Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/304

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • kui48711611
  • To peep through a crack or hole; to spy; to look furtively at.
to pry; to go about looking into.
to peer at.
  • kúi333529
  • An interrogation implying quantity; how much; little; nearly; several.
nín kúi nâng cò̤-pû khṳ̀ cū hó̤;
go all of you together.
khṳ̀ kàu hṳ́-kò̤ kúi lí lō;
it is a few miles travel.
kúi jît lâi cêk hûe;
comes once in every few days.
keh kúi nî m̄ cêng lâi;
has not come for several years past.
lṳ́ kúi hùe?
How old are you?
cí kâi a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ kúi kâi gûeh?
How many months old is this child?
lṳ́ khṳ̀ kúi tńg?
How many times did you go?
i ke kúi sî àiⁿ lâi;
he is coming after a while.
cí khí ŭ kúi īeⁿ?
How many varieties are there in this species?
hun cò̤ kúi téng;
divided into several species.
kúi kù ūe;
a few phrases.
chûn ŭ kúi kò̤;
have a few pieces left.
lṳ́ téng tîeh kúi kṳn?
How many catties were there when you weighed it?
kâi mng bô̤ kúi níe tăng;
one is but a few ounces in weight.
lṳ́ àiⁿ kúi chùn tn̂g?
How many inches long do you want it?
i àiⁿ hiah ke kúi mêⁿ;
he is going to stay a few nights longer.
lâi ŭ kúi ūi nâng-kheh;
several guests have arrived.
i hṳ́ lăi kúi kâi úaⁿ, kúi sang tṳ̄, i to cai;
he has a minute acquaintance with their domestic arrangements.
  • kúi4821940
  • The spirit of a dead man before it is enshrined in the hall; the manes; that which the soul turns to at death; a ghost, a goblin, an apparition, a specter, a devil, a horrid repulsive object, a sordid wretch.
i sĭ thóiⁿ-kìⁿ kúi ā;
he sees a ghost.
sío kúi;
a crazy man.
khṳt kúi mîⁿ tîeh;
possessed by a devil.
thiaⁿ-kìⁿ kúi tó̤ khàu;
heard demons wailing.
kúi sîn kâi sṳ̄ lâng cai;
the affairs of demons and angels are not to be known.
i sĭ tó̤ tàⁿ kúi ūe;
he is whispering false words.
ẁn kúi khîⁿ cêk tōa tu;
an unavenged spirit raises a great troop who come to take vengeance.
hàm i màiⁿ kúi tháu kúi náu;
tell him not to go about sticking his head in here and there.
kúi tĕⁿ tîeh;
a demon has grappled him.
kúi lîah tîeh;
an imp has seized him.
kúi húe;
a will-o-the-wisp.
sĭ ṳn kúi a sĭ ẁn kui?
Is it a satisfied or a dissatisfied spirit?
bô̤ hó̤ ke sîn thàu gūa kúi;
a bad family god gives information to outside demons.
tŏ kìang kúi;
an echo.
tŏ kìang kúi tùi nâng tàⁿ;
the echo responds.
  • kúi3337512
  • A contrivance; the moving power.
îeh kúi;
the motive power, as in a machine.
i kâi mn̂g ŭ kâi îeh kúi;
his door has a spring-lock.
îeh kúi cē tin-tăng cū lí-kẃn kîaⁿ;
as soon as the spring is in motion it moves on.
tieⁿ kâi îeh-kúi;
invented a machine.
  • kúi4831496
  • Deceitful; to cheat.
crafty; fraudulent; cunning.
i mih sṳ̄ to sĭ kang-kang kúi-kúi, chŵn bô̤ cin-sît;
he is very tricky about everything, and wholly untruthful.
  • kúi483402
  • Schemers; villains.
i sĭ tó̤ cò̤ suaⁿ thó kúi;
he is a despoiler of graves.
  • kùi484756
  • The tree which produces cinnamon and cassia, and similar trees.
nêk-kùi phûe;
cinnamon bark.
nêk-kùi îu;
cinnamon oil.
kùi hue;
the Olea fragrans.
  • kùi339395
  • The last of the ten stems, which belongs to the north and to water.
jîm kùi sĭ sok cúi;
the ninth and tenth stems belong to water.
  • kùi339395
  • The close of a period or season.
kùi chun sĭ saⁿ gûeh;
the third month is the end of spring.
kùi hē;
the last month of summer.
  • kùi4841545
  • Honorable, noble, exalted, illustrious, dignified, good, and hence in a direct address used as an appellative, you, your; dear, high priced, precious, valuable; honor; to give dignity to; to esteem, to value.
pù kùi;
rich and honored.
kùi cūaⁿ;
noble and base; patricians and plebeians; yours and mine.
cun-kùi kâi nâng;
honored men.
kùi hú tī-kò̤?
Where is your mansion?
cun kè kùi sèⁿ?
What is your surname, honored Sir?
kùi ngŏ̤;
your family residence.
nán kùi séⁿ ŭ cí cêk īeⁿ mûeh a bô̤?
Is this sort of article found in your native province?
tŏ̤ nín kùi kok lâi kàu ún cí-kò̤ jîeh hn̆g?
How far is it from your country here?
kùi kūiⁿ sĭ sôk tī cêk hú?
To which department does your district belong?
cía sĭ kùi-tŏng kâi mûeh-kĭaⁿ;
these are rare articles.
nâng khá m̄ sĭ kùi-tŏng kùe mûeh?
Are not human beings to be held in higher esteem than are things?
kàu cí-kò̤ ŭ sĭm-mih kùi kàng?
What business had you in coming here?
i kâi sìang-măuⁿ sĭ kùi sìang;
he has a physiognomy which promises future honor