one who has much executive ability.
tōa lêng-kàng;
great capacity for affairs.
  • kàng456212
  • To join battle; hostilities; an affray.
kàng i tit kùe a kàng m̄ kùe?
Did he get the better of him in the fray or not?
cía lâi kio i kàng kàu têng tó̤ khṳ̀;
will fight with him till the tower falls; will continue the quarrel to the bitter end and never give in.
kim-kng sie phah, tōa kàng;
a racket like that the gods of the city would make were they fighting.
kio i tăi kàng cêk tîeⁿ;
had a tremendous battle with them.