Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/327

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

ments all made ready yet?

i mîaⁿ-ke ēng sĭm-mih piaⁿ khì;
he is expert in the use of all military weapons.
tăi khì mńg sêng;
a great vessel is slowly made; a talented man slowly matures.
cí kâi nâng síe khì căi;
this person has little capacity.
màiⁿ khah sío khì;
do not be petty.
cía sĭ kùi khì kâi;
this is one that is of fine capacity.
hía sĭ m̄ sêng khì;
that one is unfit for the place.
kà kàu i sêng jîn sêng khì;
teach him till he becomes a man and good for something.
châng khì;
farming implements.
cĭeⁿ khì kâi mûeh;
a complete utensil; a valuable object, or refined person.
  • khì348846
  • Fumes or vapor ascending from heat acting on moisture; exhalation; ether; breath; air; the vital force or fluid; spirit, courage, temper, or feelings of men and animals; influence; aspect, air; a semi-lunar period.
màiⁿ seⁿ khì;
do not get vexed.
i kâi khì-sek hó̤;
he has a pleasant countenance.
ŭ kâi kuaⁿ-hú kâi khì-sĭang;
has the air of an official.
im îang nŏ̤ khì sûn-hŵn bô̤ hiah;
the primordial aura in the dual powers, incessantly circulates.
ui pēⁿ īa tîeh hío ngŏ ūn lâk khì;
in treating diseases one must understand the five indications of luck, and the six climatic agencies.
huang khì;
climate; air.
hâng khì;
sú khì;
sip khì;
chàu khì;
húe khì;
cí hûe sĭ sĭm-mih coih-khì?
What time of the moon is this?
màiⁿ khṳt thô-khì chong tîeh;
do not imbibe the miasma.
cí kâi nâng ŭ cí-khì;
this is a man of nerve.
i kâi cí-khì ngan-ngan;
he is very resolute.
khì sí nâng;
exasperates people.
úa sĭu khì căi;
I have been much blamed.
sĭu i kâi khì sĭu m̄ khṳ̀;
I am not going to allow him to scold me.
màiⁿ khì tîeh i;
do not anger him.
lîah i lâi chut khì;
take him to vent his spite on.
chut khì bô̤ kò̤ khṳ̀;
no way of venting his spite.
cí-kò̤ kâi khì-hāu cá, pí pât kò̤ soiⁿ ŭ cêk kâi coih-khì;
the seasons here are early: they come a full half month sooner than in other places.
i kâi nâng khùn căi, thóiⁿ tîeh cn̂g kâi bô̤ khì mêh;
he is very feeble, and seems to have no vitality.
lṳ́ sît-căi hó̤ ūn khì;
you are indeed lucky.
khṳt i khì sí khṳ̀;
caused him to die of vexation.
lṳ́ sĭeⁿ ŏi khì a bŏi?
Do you think he is vexed about it?
thiaⁿ tîeh cū khì;
on hearing it he was vexed.
khṳt i cē khì cū thò hueh;
as soon as he is vexed, his gorge rises.
cē khì hueh cū bū;
as soon as he is angry he blurts out his wrath.
i kâi ngŵn khì cok căi;
his constitution is very strong.
i tó̤ îang khì;
he is putting on airs.
khì-khì tńg khṳ̀;
went off in high dudgeon.
cí-kò̤ kâi khì-sîp m̄-hó̤;
the customs in vogue here are bad.
cìaⁿ khì;
cí īeⁿ îeh kâi khì-lâk tōa;
this medicine has great efficacy.
cîah tîeh sît căi ŭ khì;
on eating it you will certainly feel the effect.
hueh-khì thîo-hûa, bô̤ pēⁿ;
when the circulation is as it should be, there is no ailment.
ûn hieⁿ-châ lâi phek tīo ùe khì;
burn sandal wood as a disinfectant.
cîah cē lîang-îeh lâi cheng tīo jûah khì;
take cooling medicine as an antidote to fever.
tîeh sìa tīo i kâi ṳ̀ khì cek khì cìaⁿ hó̤;
the system must be depleted and all will then be well.
cí īeⁿ mûeh kâi khì-bī sĭm hó̤;
the flavour of this is delicious.
cîah tîeh bô̤ khì bô̤ bī;
it has neither savor nor flavor.
cí hûe bô̤ mih sîn-khì;
have not now much vigor.
sui sĭ hŭ-jîn ŭ kâi cĭang-hu khì-khài;
though she is a woman, she has a man's strength of will.
i kâi khì ngêk-phû: hó̤ khṳ̀ chūe sŭn khì, kàng khì kâi îeh lâi cîah;
this does not agree with him: get some sort of soothing medicine for him to take.
i kâi mīn thóiⁿ tîeh ẁn khì;
he looks vexed.
im-khì thài sĕng;
too deep darkness.
chìn thiⁿ-sî kâi húe bô̤ mih khì-lâk;
the fire in cold weather has not much force.
khì chēng kín;
pent up force.
i tó̤ ŭang khì kâi sî-hāu;
when he is prospering.
cí hûe tú-tú tit tîeh sèⁿ ŭang kâi khì;
opportunely hit upon a favorable time.
hău-seⁿ tiang-sî, hueh khì cū càng, nî lău hueh khì cū sue;
in youth the vital forces are strong, in old age they are weak.
cí-hûe kâi sî-khì, nâng cōi-cōi ŭ cí khí pēⁿ;
at this season this disease prevails.
i ŭ kâi thì-khì kâi pēⁿ;
he has constipation.
lô̤h kò̤ kieⁿ phek tīo i kâi cho̤ khì;
put in a piece of ginger-root to obviate the fishy smell.
sìa tīo i kâi tâk khì;
to disinfect.
phùa i kâi cek khì;
disperse the dank odors.
khì kàu hm̄-hm̄ chẃn;
so angry that he gasps for breath.
  • khì349758
  • To reject; to discard; to renounce; to relinquish; to abandon; to throw off.
khì tīo bó̤;
to forsake one's mother.
khì tīo kíaⁿ;
abandon one's children.
khì tīo ke, khṳ̀ cò̤ hûe-sīeⁿ;
renounce one's domestic relationships, and become a priest.
màiⁿ cṳ̆ pău cṳ̆ khì;
do not go and throw yourself away.
i íⁿ-keng khì sîa kui cìaⁿ;
he has already departed from evil and returned to correct ways.
khì kū ngêng sin;
discard the old and welcome the new.
khì sì;
leave the world; to die.
phau khì;
fling away.
pun nâng khì tīo;
cast away.
sía-khì tīo;
to discard.
lêng-kò̤ sía-khì tīo;
rather fling off the whole thing.