Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/40

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

intend to come.

i bô̤ ūe hó̤ tàⁿ;
he had nothing to say.
i bô̤ sim̆-mih huaⁿ-hí;
he was not very well pleased.
i bô̤ mih pat;
he does not know much about it.
co̤h bô̤ khang-khùe;
work without accomplishing anything.
bó̤ thàng hó̤ chēng;
has nothing to wear.
bô̤ iah;
of no benefit.
bô̤ hièⁿ ngía;
not so handsome.
ŭ sî ŭ, ŭ sî bô̤;
sometimes there is, and sometimes there is not.
bô̤ cṳ-cheh hó̤ thâk;
have no book to read.
bô̤ chú hó̤ khĭa-khí;
no house to dwell in.
bô̤ kíaⁿ hó̤ ǹg;
no sons to depend upon.
phìen i bô̤;
deceived him into thinking there was none.
i bô̤ cò̤;
he does not make any.
bò̤ ŭn hn̆g;
not very far.
bô̤ kìe, bô̤ lâi;
if he is not called he will not come.
ā sĭ bô̤, hó̤ khṳ̀ bói;
if there are none, go and buy some.
úa bò̤ mēⁿ i;
I did not revile him.
úa bô̤ khîeh;
I did not take it.
bô̤ cîⁿ bô̤ ngṳ̂n;
neither cash nor dollars.
bô̤ ang bô̤ kíaⁿ;
neither husband not children.
ún īa bô̤;
I also am destitute of them.
úa bô̤, lṳ́ īa bô̤;
neither you nor I have any.
cêk nî bô̤ sie bô̤ sit;
there has been no tidings from him for a whole year.
bô̤ sîn-khì;
spiritless; lacking vigor.
bô̤ sĭm-mih lĭ-iah;
of no special benefit.
cĭam-cĭam bô̤ khṳ̀;
gradually disappeared.
cîah kàu bô̤;
ate it all up.
bô̤ cêk tíam cha-chò̤;
not the least mistake in it.
ŭ sĭm-mih chiet-ìo a bô̤?
Is there anything especially important?
bô̤ nâng cai;
nobody knows.
bô̤ mûeh hó̤ ēng;
have nothing to use.
bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ hiah;
nowhere to stop.
bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ pàng;
no place to put it in.
chûn bô̤;
no remainder.
chûn bô̤ cêk sut-kíaⁿ;
scarcely a bit left.
bô̤ ŭ pât kâi;
there is no other one.
bô̤ i bô̤ kŏ;
nothing to depend upon.
kháu-sueh bô̤ pêng;
explanation does not serve for proof.
bô̤ pêng-kṳ̆;
without proof.
bô̤ bī bô̤ sò;
insipid; useless.
bô̤ châi-chêng;
úa bô̤ ṳ̆ sṳ̄;
I am not concerned in it.
bô̤ thâu bô̤ búe;
without method; having no systematic arrangement.
thó̤ bô̤;
demanded it but got nothing.
sĭ ŭ a sĭ bô̤?
Is it to be or not?
bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ tàⁿ;
did not know what to say next.
bô̤ mih ŭ;
not much of it.
bô̤ tōa, bô̤ sòi;
no distinction of rank.
bô̤ cía bô̤ hía;
none of the necessary appliances.
bô̤ sìaⁿ bô̤ tīaⁿ;
no certainty about it.
bô̤ kûiⁿ bô̤ kĕ;
bô̤ khin bô̤ tăng;
without partiality.
bô̤ tn̂g bô̤ tó̤;
just exactly the right length.
bô̤ kûaⁿ bô̤ jûah;
just a pleasant temperature.
bô̤ chêng bô̤ sŭ;
no politeness.
bô̤ khiông;
bô̤ chên bô̤ lí;
no correct principles.
  • bō̤582509
  • A cap, hat, bonnet or hood.
tì bō̤;
wear a hat.
pak tīo bō̤;
to take off a cap.
tōa bō̤;
the hat worn in making formal visits.
síe bō̤;
a skull-cap.
bó̤ kíaⁿ;
a turban or bonnet.
âng eng bō̤;
a hat with a red tassle.
líang bō̤;
a light cap.
tang bō̤;
winter hat.
so̤h bō̤;
a fur bonnet.
huang bō̤;
a cloth hood.
ciⁿ bō̤;
a felt hat.
sai-thâu bō̤;
a bonnet, with ears, worn by children.
cháu bō̤;
a straw hat.
ûang bō̤,
a king's crown.
thai-cṳ́ bō̤,
a coronet.
hûang-tì bō̤;
an imperial crown.
cam-end bō̤;
a helmet.
se bō̤;
official caps.
m̄ kù se bō̤;
regardless of emolument.
chîo bō̤;
hats worn at court.
  • bō̤60211211
  • A mill for grinding grain.
oi bō̤;
turn a mill.
phah bō̤;
cut the stones for a mill.
bō̤ câi;
the pivot of a mill-stone.
cúi bō̤;
a mill turned by water.
cîeh bō̤;
a stone mill.
bō̤ khí;
the cogs on a mill-stone;
the nether millstone.

  • 10621368
  • Posture-making.
dancing and tumbling.
singing and dancing.
bú kìam;
play a double part.
kó bú;
bú ît;
perform as mummers, who act in relays of eight, at the worship of ancestors.
  • 1456412
  • To pacity; to sooth; manage.
to rear or nurture.
tâng sòi bú-íang kàu tōa;
reared up from childhood.
uaⁿ-bú peh-sèⁿ;
to manage the people.
bú-īⁿ; bú-thâi; sûn-bú;
the governor of a province.
  • 1061774
  • Military; warlike; martial.
bûn bú;
civil and military.
bú kuaⁿ;
bú cìang; military officers.
khì bûn, cíu bú;
discard the civil service and enter the military.
ô̤h bú;
learn military tactics.
ô̤h bú gōi;
learn to be a soldier.
bú hu;
a soldierly man.
līen bú;
practiced in warfare.
bú tîeⁿ;
an arena for military trials.
eng-hîong bô̤ eng-bú cṳ tí;
a valiant man without a field to make conquests in.
bûn bú húe;
intense heat.
bú-tẁn hieⁿ-lí;
to intimidate the villages.
bûn bú hak;
civil and military authority.
tá bú sin;
dress in military costume.
bōi bú;
a mock battle.
bú cìen;
prepared as for a fight.
kà bú;
instruct in military tactics.
bú-bú nē;
a martial air.
ĭo-bú îang-ui;
martial splendor and dignity.
bú îaⁿ;
a military camp.