Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/246

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • kàng3861499
  • To point out the right of a thing; to remonstrate; to protest; to advise.
kàng kuaⁿ; kàng chîn;
counselors of state.
ŭ phêng-íu hùe kui-kàng i;
had friends who advised him.
i tng mīn cū tît kàng;
he remonstrated with him to his face.
ŭ nâng kàng-cí i;
some one stopped him by remonstrance.
i khó-khó káng-có̤;
he put a stop to it by giving unpalatable advice.
cang pât sṳ̄ lái kòng kàng;
give reproof by innuendo.
cía cū sĭ i cìaⁿ káⁿ kàng;
this is something that he dare straightly protest against.
cía tîeh m̄ kù sin ke cìaⁿ káⁿ kàng;
in order to protest against this one must be regardless of his personal interests.
jĭm kàng m̄ thiaⁿ;
heedless of remonstrances.
côiⁿ íⁿ-keng thâi kùe kúi kâi kàng-chîn;
formerly slaughtered several of the censors.
  • kàng3641706
  • To descend from a high level; to come from the sky; to degrade.
kàng lô̤h khṳ̀;
kàng seⁿ;
to be born, (said of a superior being).
kàng sì;
descend into the world.
kàng lô̤h thó-tī;
descended to earth.
kàng khip lâu jīm;
to degrade in rank but retain in office,
ŭ sêng ŭ kàng;
some were promoted and some degraded.
  • kàng3641206
  • Deep red.
âng lâi kâi sek ío kàng;
the red was deeper.
  • kāng464124
  • Collectively; in all; to sum up;
to hold in common; the same.
kāng cóng ŭ jîeh cōi?
How many are there altogether?
hâh kāng khìam ngṳ̂n cêk peh ngŵn;
altogether we own a hundred dollars.
kāng kòi ŭ jîeh cōi kang;
reckoning the whole how many days' work are there?
cí kâi chîu sĭ put kāng tài thien;
this enemy cannot remain under the same heaven with me.
nŏ̤ nâng sie kāng kâi;
held in common by the two.
a-pĕ sĭ sie kāng kâi;
they have the same father.
lṳ́ kio i sĭ sie kāng cêk kâi a-bó̤ a sĭ kak nâng kak nâng kâi?
Have you and he the same, or different mothers?
sie kāng cŏ̤;
sit together.
lṳ́ cò̤-nî bô̤ kio i sie kāng?
Why do you not share it with him?
sie kāng cîah;
to mess together.
  • kāng933303
  • And, with, in common, together.
i kāng úa cò̤-pû lâi;
he and I came together.
maiⁿ kāng i khṳ̀;
do not go with him.
cía ūe
lṳ́ ŭ kāng i tàⁿ a bô?
Did you tell him this or not?
kāng i cò̤-pû cîah cū bô̤ kèng;
in eating with him there is no good fellowship.


a spotted lizard.
a tree-toad.
  • 鴿kap4281966
  • Doves; domestic pigeons.
pêh-kap pie;
a lottery.
teh pêh-kap pie;
buy a lottery ticket.
pêh-kap pie kìm tit cô̤h mē?
Has the prohibition of lotteries been effective?
  • kap217303
  • To join; to unite; to close; joint.
kap tit bûa kap m̄ bûa?
Do they fit in to each other so as to join or not?
kap îeh;
to compound medicines.
kap kong;
to pool funds; joint stock.
tâng cîⁿ kap pńg kāi;
joint capital.
kap cò̤-pû cîah;
to mess together.
toi-khiah kap-bûa a būe?
Is the crevasse in the dike closed yet?
kap cṳ-cheh;
to bind books.
kap cò̤ cêk pńg;
bind them into one volume.
  • 蟆蝦kap-pô̤182
  • A toad.
kap-pô̤ thìo hn̆g sīm kú;
after a long leap, the toad rests a long time.
kap-pô̤ thìo kâi phûn;
a grave with a scalloped front.
  • kap356374
  • Connected, as a side chamber or recess.
kap-páng cún;
a ship.
co kap-páng;
to charter a ship.
tah kap-páng;
go by ship.
kíaⁿ kap-páng;
be a sailor on board a ship.
  • kap241808
  • Puffy; swollen.
i kâi mâk-kha-phûe cò̤ ŏi kap-kap?
Why is it that his eye-lids are so swollen?
i kâi kha-pûaⁿ nĕ kap-kap, kâi mih mâuⁿ-pēⁿ?
The top of his foot is very much puffed up, what is the matter with it?
  • kâp2183010
  • Loquacious; talkative; chatter.
i lâi kàu kîh-kîh kâp-kâp, ūe tàⁿ bŏi tit lío;
she came and chattered away as if she would never stop.
kìⁿ tîeh, lí-kẃn kâp;
began to chatter as soon as she saw him.
hía ūe to sĭ thèng kâp;
that is thoughtless talk.
the noise of many persons conversing.
ka-kī kàp-kâp-kìe;
chattering away to herself.
li-li kâp;
kept right on talking rapidly.