Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/247

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.


  • kau328644
  • To get; to grasp; to lug-along,
hàm nâng khṳ̀ kau i lâi;
tell some one to go and bring him here.
úa lâi khṳ̀ kau i lâi mn̄g;
I will go and fetch him here to be questioned.
  • 轇輵kau-kuah369
  • Something indistinctly seen in the distance; perplexed and unsettled.
kau-kuah, m̄ cheng-chó̤;
vague and incomplete.
i kio i pit sĭ ŭ sĭm-mih kau-kuah;
there is certainly some antagonism between them.
sìo-bâk kau-kuah, m̄ cheng;
the accounts are juggled, and remain unbalanced.
cĭeⁿ chíu kio ĕ chíu kau-kuah, m̄ cheng;
the foregoing and the following are inconsistent with each other, and confusion arises from the lack of clearness.
  • 泥垢kau-koih630
  • Scurf ; grime.
háng sói-êk, cêk sin cĕng-cĕng kau-koih;
he seldom bathes, and his whole body is covered with grime.
sói cheng-khih lío hŵn-lío ŭ kau-koih bô̤ kùe tàⁿ nâng sĭ thô cò̤ kâi;
having washed one's self clean, one can still rub up the grime, so no wonder it is said that man is made from clay.
hía kau-koih m̄ tîeh chìu cheng-khih?
Why do you not scour off all the scurf?
  • kau328202
  • To mark off; to entice; to hook on.
cêk pit kau-sio;
to cancel an account.
sĭ i khṳ̀ kau-ín i lâi;
it was he who inveigled him here.
i tó̤ cò̤ sĭm-mih kau tàng?
What under-hand job is he at?
kau-thong húiⁿ lūi;
in league with the conspirators.
bûn-cieⁿ àiⁿ kau kó tíam kù;
this essay is to be punctuated.
kau-lau tîeh i kâi sim sṳ̄;
made out what he had in his mind.
jī-ke tó̤ kau-lau sim sṳ̄;
each is trying to make out what the other is plotting.
  • kau36784
  • To hand over to; to have dealings with; intercourse; to blend; to communicate with; to join.
an arm chair.
bô̤ kio i kau-chap;
does not associate with him.
cîⁿ-ngṳ̂n lŭn kau chíu;
money passes from hand to hand.
úa kâi só̤-sî kau tó̤ i chíu tèng;
my key is in his hands.
seng-lí kau-êk;
trade and barter.
i kio i ŭ kau-chêng;
they hold pleasant intercourse with each other.
ìⁿ-keng kio i cô̤h kau;
has already ceased from intercourse with him.
tŏ̤ cí gūa kau phêng chú íu tiêh ŭ sín ;
in forming friendships out here one has to exercise faith.
kau pue ūaⁿ cúaⁿ;
the wedding cup.
būe cêng kau-hong cū soiⁿ cáu;
retreated before having joined in battle.
kau-kwn bói bōi;
exchange of commodities.
nín thīn i ŭ kau-sîap a bô̤?
Are you on intimate terms with them?
kau ngŏ-sî a būe?
Is it eleven o'clock yet?
kau kùe pêh-lō cū sǹg cò̤ poih gûeh;
after the White Dew it is the eighth month.
kau-tài cheng-chó̤;
delivered over the full tale.
kau-îu sĭm sĭ khuah;
his relationships are of wide extent.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ kau-tài lṳ́ cò̤;
hand this business over to you for accomplishment.
sĭ úa kau-khṳt lṳ́ kâi;
it is what I delivered over to you.
lṳ́ li kau úa, úa li kau i;
you delivered it over to me, and I handed it over to him.
cêng kau pûaⁿ a būe?
Is the cargo delivered over yet?
put hṳ́ nâng kau thâu ciap hĭⁿ;
not allow people to put their heads together.
ŭ nŏ̤ kâi sim kau kâi phêng-íu;
has two congenial friends.
sĭ toaⁿ cang sim kau-chap tīaⁿ, būe pat hŭe mīn;
have had mental communion only, not having yet seen each other.
  • kau3241890
  • Elevated; eminent; of high degree; old; tall; advanced.
lṳ́ ío kau kìen;
your opinion is of greater value.
i kâi kìen-sek pí nâng ío kau ;
his experience is wider than that of others.
kau seⁿ tōa mîaⁿ;
your name and surname.
lâi kio i kìⁿ kâi kau-ti cē;
come and see which can get the better of the other in a contest.
ngō̤ tîeh cí hûe kau-héng;
it happens that he is just now much elated.
kau-thâi sî kè;
raise the current price.
chông-îang coih ŭ teng kau kâi hong-sôk;
it is customary to mount to high places on the ninth of the ninth month.
kau-lî siam;
Corean ginseng.
tăi hŭam nâng àiⁿ híang kau nî to tîeh ŭ kâi īeⁿ;
whoever wishes to live to great age, must have a plan in living.
kau có;
great great grandfather.
a restaurant.
kau-lâu-kẃn kâi chài pí cíu-kẃn kâi ío hó̤ ;
the fare at the restaurant is better than that at the wine shop.
cí kâi sîn-seⁿ sĭm kau mîaⁿ;
this teacher has a great name.
i cē peh cĭeⁿ kau suaⁿ cū mō̤ⁿ m̄ kìⁿ pêⁿ tī;
as soon as he mounts to a height he is unable to behold what is on the plain.
nâng sim put cok kau;
the heart of man is never satisfied with what ambition has attained.
lṳ́ kâi chíu-tw̄n pí i ío kau;
your strength of arm is greater than his.
  • kau3281674
  • A hook; a barb; a fluke; to hook.
tìeⁿ hṳ̂ kâi tìeⁿ-kau;
a hook to catch fish with.
máng-tìeⁿ kau;
a hook to hold up a mosquito bar.
khîeh ki tah-kau kâi i tah tìaⁿ;
take a