Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/274

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • kĭm401384
  • The wife of a mother's or wife's brother.
bó̤ kĭm;
mother's brother's wife.
chi kĭm;
wife's brother's wife.
lău kĭm;
great uncle's wife.


  • kin39892
  • Now; the present.
kin nî;
this year.
kin sì;
the present age.
  • kín3991208
  • To press tightly; urgent; prompt; strait; instant.
ŏi khah kín a bŏi?
Are they too small for you?
kín-ìo kâi sṳ̄;
urgent business.
kúaⁿ kín cē cò̤;
hurry its performance.
bô̤ sĭm-mih kín-ìo;
not very pressing.
cí hûe ŭ kín-kip sṳ̄;
have now urgent affairs on hand.
pâk kàu kín-kín;
tie it very tightly.
kín-kín cū àiⁿ kâi;
have immediate need of it.
i cí-hûe kâi seng-lí kín căi;
his business now imperiously demands his attention.
hâp kín-kín, peh m̄ khui;
folded together so tightly that I cannot get it open.
kha thām tîeh lâm-thô, khṳt i kuh kín tŏ̤ kò̤;
his feet sunk in the mud, and it closed tightly over them.
cí sang bûeh khah kín;
these stockings are too small for me.
cí sang ôi bŏi khùaⁿ;
this pair of shoes is neither too loose nor too tight for me, but they fit exactly.
tùe kín tŏ̤ kò̤, tuí m̄ chut;
it adheres tightly, so that I cannot pull it off.
chin-chĭeⁿ ka ún kín tŏ̤ kò̤, bŏi ka-lâuh;
it is as if stuck fast with glue, and will not drop off.
i kâi sún cē tàu m̄ kín cū lok-lok khùaⁿ;
if the tenon is not mortised in tightly it will rattle around.
hàm i tîeh chĭeⁿ kín cē lí;
tell him he must make haste in arranging the matter.
tau âng, pák kín;
draw the cord tight and tie it firmly.
mih sṳ̄ m̄ hó̤ tau khah âng, pâk khah kín;
one must not carry things with too high a hand.
kín-kip kâi bûn-cṳ;
an urgent dispatch.
cía cū mín-en̄g kîn;
need not be in a hurry about this.
àiⁿ kín kâi;
what will not brook delay.
khṳ̀ chui kín cē;
go and hurry it up.
lîah kín-kín;
seize firmly.
m̄ tá-kín;
of no great consequence.
lîah m̄ tá-kín;
to despise.
cē līu kín i cū sí;
if you squeeze it hard it will die.
cip kín-kín;
pick it up carefully with chopsticks.
i kâi sèⁿ kín căi;
he is of an impatient disposition.
phŏ̤ kín;
clasp tightly in the arms.
pâk m̄ kín, khṳt i cáu khù;
escaped because he was not firmly fastened up.
khṳt i thi kín tŏ̤ kò̤;
stuck tight with bird-lime.
chēng kâi kín sin saⁿ;
wear a close-fitting jacket.
mn̂g kueⁿ kín-kín;
the door was closely shut.
khṳt i
lâu kín tŏ̤ kò̤;
it was firmly withheld by him.
teh kiń-kín;
held down tightly, by a weight above.
hip kiń-kín;
closely covered in.
ciu-jît ún kín tŏ̤ kâi phò côiⁿ;
sticks to his shop all day long.
siak kò̤ ciⁿ, ciⁿ kín cē;
whittle out a wedge, and wedge it tighter.
cí kâi chíu-hŵn kùa tîeh khah kín;
this bracelet is too small for me to wear.
tah kín tŏ̤ chîeⁿ kò̤;
stuck tightly on the wall.
cò̤ sṳ̄ tîeh ŭ khuaⁿ ŭ kín;
in doing things one must know when to delay, and when to be prompt.
in extremity.
  • kìn4511207
  • A thin sleazy silk; lutestring.
i khîa ki kìn sìⁿ;
he carried a silk fan.
cí tùi tùi-lîn sĭ pìe kìn kâi a sĭ pìe tîu kâi?
Is the mounting on this pair of matched scrolls, of thin or of thick silk?
tîeh thai kùe kìn thai;
sift it through a lutestring sieve.


  • kio3683812
  • Delicate; comely; graceful; stylish; petted.
i cṳ̆ sòi kio-íang kùiⁿ-sìⁿ;
from childhood she has been accustomed to indulgence.
sía put tit kio chi;
a comely wife cannot be put away.
tá-pàng khí lâi kio-kiah;
very elegantly dressed.
lău lâi kio;
beauty in old age.
siu-sîp kàu kio tih-tih;
arranged very elegantly.
  • kio11251348
  • With, by, to, for.
lṳ́ cò̤-nî m̄ kio úa tàⁿ cai?
Why did you not tell me about it?
kio nâng m̄ sie tâng;
unlike other people.
úa kio lṳ̀ cò̤-pû lâi khṳ̀;
I will go along with you.
û ôiⁿ, àiⁿ kio lṳ́ tàⁿ ūe;
when at leisure, I wish to speak with you.
i kio lṳ́ ío siang-hó̤;
he is rather friendly with jou.
úa kio i m̄ sêk;
I am not intimately acquainted with him.
lṳ́ hó̤ khṳ̀ kio i tàⁿ;
you go and tell him.
kio i a-tĭ cò̤-pû lâi;
came with his younger brother.
kio i cò̤-pû cîah;
mess with him.
lṳ́ kio úa bói;
you buy some for me.
úa íⁿ-keng kìe i kio úa cò̤;
I have already ordered him to make one for me.
úa kio lṳ́ sṳ̆-lí kàu hó̤-hó̤;
I will set them all in order for you.
cía kio úa bô̤ kang-sîap;
this is nothing to me.
  • kio36818712
  • Proud; ungovernable; self-confident.
overbearing; arrogant.
kio-kio keng-keng;
very presumptuous.
tîeh cai kẃn-hak i, màiⁿ khṳt i kio-chia, îm-ît;
you must keep him under control, and not allow him to be proud and self-indulgent.
i kâi tàⁿ ūe kio căi;
he talks in a very conceited way.