Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/326

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

khí khṳ̀;

go up by treading.
pôih khí lâi;
pull it out.
thoa khí lâi;
haul it out.
cheⁿ-pie khí lâi;
dart up.
hwt khí lâi;
sprout forth.
piuh khí cêk ki sún chut lâi;
sent forth a shoot.
cheⁿ-khīa khí lâi;
revive, as after drought.
thăⁿ khí lâi;
lay them up.
tīo khí lâi;
toss it up.
tīe khí lâi;
to rebound.
chìn m̄ khí;
cannot heft it.
phòng khí lâi;
rise, as yeast does.
cui khí lâi;
céng khí lâi;
swell up.
tìeⁿ khí lâi;
to bloat up.
bā khí cū khṳ̀;
bounded up and off.
éng cē sŏ̤ cū khí khṳ̀;
when the wave rose we rose.
phah tîeh i kâi sît, i pue m̄ khí;
if you shoot him in the wing, he cannot soar.
lûi tŏ̤ hṳ́-kò̤ khí;
the thunder originates there.
i kâi cûn tó̤ khí tèng;
that ship is getting up its anchor.
phâng màiⁿ līu khah khí;
do not hoist the sail too high.
úa sek khi khṳ̀ khṳt lṳ́ sah;
I will throw it up for you to catch.
lṳ́ tīo khí lâi úa cih;
you toss it up here and I will catch it.
tùi cí-kò̤ lāng khí lâi;
poke it up through here.
lṳ̂ khí lâi;
poke it up and out.
chèng khí lâi;
mount upon, by putting the hands upon and then springing.
pha khí bé sin;
mount a horse.
i to kŭaⁿ m̄ khí tōa nâng kâi mīn phûe;
he will never attain to anything like his father's reputation.
i chin nâng cò̤-nî khang-khieh, khang-khieh i m̄ khi;
however much his relatives train him, they cannot bring him to any good.
cē thî-phû khí lâi úa cū it-tit;
as soon as it was spoken of I remembered it.
cía sĭ lṳ́ tàⁿ khí le, úa cìaⁿ tàⁿ;
since you have spoken of it, I will.
  • khí652110
  • The teeth; notches.
hwt khí;
to teeth.
būe hwt khí;
has not cut his teeth yet.
bé khí;
the teeth of a horse.
máng bé-khí; to make edging bé-khí pĭⁿ;
bé-khí hōiⁿ;
khí-thìaⁿ cìaⁿ cai khí-thìaⁿ nâng;
those who have toothache can sympathize with one whose tooth aches.
kù khí;
the teeth of a saw.
khí bà-bà; khí sà-sà;
his teeth project.
bà khí;
i thâu-mīn-côiⁿ bô̤ kâi khí;
he has no teeth in front.
lău nâng hùe to̤ bô̤ gê-thâu-khí;
old people are frequently destitute of grinding teeth.
khieh tīo khí;
to take out a tooth.
máng tīo khí;
to extract a tooth.
pó khí;
false teeth.
cí cho̤h bûe sng căi, cîah cêk lîap khí cĭu ńng;
these plums set the teeth on edge.
thak khí;
to pick the teeth.
a tooth-pick.
sieh-lîu khí;
the seeds of the pomegranate.
the gums.
cí kâi khí khieh chut lâi saⁿ kâi kha;
this tooth which was taken out has three prongs.
cù khí seⁿ khí thâng;
decayed teeth have worms in them.
khí tōiⁿ, bǒi cù;
the tooth is sound, it is not decayed at all.
khí thak lío àiⁿ làng phāng;
if you pick your teeth there will be wide spaces between them.
a tooth-brush.
chìu khí;
to brush the teeth.
seⁿ khí pau;
has a gum-boil.
khí phû- phû;
carious gums.
khí ĭe-ló;
his teeth are loose.
bô̤ khí làng;
kiaⁿ kàu hṳ́-hṳ́- kìe, khí tó̤ tie;
so frightened that he shook and his teeth chattered.
cwn mn̂g ui khí;
a dentist.
phah ka-lâuh i kâi khi;
knocked his tooth out.
ngoih khí;
grate the teeth.
khí sng-nńg;
the teeth set on edge.
m̄ cai thâu, kâi khí thun lô̤h khṳ̀;
unwittingly swallowed a tooth.
  • khí347308
  • To report; to state; to make known.
cí kâi nâng mîaⁿ-ke cṳ-khí;
this person is an adept in the making out of written reports and statements.
i kâi cṳ-khí cò̤ lâi hó̤ căi;
his report is well made out.
i sĭ pat cò̤ kùe cṳ-khí sṳ-îa;
he has been a recording clerk.
lṳ́ kâi sìn mīn tèng kio úa sía “móng nâng uaⁿ khí;”
write for me on the outside the letter, the superscription, “may you open it in peace.”
khí-mêng-cheⁿ chut lío;
the morning star has risen.
lâng íⁿ khí kháu;
difficult to speak about.
sìn thâu tèng kio úa sía kèng-khí-cía cū hó̤;
if you will write the complimentary phrases at the beginning of the letter for me, that will do.
  • khí8995
  • To dwell; to live in.
i khĭa-khí tŏ̤ tī-kò̤?
Where does she live?
i àiⁿ nā pàng cí-kò̤ khĭa-khí;
he is going to stay here permanently.
i khĭa-khí tŏ̤ sîaⁿ lăi;
he lives in the city.
hṳ́ kâi tī-hng mó̤ khĭa-khí;
that place is not habitable.
  • khí3461513
  • How can? How? Implying a negative.
khí káⁿ; khí káⁿ khí káⁿ?
How dare I presume to do so?
khí ŭ chṳ́ lí?
Whence such a rule?
  • khì3493013
  • Vessels; dishes; utensils; implements.
gêk khì;
vessels of precious stone.
siak khì;
pewter ware.
chṳ̂ khì;
hûi khì;
jîo khì;
crockery made in the Poyang Lake district.
po̤-lî khì;
glass ware.
bâk khì;
wooden ware.
ngṳ̂n khì;
silver ware.
kim khì;
golden vessels.
tâng khì;
brass ware.
a utensil.
khì-kŭ côi- cíaⁿ;
the utensils are all in order.
kun-cuang khì-hăi cău hó̤ a būe?
Are the soldiers' equip-