Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/380

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
lîo khí lâi;
got bold of it and pulled it out.
lîo kàu chim-chim lô̤h khṳ̀;
felt around for it to a great depth.
jw̆n lîo, lîo bô̤;
however much I feel around in the water for it, I can't get hold of it.
i kâi ngṳ̂n ka-lâuh cúi, khṳt úa lîo kàu pêh-pêh;
his money fell into the water, and was taken right up from the bottom by me.
thâu-chak m̄ kìⁿ khṳ̀, lîo tîeh sĭ tŏ̤ kng tói;
her head ornament was missing, and was found in the bottom of the water jar.
  • lîo5076412
  • To drag, scoop or grapple up from a deep place.
lîo khí;
to scoop out.
i kò nâng khṳ̀ lîo si;
they hired people to go and dredge for the corpse.
cía tîeh kò bī-cúi kâi cìaⁿ lîo tit tîeh;
divers must be employed and then it can be brought up.
  • lîo5281285
  • To depend on; to look to for help or support; to trust to.
tôk cŏ̤, bô̤ lîo;
solitary, and with none to depend on.
sok-môk, bô̤ lîo;
lonely and with no resources.
  • lîo52816712
  • Fetters.
iron chains for the legs of criminals.
tîeh ĕng kha-lîo chíu-khàu kâi i khàu kín tìaⁿ;
must take fetters and manacles and shackle him strongly.
  • lîo5274012
  • A hut, a hovel, a shanty.
cháu lîo;
a straw hut.
cíeⁿ lîo;
a watchman's hut.
thái-ko̤ lîo;
a lazar-house.
khṳt cîah lîo;
beggars' hovels.
suaⁿ lîo;
a cabin for woodmen.
phang lîo;
a canvas tent.
thn̂g lîo, cìa lîo;
a shed under which sugar is made.
  • lîo527912
  • A companion; a colleague; an official associate.
tâng lîo;
kuaⁿ lîo;
fellow officers.
tâng lîo kuaⁿ;
officials of the same rank entering office at the same time.
  • 鷺鷥lĭo-si558
  • The heron, a wader, common throughout China.
pêh lĭo-si;
the white egret heron: it is embroidered on the court robes of officers of the sixth grade.
lĭo-si pâng;
a tall slim pitcher.
lĭo-si kha;
long legged; spindle-shanked.
  • lĭo6671575
  • To prance, to gallop, to run fast.
i li-kẁn lĭo khṳ̀;
he ran off with all his might.
li-li lĭo, méⁿ căi;
cantered off at great speed.
cí ciah bé lĭo khṳ̀ ío méⁿ;
this horse gallops faster.
tṳ lĭo huang;
a breeze that makes the pigs scamper; a squall.
  • līo530686
  • Materials; stuff; provender; to estimate, to judge of, to reckon ; strass, a vitreous substance used for making rings and cups.
îeh līo;
sek līo;
pó līo;
dried meats.
bé līo;
provender for horses.
cîah līo;
hay and straw for provender.
cîah līo;
breadstuff; that which is made into food.
tîam līo;
the sugar and other ingredients used in making sweetmeats.
paste or priming made of pig's blood.
soiⁿ cĭeⁿ līo-hue, ău cìaⁿ hó̤ chak;
first put on the priming of pig's blood and lime, then it may be lacquered.
līo mûeh;
the raw product, the materials that are to be used in manufacturing something.
châi līo;
stock on hand, ready to be made up.
sam līo;
timber, lumber for building.
châng līo;
kô līo phò;
a shop where one may bay the imitated cloth used for making the garments burned at funerals.
sĭ līo kâi;
it is made of strass.
cíu līo;
cakes and other edibles that are generally set forth with wine.
to oversee and direct.
to manage.
lâng līo tit tîeh;
it is hard to say exactly.
put chut úa só̤ līo;
it is no more than I expected.
līo m̄ kàu kâi sū;
an unforeseen event.
jw̆n līo, līo m̄ chut;
however much one thought it over, he would not have thought that out.


  • 趿lioh7221574
  • Slipshod; to walk slipshod;
lioh ôi;
open heeled slippers.
chēng ôi lioh;
wear shoes that are down at the heel.
chēng sang ôi lioh-lioh-kìe;
go about slipshod.
thiaⁿ tîeh sĭ ôi lioh siaⁿ;
heard the sound of some one walking shipshod.
lioh cêk sang kîah cĭu lâi;
came shuffling along on a pair of clogs.
màiⁿ lioh khah tōa lâk;
do not make too much noise in walking in your open-heeled shoes.
lioh cang kîah;
walk as one does when wearing clogs.
shuffles along.


  • lip11021844
  • To drink.
i cí hûe tó̤ lip cíu;
he is now taking his wine.
i lip bô̤ cêk ceng cū cùi;
one cup intoxicates him.
  • lip54013111
  • Close upon; at the point of.
lip búe;
close to the end; near the tip.
khṳ̀ kàu hṳ́ lip-búe kò̤;
went to the very end.
màiⁿ khîeh khah lip búe, khah lip búe cū ùi àiⁿ phìu chíu;
do not take it too near the end, if you do there is danger that it will slip out of your hand.
màiⁿ khĭa khah lip-búe;
do not stand too close to the end.
i so̤h kàu lip-búe lip-búe;
he clambered to the tip top.