Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/411

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.


  • muêh1065934
  • A thing, matter, or substance; anything between heaven and earth; affairs of life; a creature; a being; persons.
cêk kĭaⁿ mûeh;
an article.
bô̤ sĭm-mih mûeh tŏ̤ h̤́u tói;
there is nothing at all in there.
kâi sĭm mûeh?
What is it?
hṳ́ kâi kìe-cò̤ sĭm mŭeh?
What is that called?
nâng-mûeh cōi;
there was a great crowd.
cîah mûeh;
bói mûeh-cîah;
buy food.
mûeh kak ŭ cú;
each thing has its owner.
possessions; goods; personal property and real estate.
thóiⁿ tîeh bô̤ mûeh;
does not appear to be anything of consequence.
a great deal.
nah-sap mûeh;
a filthy object.
bói mûeh;
to make purchases.
hak mûeh;
buy things to keep.
bw̄n mûeh;
tak-n̄ng tīo mûeh;
wastes things.
ak mûeh; tâk mûeh;
virulent ulcers.
  • mûeh569554
  • To handle; to manipulate; to work at; to do with the hands.
màiⁿ mûeh tīo;
do not ruin it by handling it.
cìeⁿ cōi jît cô̤-nî mûeh būe hó̤?
How is it that after so many days it is not yet done?
jû mûeh jû bô̤ ēng;
the more I work at it, the worse it is.
lṳ́ hó̤ khṳ̀ mûeh;
you go and set it to rights.


  • múiⁿ5861233
  • Beautiful; good-looking; excellent; delicious; happy.
a pretty girl.
handsome women; a belle.
sĭ i cêk tn̄g kâi múiⁿ ì;
it is a kind thought of hers.
múiⁿ tang ŭ tíam put cok;
there is a little thing lacking to his complete happiness.
the United States.
múiⁿ sṳ̄;
a delightful affair.
kun-cṳ́ sêng nâng cṳ múiⁿ;
good-breeding tends to the attainment of what is good.
  • mûiⁿ10506010
  • Small, trifling, insignificant, mean; minute, fine; in a slight degree; too; rather; hidden, subtle, obscure, recondite, abstruse; waning; to dwindle away.
mûiⁿ-bīo kâi tŏ̤-lí;
a doctrine hard to fathom.
káng-kìu kàu sòi-mûiⁿ căi;
explained it very minutely.
i kâi mêh mûiⁿ-sòi;
her pulse is very low.
mûiⁿ chìe;
a faint smile.
hŏ mûiⁿ-kíaⁿ; hŏ mûiⁿ-mûiⁿ; a drizzling, fine rain.
siaⁿ mûiⁿ-mûiⁿ;
a weak voice.
a microscope.
put kùe cêk tíam mûiⁿ ì;
only a small token of gratitude.
ìuⁿ-mûiⁿ ìuⁿ-mûiⁿ;
very minute.
i kâi jī nĕ mûiⁿ-mûiⁿ nē;
the letters are very small indeed.
the crape myrtle.


  • mut1042304
  • The corners of the mouth; speech.
m̄ hâh kháu mut;
your lips and the corners of your mouth do not match; your evidence is contradictory.
tàⁿ lâi kháu mut hó̤;
the testimony given is satisfactory.
ô̤h kàu kâi sîn-chêng kháu-mut sĭo căi;
narrated in such a way as to give a vivid impression of the affair.
  • mût10951044
  • A prevalent disease, or one attended with unusual symptoms; an epidemic.
un-mût pēⁿ;
a pestilence.
hṳ́ kâi tī-hng un-mût;
there is an epidemic prevailing in that region.
khṳ̀ sîa, tôk mût;
expel the evil influences, and drive away the plague.
tī un-mût;
cure the plague.

  • mût606854
  • To perish; none of; gone.
cêk ē kú cū mâiⁿ-mût khṳ̀;
after a while it decays in the soil.
myrrh, a name imitated from the Hindustani.
  • 歿mût606784
  • To end; to die; the dead.
sía mêng i kâi pĕ-bó̤ chûn mût;
write explicitly whether his parents are living or dead.
mût sì m̄ káⁿ bûang ṳn;
so long as I live I shall not forget your kindness.


  • mŵt604751
  • Least and last; insignificant; the end.
pún mŵt;
origin and end.
mûiⁿ mŵt;
mŵt căi;
exceedingly small.
lĭ-sek mŵt căi;
the profit is scarcely any.
mŵt-mŵt nē;
very insignificant.
sĭm sĭ mŵt thàng;
earned hardly anything.
mŵt sì; mŵt jît;
the end of the world.


  • 610646
  • To lay hold of; to seize; to get an idea of; to appreciate.
phò lăi sĭ tī-tîang tó̤ ná sṳ̄?
Who is managing affairs in that shop?
tîeh chūe i tó̤ ná sṳ̄ kâi nâng cìaⁿ ŭ ēng;
you must seek the one who had the management of the affair, and then it will be of some use.
i tó̤ cóng-ná sìo-bâk;
he has the sole charge of the accounts.
hīn-khek sĭ i tó̤ ná khŵn;
at present it is he who holds the authority.
  • 6101634
  • An interrogative particle.
ná li cai tàⁿ i pit-tīaⁿ lâi?
How could I know that he would certainly come?
tàⁿ ná li ūe?
What sort of language is he speaking?