Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/384

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

kîaⁿ tŏ̤ lō tìn-tang;

walk in the middle of the road.
lō piⁿ; lō phâng; lō kîⁿ;
the roadside.
lō thâu, lō búe;
the ends of a path.
koi lō;
i cìeⁿ-sî bô̤ lō căi;
he is greatly hedged in of late.
i kâi lō-mn̂g khuah;
he has fine openings before him.
tī tîo lō-mn̂g i to ŏi tit kàu;
he has plenty of opportunities for making a living.
seⁿ lō; ûah lō;
ways of earning a living.
sí lō;
a course that leads to death.
i sĭ tbo̤ chūe sí lō;
he willfully incurs danger.
káu jīo kàu khût-thâu-lō, i cū àiⁿ hûe-tńg lâi kă;
a dog driven to bay will turn around and attack his pursuer.
chûah lō cáu;
escaped by a side path; turned off the road and ran away.
cí-kò̤ tùi síe-lō khṳ̀ hó̤ kṳ̆n cêk phò lō;
by taking the by-path from here the journey is shortened by a league.
i ŭ sĭm-mih tău-lō cò̤ a bô̤? ā sĭ bô̤ úa chūe kĭaⁿ sṳ̄-lō i cò̤?
Has he any opportunity now for earning anything? If not I will find something for him to do.
úa cai i kâi kang-hu chíu-lō hó̤;
I know that what he does is well done.
kùe lō kâi nâng;
passers by.
úa àiⁿ kúaⁿ lō, kúaⁿ kàu kàu;
I wish to hasten on till I reach my destination.
kîaⁿ kṳ̆n lō;
go by the nearest route.
kîaⁿ phien lō;
go by an indirect route.
kîaⁿ chûah lō;
go by a short cut.
cìaⁿ lō;
the right way.
the direct route.
lō phîaⁿ;
the bank beside the road.
tōa lō kha;
near the highway.
kau lō;
the sewer.
hái lō;
routes at sea.
khoi lō;
river communication.
síam lō khṳt i kùe;
draw back off the road and let them pass.
i kâi seng-lí lō sêk;
he is accustomed to his business.
i kâi seng-lí lō sêk;
he has numerous accounts.
lō tîo cho-siap;
it is hard travelling.
lō ôih;
a narrow way.
lō khuah;
a wide passage.
lō câp;
an intricate passage.
kîaⁿ tāⁿ lō;
took the wrong road.
lō cheⁿ;
a strange road.
lō sêk;
a familiar path.
mîⁿ-sit lō-thû;
lost his way.
kū lō;
the old road.
sin lō;
a new road.
ôih lō siang hông;
met each other in a narrow passage.
kîaⁿ lō cĭu kṳ̆n, bói mûeh cĭu phīⁿ;
in travelling one takes the nearest road, in purchasing articles one takes the cheapest.
cĭeⁿ thiⁿ bô̤ lō, jîp tī bô̤ mn̂g;
would have mounted into the heavens had there been a road or would have sunk into the earth had there been a door.
thiⁿ-tn̂g ŭ lō, lṳ́ m̄ khṳ̀ tī-gêk bô̤ mn̂g, lṳ́ cìn lâi;
though there were a road to heaven you would not travel it, and though hell had no door you would draw near to it.
to̤-lō côih lâi hó̤;
it is well sliced.
nûa lō;
close the passage.
ìo lō;
an important route.
cîⁿ lō;
the circulation of money.
lō phêng;
the road is safe.
ah lō;
to convoy on
the way.
cíeⁿ lō;
guard the passage.
siu kîe, cò̤ lō;
repair bridges and make roads.
suaⁿ lō, thô lō, cîeh lō;
a road which is sandy, clayey or stony.
lō seⁿ chì;
the path is thorny.
khui māng lō;
to open the dark road, to cheer the spirit of the departed as it starts on its way to another world.
thóiⁿ châk lō;
look into the way by which the thief entered.
m̄ hó̤ kîaⁿ kût lō;
do not go in slippery paths.
hôk lō;
lie in ambush by the way.
kîaⁿ hn̆g lō;
take along journey.
the path.
thau cáu lō;
take flight.
sûn lō;
patrol the streets.
sŭn lō, m̄ sŭn lō;
on or off the route.
lō tò̤-ká;
took an indirect route.
i m̄ cĭu lō;
he did not follow the road.
kuaⁿ-cìaⁿ lō;
the correct way.
i kâi lí-lō tn̂g;
he has many reasons to set forth.
i kâi húe-lō hó̤;
his appliances for heating and lighting are in good order.
ke-húe lō chi-pĭ;
the tools are all ready.
thóiⁿ i kâi pit lō cò̤-nî kîaⁿ;
see in what way he moves his pen.
kúi cūe lō, tī cūe lō pêⁿ?
Of these several roads, which is most level?
cí tîo lō ún;
this is a safe way.
màiⁿ kîaⁿ híam lō;
do not walk in dangerous paths.
cí tîo lō híam-ài;
this is a perilous path.
lō kĭa-kĭa;
the road is very steep.
lō pho̤-lo̤-sia;
the road is a descent.
nán tâng lō;
we are going the same way.
lō pun a;
the road divided.
kàu hṳ́ kò̤ pun lō;
at that point the roads diverge.
sùaⁿ-lō lîah tît-tît;
make your seam perfectly straight.
cêk lō kṳ̀ jîeh cōi cîⁿ?
How much do you get for sawing one cut lengthwise?
  • 55717313
  • The dew; mist that forms in drops of rain; to bedew.
cêk tíam lō;
a dewdrop.
hue lō;
fluid perfumes.
bûn-kùi lō;
méⁿ jît tăng lō;
hot sun makes heavy dew.
kìⁿ tîeh lō cúi;
get the dew on it.
khîeh khṳ̀ lō lō-cúi;
take it and put it where the dew will fall on it.
cêk sin khṳt i lō kàu lok-lok;
drenched with dew.
lō cêk lîap cêk lîap chin-chîeⁿ cu;
dew in drops like pearls.


  • lói52011313
  • A step or act, particularly acts of worship, which will bring happiness; propriety, etiquette, ceremony, rites; the decent and decorous in worship and in social life; decorum, manners; official obeisance, worship, courtesy; offerings, gifts required by usage, vails,
lói huap; lói sìo;
etiquette, the rules of good society; politeness; ceremonies; courtesies.
lói măuⁿ;
good manners.
lói ngî;
a gift which custom requires one to offer.
ēng sĭm-mûeh lâi hôk i kâi lói?
What would be a suitable