Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/395

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

It is yours is it not?

i sieh lṳ́;
she is very kind to you.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ sĭ thóiⁿ-tŏng lṳ́, m̄ sĭ thóiⁿ-khin lṳ́;
this is showing you respect, not treating you lightly.
lṳ́ thiaⁿ úa tàⁿ;
listen to what I say.
lṳ́ thóiⁿ;
look here.
lṳ́ khéng mē?
Are you willing?
úa sĭ thóiⁿ-kìⁿ lṳ́;
I see you.
  • lṳ̀56016715
  • To burnish by rubbing upon; to rasp; to rub.
khîeh khṳ̀ sua tèng lṳ̀;
go and scour it on the sand.
lṳ̀ kàu i kim-kim;
rub it very bright.
lṳ̀ kàu pô̤h-pô̤h;
rasp it thin.
lṳ̀ tīo cí gūa kâi cho phûe;
rasp off this coarse outer rind.
khṳt cháu lṳ̀ kàu kng-kût;
rubbed smooth on the grass.
  • lṳ̂55818716
  • An ass.
lṳ̂ kó, lṳ̂ bó̤, lṳ̂ kíaⁿ;
the male the female, and the foal.
khîa lṳ̂;
to ride an ass.
kúi ciah lṳ̂;
several asses.
cêk khûn lṳ̂;
a drove of asses.
  • 𠐼lṳ̂542917
  • To stoop in walking.
i kâi thâu lṳ̂-lṳ̂ li-li kìaⁿ;
he pushed straight on with his head projecting in front of him.
  • lṳ̆5606111
  • To think upon anxiously; to turn over in one’s mind; concerned; doubtful about.
anxious, troubled, concerned about.
khùa-lṳ̆ tîeh i;
am doubtful about his welfare.
sim lăi iu-lṳ̆;
troubled in mind.
lṳ̆ kàu ău lâi kâi sṳ̄;
take forethought of what may happen.
sṳ-lṳ̆ thài kùe cū àiⁿ seⁿ pēⁿ;
if you worry about it too much you will get ill.
i kâi lṳ̆ sṳ̄ tn̂g căi;
his precautions extend to what is yet a long way off.
sṳ̄ tîeh lṳ̆ tn̂g cìaⁿ hó̤;
it will be well for us to consider remote results.


  • lẃn643869
  • A pleasant warmth; bland; kind.
tit-tîeh jît kâi lẃn-khì;
get warmth from the sun.
cêk ke pá-lẃn, cōi ke ẁn;
when one family is well provided for, many families are discomforted.
nâng-chêng né lẃn;
people’s feelings are changeable.
thiⁿ sî un-lẃn;
the weather is balmy.
  • lŵn57019619
  • A fabulous bird, regarded as the embodiment of every grace and beauty; the argus pheasant seems to have furnished the type.
i khìa ki lŵn mô̤ⁿ sìⁿ;
he carried a fan made of the feathers of the argus pheasant.

  • lŵn57016719
  • Imperial; royal; a term of respect.
lŵn kè;
the emperor’s carriage or sedan.
the imperial guard.
kim lŵn tōiⁿ;
the imperial palace.
cêng hûe-lŵn a būe?
Has he yet set out on the return journey? (said of His Majesty, or of a god).
  • lŵn5616419
  • Contracted as by palsy.
bent and unable to straighten itself; stiff and crooked; distorted.
i kâi kha chíu khu-lŵn, sĭ hueh ko kâi mâuⁿ-pēⁿ;
the distortion of his limbs has its origin in the impoverishment of his bood.
  • lŵn5704619
  • The peaks of a hill; a line of pointed summits.
hṳ́ cêk phài kâi hong-lŵn ngía căi;
that line of mountain peaks is very fine.
i kâi thóiⁿ suaⁿ pit àiⁿ káng-kìu lŵn-thâu;
the geomancer will surely expatiate upon the surrounding peaks.
  • lw̆n570512
  • Confusion; insurrection; disorder.
tăi lw̃n kṳ hieⁿ, síeⁿ lw̆n kṳ sîaⁿ;
a great commotion in a village, would make but a small one in a city.
tī-tîang káⁿ châk lw̆n?
Who dares stir up insurrection?
lw̆n sì kâi sî-kāu;
in time of sedition.
thiⁿ-ĕ jío-lw̆n;
disorder everywhere.
  • lw̄n5616119
  • To dote on; to love ardently; to long after.
lw̄n-lw̄n put sía;
cannot tear himself away.
lw̄n-tîeh kū hieⁿ;
strongly attached to his native place.
i lw̄n tîeh bó kíaⁿ, kîaⁿ m̄ khui;
he loves his wife and children and cannot leave them.


  • lwt11311697
  • To pass in review; to inspect; to compare in order to vouch for.
to pass through; to understand because of having experienced; well versed in.
i lwt-lêh ío cōi;
he has had more experience in this sort of thing.
to look over, with a purpose.
lwt piaⁿ;
to review troops.
  • lwt560194
  • Poor, insignificant, feeble.
iu lwt;
best and worst, talented and stupid, terms of comparison.
hun-pîet iu lwt;
discriminate between the superior and the inferior.
i kâi lwt ciah cōi căi;
the evidences of past follies are numerous in him.


  • ḿ606385
  • An elderly woman; the wife of a father’s or a husband’s elder brother.