Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/39

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

and houses.

i tó̤ bó̤i bōi;
he is engaged in trade.
  • 不能bŏi616
  • Cannot; unable; incapable.
i ŏi a bŏi?
Can he or can he not?
úa bŏi;
I cannot do it.
hāi i bŏi cîah bŏi ût;
caused him to lose both appetite and sleep.
khah tăng, bŏi taⁿ;
it is too heavy, I cannot carry it.
m̄ cai i ŏ a bŏi;
do not know whether he is able to do it or not.
bōi tīo;
sold off.
bōi m̄ khṳ̀;
cannot sell.
àiⁿ bōi, bô̤ nâng àiⁿ;
wants to sell it but nobody wants it.
m̄ kam bōi;
not willing to sell it.
bōi mêⁿ;
evening sales.
chut bōi;
for sale.
chàm-chùi bô̤ bōi;
will not sell at retail.
bōi kàu cuang;
sell wholesale.
kàu kĭaⁿ cìaⁿ ŭ bōi;
sold only by the lot.
bōi sin;
sold himself.
tău bói tău bōi;
trade in contraband articles.
bōi tṳ-kíaⁿ;
sell pigs; sell into foreign servitude.
hẃn bōi nâng kháu;
sell girls into brothels.
bōi nâng-chêng khṳt i;
to curry favor.
bōi chut cĕng-cĕng cîⁿ;
sell for cash.
bōi sîh pńg;
sell at less than cost.
khṳt i bōi;
betrayed by him.
bōi kok;
betray one's country.
sî bói sî bōi;
sold as soon as bought.
bōi líen;
barter one's honor.
bōi pàng;
let prisoners away.
bōi bó kè kíaⁿ kâi cîⁿ i to àiⁿ;
he will take the price of his wife and children.


  • bó̤605801
  • A mother; a dam; that which produces; the source of.
i kâi a-bó̤;
his mother.
i bô̤ bó̤;
he is mother-less.
sĭo i a-bó̤;
resembles his mother.
kèng-hàu pĕ-bó̤;
filial conduct toward parents.
bó̤ chin;
own mother.
cú bó̤;
my master's wife.
kok bó̤;
the empress-dowager.
ngâk bó̤;
a wife's mother.
ău bó̤;
tek bó̤;
the chief wife of one's father.
ki bó̤;
the second wife of one's father, the first being dead.
sù bó̤;
an inferior wife of one's father.
chut bó̤;
a rejected wife of one's father.
jú bó̤; ni bó̤;
a foster mother.
seⁿ bó̤;
the own mother of one whose father has several wives.
îang bó̤;
mother, by adoption.
chṳ̂ bó̤;
loving mother.
câi bó̤;
kò a-bó̤;
an old woman employed as housekeeper.
cṳ́ pn̄g bó̤;
an old female domestic.
lău bó̤;
an aged mother.
cṳ́ bó̤ hŵn;
a link consisting of a large and small ring.
jī bó̤;
the radicals in Chinese characters.
cío bó̤;
the mother bird.
koi bó̤;
a hen.
tṳ bó̤;
a sow.
gû bó̤;
a cow.
bé bó̤;
a mare.
thiⁿ tī pĕ bó̤;
Father Heaven and Mother Earth.
mâk bó̤;
useless eyes.
bô̤ kùe lṳ́ cía mâk bó̤ le!
There they were under your useless eyes!
bó̤ cîⁿ; bó̤ ngṳ̂n;
bó̤ lāi;
capital and interest.
bó̤ thâu;
the original capital.
tâng bó̤, m̄ tâng lāi;
the same capital but not the same income.
bô̤ bó̤, kang-kang lāi;
has no capital, but only his earnings.
bó̤ seⁿ lāi, lāi seⁿ bó̤;
capital produces interest and interest produces capital.
lāi khí bó̤, bó̤ khí lāi;
the interest increases the capital, and then the capital increases the interest.
seⁿ úa cêk peh ngṳ̂n bó̤;
lent me a hundred dollars on interest.
ngîak bó̤;
the source of the disease.
mô̤ⁿ jṳ̂-jṳ̂ kio kúi-bó̤ cêk īeⁿ;
hair touseled like an elf's.
sûi bó̤ kè pĕ;
came with his mother when she married his father.
bó̤-bó̤ nē;
a girlish boy; effeminate; clinging to his mother.
  • bô̤1060800
  • A prohibitive negative adverb.
bô̤ lṳ́ jîp lai;
will not allow you to enter.
bô̤ i tńg khṳ̀;
will not let him return.
bô̤ lṳ́ cŏ̤, cĭu sĭ!;
You shall not sit down, so there!
bô̤ ûi têk sī;
do not oppose this special edict.
  • bô̤1059868
  • An adverb of negation; without; destitute of; none; not.
i ŭ a bô̤?
Has he any or not?
there are none.
bô̤ nâng cò̤;
nobody makes any.
bô̤ pùaⁿ kâi;
there is not even half of one.
i bô̤ a-bó̤;
he is motherless.
bô̤ tang seⁿ ŭ;
made out of nothing; unfounded.
bô̤ khó̤ năi hô̤;
there is no help for it.
bô̤ ì tit tîeh kâi;
gotten unexpectedly.
bô̤ sim;
no interest in it.
bô̤ huap; bô̤ pō;
there is no way to remedy it.
bô̤ ēng;
bô̤ cò̤-nî;
nothing at all.
i bô̤ cò̤-nî tàⁿ;
he did not say anything about it.
bô̤ hêng bô̤ sìeⁿ;
no form nor likeness.
bô̤ sṳ̄;
no business on hand.
bô̤ sṳ phiⁿ;
no selfish end in view.
ciang bô̤ cò ŭ;
make much ado about nothing.
bô̤ mih kìen-sek;
not much experience.
bô̤ sĭm mih hó̤;
not very good.
àiⁿ bô̤ lío;
is almost gone or nearly used up.
bô̤ ía bô̤ ciah;
there is not a particle of truth in it.
cía bô̤ ta i ûa;
nothing can be done about it.
i bô̤ ta úa ûa;
what I do is nothing to him.
cía úa bô̤ ta lṳ́ ûa;
I have no way to prevent your doing so.
lṳ́ bô̤ ta úa ûa;
you have no control over me.
phêng-téng kâi nâng ío cōi tàⁿ cía ūe, cīeⁿ-ĕ-pùe cĭu bô̤ mih cōi tàⁿ cía ūe;
this is said most frequently by equals to each other, those of unequal rank or age do not often speak thus.
bô̤ tīaⁿ tîeh;
it is uncertain.
bô̤ cău hùe;
no chance.
bô̤ ke kâi;
there are no more.
hûh-cē-kìe bô̤ khṳ̀;
suddenly disappeared.
hó̤ kâi bô̤ lío;
the good ones are all used up.
bô̤ púaⁿ nâng tŏ̤;
there was not a single soul there.
i bô̤ àiⁿ lâi;
he does not