Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/308

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • kût2428510
  • Smooth, slippery, polished; wet and sludgy; soapy, glassy, glairy; oily and shining; cunning, flattering.
ôi li kûiⁿ, lō li kût, híam-híam pûah ku-ā hûe;
what with my shoes being high, and the road sludgy, I came near falling down several times.
kût liu-liu;
hṳ́ tîo lō liu-liu kût;
that road is very slippery.
thâu-khak thì kàu kng-kût kng-kût;
the head shaved very smooth.
mông tîeh lìu-lìu kût;
it feels soapy.
thong sin nĕ kût-kût;
the whole body smooth.
bûa lío pêh kût khṳ̀;
rubbed it so hard as to take off the gloss.
chùi kût-kût;
has a good appetite.
chùi kût-kût lí-kẃn lĭam;
had it on the end of his tongue and repeated it off without a pause.
īa tîeh thâk kàu chùi kût cìaⁿ hó̤;
must also study it till you can recite it easily.
cá-jît chùi ío siap, kíaⁿ-jît chùi ío kût;
yesterday I had scarcely any appetite, to-day I feel more like taking food.
chìu lâi m̄ kût;
it is not scoured bright.
kût kàu cū sĭ bûah lâ kâi;
smooth as if it were oiled.
khah siap, ēng îu buah i kût;
if there is too much friction, take oil and smear it till it runs smoothly.
hṳ́ kó̤ chĭeⁿ cheⁿ-tî lío, kût căi;
moss has formed there and it is very slippery.
hâiⁿ tîeh to m̄ kût tîah: cò̤ ŏi siap-siap nē;
he never pays willingly: how is it that is it so hard to get anything from him.
  • kût448648
  • To dig into the ground; to excavate.
kût kâi kheⁿ;
dig a pit.
kût chim-chim;
dig deep.
kût kâi khut;
dig a hole.
kût cêk tìo kau;
dig a ditch.
nńg thô chim kût;
soft earth is deeply dug.
a pickax.
  • kût448468
  • Rising abruptly like a lofty peak; eminent.
i sĭ ka-kī kût-khí kâi, m̄ sĭ sêng soiⁿ nâng kâi;
he is a self-made man, not one who inherited a high position.
chông peh-sèⁿ kût-khí cò̤ hûang-tì;
rose from among the common people to the throne.
  • kût2429410
  • Cunning.
i kâi nâng káu-kût;
he is very tricky.


  • kṳ437445
  • To dwell; dwellings; to engross as a market; to consist ill; to be in; to fulfill a condition.
ôiⁿ-kṳ kâi sî-hāu;
when at leisure.
i kâi kuaⁿ kṳ kêk pín;
he has reached the highest rank.
úa ngŏ kâi kíaⁿ sĭ cí kâi kṳ tōa;
of my five
children this is the eldest.
khî hùe khó̤ kṳ;
keep back goods to raise the price.
i sĭ kṳ tī-tîang kâi hôk?
For whom is he in mourning?
tê kṳ;
a tea-shop.
kṳ sîaⁿ hó̤ a sĭ kṳ hieⁿ hó̤?
Which is the better, to dwell in a city or in a village?
kṳ kuaⁿ cū tîeh chèng ceh;
the incumbent must magnify his office.
hṳ́-kò̤ kṳ mîn cōi;
there are many inhabitants there.
màiⁿ gāi tîeh mîn kṳ;
do not interfere with the people's dwellings.
  • kṳ4381458
  • The tail of a coat; the flap, skirt, or hem of a robe.
khang i kâi saⁿ kṳ;
held on to the skirt of her robe.
khang saⁿ kṳ pó ka-ciah;
take the flap of a robe to mend the seat.
khîⁿ saⁿ kṳ;
clings to her skirts.
mông i kâi saⁿ kṳ;
touched the hem of his garment.
  • 𡨢kṳ438408
  • To store property; to lay by property, as in a guarded room.
kṳ m̄ tit hìeⁿ cōi;
it will not hold so much.
thóiⁿ m̄ chut kṳ ŭ hìeⁿ cōiⁿ;
I should not have thought there was room to store so much in it.
cí ko̤iⁿ càng-pâng kṳ tit jîeh cōi hùe?
How much merchandise can be stored in this go-down?
cîah lô̤h khṳ̀ tó lăi kṳ m̄ tit;
eats more than he can hold.
  • 𦦙kṳ́43913411
  • To elevate; to promote; to raise in public esteem; to praise.
tăi-ke kong kṳ́ cêk kâi nâng chut lâi lí sṳ̄;
the people put forward a man to take charge of affairs.
tăi-múiⁿ kok kâi hûang-tì sĭ cèng nâng kong-kṳ́ kâi;
the ruler of the United States is elected by the people.
kong-kṳ́ cêk nâng lâi lí cía sṳ̄;
let a man be put forward by the public to attend to this matter.
to recommend, to bring forward, to nominate.
sĭ úa kṳ́-cìn i kâi;
it was I who recommended him.
cí kâi nâng sĭ put sek thâi kṳ́ kâi nâng;
this man is one who is unworthy of the nomination.
kṳ́ chíu;
to raise the hand, as in voting.
kṳ́ cí tōa pang;
a good deportment.
kṳ́-tŏng to ŭ kui-kṳ́;
in all actions there are usages to be considered.
cêk kṳ́ cêk tŏng to ŭ lói-sìo;
for all movements of the body there are rules of etiquette to be observed.
a promoted man, a graduate of the second degree.
tèng kṳ́-jîn;
get the second literary degree.
ngŏ̤ tîeh kâi kṳ́-cṳ́ àiⁿ khṳ̀ cĭeⁿ kiaⁿ;
met a graduate on his way to Peking.
sĭ kṳ́-jîn a sĭ bú-kṳ́?
Is it a civil graduate of the second degree or a military graduate of the second degree?