Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/396

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
lău ḿ;
an old aunt.
chù-piⁿ a-sím a-ḿ hùe;
the middle aged and elderly women among the neighbors.
tōa ḿ;
my husband’s eldest brother’s wife.
sĭ ún a-ḿ;
it is our paternal aunt.
  • 71713
  • Will not; does not wish to; has decided against it; is averse to.
úa m̆;
I am not going to do that.
úa kìe i cò̤-pû khṳ̀, i tàⁿ i m̆;
I asked him to go with me and he said he would not.
i m̆ thâk;
he refuses to study.
i m̆ cîah;
he will not eat.
i m̆ chap i;
he will not associate with them.
i m̆ tàⁿ;
he declines to speak.
úa àiⁿ khang i kîaⁿ, i m̆;
I wanted to lead him along, and he would not let me.
i cò-nî m̆?
Why will he not?
in ā sĭ khṳ̀, ún cū m̆;
if they go we will not.
  • 71713
  • An adverb of negation.
m̄ cai;
m̄ pat;
do not know.
m̄ hío;
do not understand.
m̄ thiaⁿ;
m̄ pĭen;
m̄ ngía;
m̄ jû ì;
m̄ jîen;
khá m̄ sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ?
Is it not so?
m̄ káⁿ;
would not presume.
lṳ́ àiⁿ a m̄-ài?
Do you want it or not?
he does not want it.
àiⁿ khṳ̀ a m̄?
Are you going or not?
sĭ a m̄ sĭ?
Is it so or not?
hó̤ a m̄-hó̤?
Is it well to do so or not?
i m̄ hàuⁿ kio úa tàⁿ;
he would not tell me.
khéng a m̄ khéng;
willing or unwilling.
m̄ kûi m̄ kĕ;
neither higher nor lower.
cía sĭ lṳ́ kâi a m̄ sĭ?
This is yours is it not?
i tàⁿ bô̤, úa m̄ sìen;
he says there is none, but I do not believe it.
m̄ sĭ ā;
that is not it.
m̄ huaⁿ-hí;


  • maⁿ5723810
  • A waiting woman.
a nurse, a maid-servant.
phûa maⁿ;
a duenna.
  • 顢預maⁿ-hu575
  • Careless; remiss; slovenly; negligent; perfunctory; cursory.
cò̤ sṳ̄ ma-hu;
does things in a very cursory way; slights his work.
i cò̤ sṳ̄ to sĭ ma-ma hu-hu;
whatever he does he produces very unsatisfactory results.
the yak, an animal found in Thibet and Western China.
  • máⁿ5723810
  • An old woman; a grandmother.
lăi máⁿ, gūa máⁿ;
paternal and maternal grandmothers.
lău máⁿ;
grandfather’s mother.
gūa lău máⁿ;
grandmother’s mother.
i kong máⁿ;
thài máⁿ;
venerable lady.

  • 瑪瑙máⁿ-láu617
  • A general name for veined stones, such as opal, cornelian, agate, onyx and jasper.
kim tah lío ēng maⁿ-láu gē lâi gē;
when you have overlaid it with gold-leaf, then take the smoothing stone and polish it.


  • màiⁿ1065202
  • An adverb of negation.
àiⁿ thóiⁿ hó̤ thóiⁿ, màiⁿ thăng;
look at it if you want to, but do not touch it.
màiⁿ khṳ̀ tiaⁿ tîeh i;
do not give it the slightest touch.
màiⁿ tàⁿ kèng hó̤;
it is better to say nothing about it.
màiⁿ mûeh nap-sap;
do not soil it.
màiⁿ cak i;
don’t disturb him.
  • mâiⁿ573327
  • To bury; to secrete; to conceal; to cover over; to harbour; to lay up.
to inter in a grave.
mâiⁿ tŏ̤ thô tói;
bury in the ground.
mâiⁿ mîaⁿ mît sèⁿ;
to conceal one’s name.
cē kú cū mâiⁿ mût khṳ̀;
after a lapse of time, it decays in the soil in which it lies.
mâiⁿ-ẁn i;
hold a grudge against him.
mâiⁿ-hôk ŭ piaⁿ-bé, tó̤ táng i;
dispose troops in ambush to lie in wait for him.
siu-mâiⁿ ko-lô;
gather up and inter old human bones.
  • măiⁿ57416213
  • To wax old; senile; aged.
nî măiⁿ kâi nâng;
one advanced in years.
taⁿ cē láu-măiⁿ le, to bô̤ ēng;
am now old and useless.


  • mak586857
  • To spot; to stain; to defile.
mâk tîeh îu;
spotted with grease.
chíu màiⁿ mak nah-sap;
do not get your hands soiled.
  • mâk6071090
  • The eye; a principal man; a leader; an index; a list or summary; squares on a chess-board; meshes of a net; the mind, the perceptions; a look; to eye; to designate, to name; to particularize.
mâk-ciu; mâk-ciu-jîn;
mâk kha-phûe;
mâk chì-mô̤ⁿ;
mâk úaⁿ; mâk úaⁿ kut;
the sockets of the eyes.
mâk khuang;
a circle around the eyes.
mâk thâu, mâk búe;
the inner and outer corners of the eye.
mâk kâi pêh-jîn;
the white of the eye.
mâk kâi o-jîn;
the iris.
mâk kâi sien-nâng-thâu;
the pupil of the eye.
lâu mâk-cap;
to weep.
mâk sái;
mucous or pus from the eye.
mâk-ciu thìaⁿ;
sore eyes.
mâk siap;
mâk lêng-ceng;
wide awake.
mâk-chĭeⁿ mô̤h;