Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/250

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • kâu174949
  • A monkey.
sĭ kâu kíaⁿ a sĭ tōa kâu?
Is it a monkey or an ape?
khang kâu kâi tó̤d phò kha khṳt cîⁿ;
one who leads a monkey about is before the shop begging cash.
thóiⁿ nâng mŏng kâu hì;
see a play in which monkeys perform.
tok koi kà kâu;
chop up a fowl in order to scare a monkey into better behaviour.
i sang mâk cū sĭ cheⁿ cang kâu;
he looks around like a newly caught monkey.
i sang mâk kâu-kâu iang;
he rolls his eyes about as a monkey does.
kâi kâu khîa ciah káu;
a monkey riding on a dog's back.
a baboon.
a small gray monkey.
an ape.
  • 蚯蚓kău-ún416
  • The common earth-worm.
líu kúi tîo kău-ún lâi chī ah;
dig a few earth-worms to feed to the ducks.
  • 栗子kău-lâk539
  • The chestnut, and some kinds of oak.
kău-lâk chut a būe?
Has the season for chestnuts arrived yet?
cheⁿ kău-lâk;
raw chestnuts.
ko̤-sie kău-lâk;
steamed chestnuts.
  • kău176277
  • Thick; substantial; liberal; generous; intimate; well flavored; rich.
ŭ jîeh kău?
How thick is it?
saⁿ chùn kău;
three inches thick.
cí khí cúa ío kău, hṳ́ khí khah pô̤h;
this sort of paper is thicker, that sort is too thin.
i chēng sang kău-tói-ôi;
he wore a pair of thick-soled shoes.
úa àiⁿ cho kău kâi pò hó̤;
I want coarse, thick cloth.
cí kâi kaⁿ khah kău phûe;
the rinds of these oranges are too thick.
i său kùe i kâi kău hŭi;
he has experienced his magnanimity; he has received a liberal donation from him.
úa kău thăi i;
I treat him courteously.
i cò̤ sṳ̄ sĭm sĭ kău tău;
he acts very generously.
i seⁿ lâi kău tăng;
he is very stout.
honest-hearted; faithful.
mīn phûe kău;
brazen-faced; shameless.
thiⁿ-sî chìn, tîeh chēng kău cē;
the weather is cold, you must dress more warmly.
lṳ́ kâi pang àiⁿ ēng jîeh kău kâi?
How thick do you want your boards to be?
khîeh ki kău to̤ khṳ̀ phùa châ;
take a heavy knife and go and split some wood.
tîeh kău lâ chá khí lâi cìaⁿ hó̤ cîah;
you must fry it in plenty of lard then it will be palatable.
tê khah pô̤h, chong kău cē;
the tea is too weak, make it stronger.
úa àiⁿ cò̤ hía kău-kău kâi;
I want a very substantial one made.
pí chṳ́ bô̤ kău pô̤h;
there is no difference in thickness between this and that.
i kẃn-thăi i ío kia-kău;
he treated him more liberally.
kŵn-thăi lṳ́ nŏ̤ nâng bô̤ kău pô̤h;
I treat you two without partiality toward either.
i kìⁿ tîeh chim chêng kău măuⁿ;
when he saw him he received him with great cordiality and deference.
chîeⁿ aìⁿ ceng jîeh kău?
How thick is the wall to be made?
cía sĭ i cêk tn̄g kău ì;
this is his dominant notion.


  • kauh450648
  • To roll up; to curl up; to swirl; spiral.
lîam kauh khí lâi;
roll up the splint curtain,
phŭe kauh bûa;
roll up the coverlet.
cháu-chîeh kauh khí;
roll up the matting.
luah cò̤ n̆ng kauh;
fry it in an omelet.
cang mī-hue lâi kauh;
roll it in batter.
cē phâk taⁿ i sang kîⁿ cū àiⁿ kauh;
when it is dried in the sun, its edges curl up.
khṳt huang chue lío kauh cò̤ cêk pé;
after being exposed to the wind it curled up into the shape of a stick.
tōa kî khṳt i nŏ ē kauh cū bûa;
he rolled up the large flag by two sudden jerks.
kauh cò̤ cêk kho cêk kho îⁿ-îⁿ;
curled up in rings.
kauh lío sang-sùaⁿ;
flew open after being rolled up.
jû lêng kauh cúi;
as a dragon swirls the water.
  • kauh6268511
  • Spoiled by dampness, and disuse.
kauh kàu thăng kîeh cū phùa;
it has become so tender by long continued dampness that, if you touch it, it tears.
kauh kàu chàu;
has laid away in a damp place till it smells.
kauh cò̤ tŏ-pùn;
left unused and damp till it is nothing but rubbish.
mûeh kauh tīo khṳ̀;
the thing is ruined by dampness and disuse.
hó̤-hó̤ saⁿ-khò tih tîeh hŏ lāu, cò̤ cē kauh tīo khṳ̀;
this perfectly good clothing, having been wet by the rain leaking through upon it, is all spoiled.


  • ke351407
  • A family; a household; a home; people.
hûe ke;
to return home.
cêng kàu ke a būe?
Has he reached home yet?
ke tíeⁿ; ke cíang;
the head of the household.
ke pĕ;
my father.
ke bó̤;
my mother.
ke hiaⁿ;
my elder brother.
cêk ke nâng lóng-cóng lâi;
the whole family came.
sái kâi ke-jîn khṳ̀ chíaⁿ nâng-kheh;
send a domestic to invite the guests.
pù-kùi ke;
a wealthy family.
i tó̤ lí ke sṳ̄;
she is attending to domestic affairs.
i kâi ke sṳ̄ jîeh tōa;
her domestic duties are many.
jī ke hûa-môk;
the two are completely reconciled.
jī ke pêⁿ-pêⁿ huaⁿ-hí;
they are both equally well pleased.
i jī ke hàuⁿ;
both parties are willing.
líang ke to hàuⁿ;
both of us consent.
nŏ̤ thâu ke;
two families, having the same husband