Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/249

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

whirlwind comes, it will blow the whole away.

cūn káu-kâⁿ-huang lâi kàu tùi i kâi pò ká tŏ̤ pùaⁿ-thiⁿ tó̤ pue;
a whirlwind came and took her cloth into the air and whirled it round and round.
  • kàu867186
  • To arrive at; to reach; finished; until; at; up to; still; yet; sign of the past tense.
àiⁿ kàu a būe?
Are we nearly there?
cîah kàu pá;
eat till the appetite is satisfied.
thóiⁿ kàu lă;
to look at as much as one wishes.
phah kàu phàaⁿ-sìeⁿ;
beat so much as to maim.
thìaⁿ kàu năi m̄ khṳ̀;
ached so that I could not bear it.
kiaⁿ kàu hêk;
walked until tired.
ke cêk kò̤-kíaⁿ cū kàu;
a little bit more will be the full amount.
cò̤-nî kàu taⁿ hŵn būe kàu?
How is it that up to this time he has not yet arrived?
bói kàu taⁿ ŭ jîeh kú?
How long ago did you buy it?
kàu tī-tiang-sî i cū àiⁿ kè;
at that time she is to be married.
i kàu ke câp nî lío;
he came home ten years since.
lṳ́ àiⁿ kàu tī kó̤?
Whither are you going?
úa àiⁿ kàu nín kò̤ thit-thô̤;
I am going to your house for recreation.
cí kò̤ úa pat kàu kùe kâi;
I have been here before.
i sĭeⁿ tit kàu, ua sĭeⁿ m̄ kàu;
he thought of it, but I did not.
sṳ̄ kàu thâu lâi put cṳ̆ îu;
when the thing has happened you cannot choose concerning it.
kò̤ kò̤ úa pat kàu;
I have been to all those places.
bŏi tit khùe-khùe kàu;
cannot get there soon enough.
kîaⁿ kàu àiⁿ kàu cū ngŏ̤-tîeh i;
when nearly there we met him.
cha-m̄-to̤ àiⁿ kàu lío;
almost there.
kàu sî lṳ́ cū cai;
when the time arrives you will know.
kîaⁿ kàu lō tèng cìaⁿ sĭeⁿ tîeh;
when I was on the way I thought of it.
sî kàu, hue cū khui;
when the time comes, the flowers will blossom.
kàu chù cêk īeⁿ;
it is the same everywhere.
lâi kàu cí kò̤ sim cìaⁿ uaⁿ;
when I arrived at this point, my mind became calm.
bô̤ huang bŏi tit kàu;
if there is no wind we shall not reach there.
kàu chù a būe?
Has he reached home yet?
kàu tói sĭ cò̤-nî?
What are the bottom facts?
  • kàu1013114
  • Entire in all its parts; whole; unbroken.
cía sí kàu-kâi kâi;
this is a whole one.
a-phìen thô bói kàu lîap ŏi ío phíⁿ mē?
Is opium cheaper if you buy a whole ball?
bói kàu sieⁿ kèng phīⁿ;
it is cheaper when bought by the whole box.
kàu koiⁿ chù kâi tī ēng jîeh khuah?
How much space is required for the whole house?
i àiⁿ sùe kàu koiⁿ, a sĭ àiⁿ sùe cêk pôiⁿ?
Does he wish to rent the whole, or only a part of it?
koi, kàu ciah sie;
roast the fowl whole.
îⁿ kàu lîap thun lô̤h khṳ̀;
the pill whole.
kàu kò̤, kùe i khṳ̀;
let him take the whole lump.
cí pang cṳ kàu pang mē?
Is this set of volumes a complete series?
cía sĭ kàu hù kâi;
this is a complete set.
  • kàu3315710
  • Sufficient; enough; adequate.
kàu a m̄ kàu?
there enough of it?
m̄ kàu ēng;
it is insufficient.
tîeh khîeh kàu i kàu ēng;
you must take as much as he needs to use.
hŵn-lío būe kàu-cok;
still there is not enough.
cí cêk cho̤h m̄ kàu i cīah;
this is not as much as he wants to eat.
khut i thit-thô̤ kàu kàu;
let him amuse himself as much as he pleases.
cí kò̤ m̄ kàu cò̤;
this piece is not enough to make it of.
nín ke lǎi kâi gûeh câp-kâi-ngṳ̂n kàu nín sṳ-hùi mĕ?
Is ten dollars a month sufficient to meet the expenses of your household?
  • kàu326804
  • To announce to a superior.
kàu-kài tĭ-cṳ́;
warn his pupils.
úa kàu-sù lṳ́ cai;
I beg to inform you of it.
kàu sî lío;
I am about to take my leave, (said by a visitor to his host).
  • kàu3261497
  • A patent or seals; to signify one's wishes.
kàu-mĕng hu-jîn;
a patent enobling the mother of an official.
kàu hong saⁿ tō̤;
he ennobled three generations of his ancestors.
híam-híam pĭ chîo-thêng tô̤h tńg kàu-mĕng;
came very near having his patent of nobility taken back by the government.
i kàu-cāng sĭm-mih kuaⁿ?
To what official rank is he raised?
  • kàu872608
  • When used after another verb, expresses the potential mood or a form of the past tense; to become; to attain.
cò̤ kàu ngía;
has made it very handsome.
tàⁿ kàu hó̤ thiaⁿ hó̤ thiaⁿ;
spoke very properly.
siu-sîp káu iap-thiap iap-thiap;
arranged in the neatest manner.
  • kàu739808
  • To deliberate; to consult; to adjust by consultation.
to talk over and arrange a plan.
nán lâi kàu-nîe;
let us talk it over.
kàu-nîe kàu hó̤ cìaⁿ lâi kîaⁿ;
when we have through consultation come to a conclusion, then we will proceed to carry out our decision.
i nŏ̤ nâng ío ŭ kàu-nîe;
the two talk over and arrange matters with each other.
  • kâu4681576
  • To bestride; astride.
kha cū kâu kùe khṳ̀;
threw his leg over it.
kâu tŏ̤ bé sin téng;
astride of a horse.
kâu tŏ̤ koiⁿ-thâu;
sitting astride of his shoulder.