Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/303

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

kâi mô̤h;

scrape off the thin skin.
cêk têng o khíu tîeh kueh tīo;
you must scrape off the layer of scurf.
cí cêk ûeh kueh tīo, lêng-ūaⁿ chîaⁿ;
erase this stroke by scraping, and then write it in correctly.
kueh phùa khṳ̀;
scraped so hard as to make a hole through it.
kueh tīo tek cheⁿ;
scrape off the green surface of the bamboo.
kueh pô̤h-pô̤h;
scrape it down thin.
kueh khṳ̀ m̄ kng;
it is not scraped bare.
  • kûeh651243
  • A half; a large part of.
tok cò̤ nŏ̤ kûeh;
chop it in two pieces.
chûn cêk kûeh tŏ̤ kò̤;
have half of it left.
kîaⁿ cêk kûeh lō;
went half way.
cêk tōa kûeh;
the greater part of.
pun i cêk tōa kûeh;
gave him the larger part.


  • kuh203304
  • To draw into the mouth, as smoke.
kuh hun, kuh in;
inhale smoke or vapor.
kuh cêk chùi cúi;
draw in a mouthful of water.
ki hun-tâng lṳ́ kuh thóiⁿ ŏi thong a bŏi;
you draw upon the tobacco pipe and see whether the stem is stopped up or not.
úa kuh tîeh bŏi thong;
I tried to draw the air through it and found I could not.
cí kâi nâng phî-nùa căi, cong jît to sĭ ût tŏ̤ kò̤ kuh hun;
this person is very indolent, he lies down and smokes all day long.


  • kui4821474
  • To rule by law; to line out; to regulate; a regulation; a by-law; custom; usage; a fee; a rate for taking a farm.
ēng sĭm-mih kui-kṳ́?
What is the usage?
m̄ pat kui-kṳ́;
does not understand the rules of etiquette.
cí kâi nâng kui-kṳ́ căi;
this person is very well bred.
cò̤ mih sṳ̄ to sĭ kui-kui kṳ́-kṳ́;
he does everything in a very proper way.
ún cí-kò̤ ŭ cí kâi kui-lī;
we have this usage here.
i kâi hieⁿ kui sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
such are their village customs.
siu gûeh kui; siu múiⁿ gûeh kâi kui-kṳ́ cîⁿ;
receive the customary monthly stipend.
cía sĭ tīaⁿ kui kâi;
this is the fixed rate.
phêng-íu hùe cang chêng-lí kui-cìaⁿ i;
friends admonished him, setting forth correct principles of action.
cía sng sĭ lŏ kui;
these are illegal fees.
  • kui484728
  • A dial; to use a dial.
jît kui;
a sun-dial.
khîeh kâi jît-kui lâi kui thóiⁿ sĭ sĭm-mih sî-hāu;
take a sun-dial and thereby find out what time of day it is.
  • kui4807714
  • To return; to go or send back; to revert to the original place or state; to betake one's self to, as for help or shelter; to end; to terminate; a refuge; to divide by one figure.
hîeh lô̤h kui kṳn;
the leaves fall back to the roots.
i hùaⁿ nâng lâi kui hâng;
they have all returned to their allegiance.
cía m̄ hó̤ kui kĭu pàng i kò̤;
you must not lay the blame upon him.
i-kū kui hâiⁿ i;
he gave back to him what he got at first.
mûeh-kĭaⁿ kui kuaⁿ;
the things are confiscated.
kui tńg khṳ̀ pńg kok;
return to one's own country.
kak nâng kak nâng kui ke;
each has gone to his own house.
nâng sí cū tîeh méⁿ-méⁿ kui thó;
when men die they must quickly return to dust.
i kâi châng kui i kâi hiaⁿ-tĭ;
his land reverts to his brothers.
i pat kui tṳ̂ kâi huap;
he knows the rules of arithmetic.
nâng kâi sim lóng-cóng kui i;
the hearts of all turn toward him.
mûeh kui ngŵn cú;
the article reverts to tho original owner.
ēng cò̤ poih kui káu tṳ̂, a sĭ ēng cò̤ poih káu sêng?
Will you do it by division or by multiplication?
ău-lâi cò̤-nî kui kak?
What will be the upshot of the affair?
kui kṳn;
eventually; in the end.
khì m̄ kui ngŵn;
could not catch his breath.
cîⁿ-bó̤ kui sin;
the capital returns to him.
  • kui631306
  • The crop of a fowl.
koi kui;
a hen's crop.
kui pá-pá;
its crop is full.
thóiⁿ cí ciah koi ŭ kẁn kui kâi a bô̤;
see whether this fowl has had its crop stuffed with sand to make it weigh heavier.
koi-kui khṳ̀ pûn thit-thô̤;
blow up a fowl's crop to make a toy of.
kui io-io, bûe cêng cîah kâi īeⁿ;
its crop is flabby as if it had not eaten.
  • kui3337512
  • A loom; a machine with complicated parts.
cit pò kâi kui;
a loom.
hṳ́-kò̤ pàng cêk tieⁿ pò-kui tŏ̤ kò̤;
a loom had been placed there.
i tŏ̤ kui tèng keⁿ pò;
she was at the loom, weaving.
thīⁿ saⁿ kui;
a sewing machine.
  • kui4811696
  • The door which separates the public rooms of a house from the private ones; the women's apartments; unmarried girls; feminine.
kui nńg;
a young lady.
kui pâng;
the private apartments.
m̄ pat tâh chut kui mn̂g;
has never stepped beyond the door of the ladies' apartments.
chim kui-tìeⁿ lăi;
within a lady's chamber.