Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/410

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • 滿múaⁿ5758511
  • Full; replete; stuffed; fullness; pride; to fill; to suffice; to complete; to fiuish a set time.
múaⁿ-sì-chù to ŭ;
they are to be found every where.
cêk cāi múaⁿ-múaⁿ;
a full cargo.
jīm múaⁿ thîo kùe pât kò̤;
when his term of office expires, he is removed to another post.
múaⁿ kháu èng sêng;
all readily responded in assent.
khî múaⁿ a būe?
Is the time up yet?
múaⁿ cū cie sún, khiam cū sĭu iah;
the presumptuous bring on their own calamities, the humble receive the benefit.
múaⁿ pak bûn-cieⁿ;
profoundly learned.
chong múaⁿ;
the entire circuit; the whole round; to fill completely.
múaⁿ sim huaⁿ-hí;
wholly content.
  • mùaⁿ599724
  • To-morrow.
mùaⁿ-jît; mùaⁿ-cá; mùaⁿ-khí;
to-morrow morning.
to-morrow afternoon.
to-morrow evening.
mùaⁿ-khí, thiⁿ kng cá;
to-morrow morning at daylight.
mùaⁿ-khí, cīeⁿ pùaⁿ k̀ua;
to-morrow forenoon.
to-morrow night.
to-morrow evening.
to-morrow noon.
  • mûaⁿ5712000
  • Hemp; plants furnishing textile fibers; hempen; sackcloth; mourning apparel.
mûaⁿ pò;
kôih mûaⁿ;
to pull hemp.
the pith of the hemp stalk.
sang kha sang chíu bô̤ kio mûaⁿ-kut hìeⁿ tōa;
his legs and arms are not so large as hemp stalks.
mûaⁿ so̤h;
hempen ropes.
the yellow hemp.
mûaⁿ jîn;
ceh mûaⁿ;
to hatchel hemp.
mûaⁿ îu;
sesamum oil.
wild hemp.
flax, grown in Chihli.
cṳ mûaⁿ;
the hemp from whose seeds oil is made.
îu-mûaⁿ hu;
ground hemp seed.
mûaⁿ pang;
cakes made from hemp seeds.
cṳ-mûaⁿ ko̤;
cakes made chiefly of sesamum seeds.
húe mûaⁿ; tōa mûaⁿ;
the castor-oil plant.
tōa mûaⁿ jîn;
castor oil beans.
cṳ-mûaⁿ cìeⁿ;
ground sesamum seeds, used by cooks.
  • mûaⁿ57510911
  • To deceive; to hide from; to impose upon.
to deceive.
mûaⁿ mâk, phìen phīⁿ;
delude the senses.
lṳ́ màiⁿ mûaⁿ úa;
do not conceal the truth from me.
sît put sie mûaⁿ;
I will hide nothing from you.
lṳ́ mûaⁿ úa m̄ kùe;
you cannot hoodwink me.
put kùe mûaⁿ cêk sî;
cannot keep up the deception very long.
mûaⁿ sĭang put mûaⁿ hĭa;
can hide it from his superiors but not from his inferiors.
  • mûaⁿ57519511
  • A large salt water eel.
mûaⁿ hṳ̂;
an eel.
bói cêk kho mûaⁿ hṳ̂;
buy a slice of eel.
hái mûaⁿ;
sea eels.
pêh mûa;
the white eel.
eels that travel on land.
fresh water eels.
mûaⁿ pó;
dried eels.
very young ells.

=== mueⁿ ===

  • múeⁿ586803
  • A distributive particle, each, every; each one; any one.
múeⁿ jît, múeⁿ mêⁿ;
every day and night.
múeⁿ tǹg;
every meal.
múeⁿ nâng;
every one.
mûeⁿ kĭaⁿ;
every sort.
múeⁿ sṳ̄;
every affair.
  • mûeⁿ5711048
  • The measles.
chut mûeⁿ;
have the measles.
a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ hùe cîah mûaⁿ tó̤ kò̤;
the children have caught the measles.
  • mûeⁿ630855
  • Mud.
thô-kau-mûeⁿ; thô mûeⁿ;
mud; pasty soil.
mud from a sewer.
hô-liu kàng thô-mûeⁿ;
the fresh water eel burrows in the mud.
  • mûeⁿ971196
  • Congee.
pû mûeⁿ; cṳ́ mûeⁿ;
to make congee.
mûeⁿ àiⁿ kṳ̂t a àiⁿ chieh?
Do you want the congee thick or thin?
  • mŭeⁿ586725
  • Dark; obscure; difficult to distinguish things; the mind not clear about a thing.
mŭeⁿ sim kâi sṳ̄ m̄-hó̤ cò̤;
one should not do what is against his conscience.
mŭeⁿ pńg sim;
deceive one's self.
mŭeⁿ lîang sim;
to confuse one's perceptions of the right.
i kâi sim àm-mŭeⁿ;
his mind is darkened.
unable to perceive clearly; befogged.
  • mŭeⁿ5861945
  • An ogre, or demon brute of the woods; a brownie with a man's face and four legs.
a vicious satyr; a fiendish beast.
  • mŭeⁿ587409
  • To rest from labor and dose.
māng-mŭeⁿ kâi sṳ̄ m̄-hó̤ pêng;
one should not take what he dreams as evidence.
  • mūeⁿ586385
  • A younger sister.
a-mūeⁿ kíaⁿ;
a little sister.
sòi mūeⁿ;
the youngest sister.
hiaⁿ-tĭ cí-mūeⁿ;
brothers and sisters.
lĕng mūeⁿ kè tī-kò̤?
Into what place is your sister married?
píe cí-mūeⁿ;
female cousins of different surnames.
mūeⁿ sài;
younger sister's husband.
kit pài cò̤ cí-mūeⁿ;
adopted by each other as sisters.