Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/412

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • 540754
  • A forest, a wood, a grove.
i cáu jîp chim suaⁿ nâ lăi khṳ̀ tìam;
he ran and hid in the woods among the mountains.
jît cē àm cío cū khṳ̀ tâu nâ;
as soon as it is dusk, the birds go and nestle in the copses.
hṳ́ kò̤ cêk phài chīu nâ;
there is a forest there.
  • 50211814
  • Bailed baskets.
hue nâ;
a flower basket.
chĭ nâ;
market baskets.
ĭe nâ;
a cradle.
tîeⁿ nâ;
a long, shallow basket carried into the examination hall.
kŭaⁿ kâi nâ khṳ̀ bói chài;
took a basket and went to buy vegetables.
i kâi ke-húe nâ ŭ cah lâi a bô̤?
Did he bring his tool basket with him?
  • 5038614
  • To singe; to scorch; to burn.
nă tīo i kâi mô̤ⁿ;
singe off its feathers.
khṳt húe nă kàu chiah-pauh chiah-pauh;
scorched brown.
nă kàu chíu kâi phă khí lâi;
burned his hand so that it blistered.
  • 3701186
  • A rope made of splinths.
a bamboo cable.
khîeh tîo bîh-nā lâi pak;
get a rattan cable and fasten it.
lṳ́ sĭ àiⁿ tíam húe-nā a sĭ tíam teng-nâng?
Are you going to light the splint torch or the lantern?
cí kâi tîeh ŭ tōa-tōa tîo kâi nā cìaⁿ hó̤ pôih;
there must be a very big cable for this then it can be towed.
a boat hawser.
cûn àiⁿ cĭeⁿ thuaⁿ to sĭ ēng nā pâk lío lâi túi;
in ascending the rapids, a cable is fastened to the boat and then it is pulled over.
  • 1118704
  • To occupy a position.
àiⁿ pàng nā tī-kò̤?
Where will you put it?
chēng nā sin-tèng;
wear it on your person.
tì nā thâu tèng;
carry it on your head.
i kâi ūe thiaⁿ lío khǹg nā sim lăi m̄ tàⁿ chut;
on hearing what he says keep it in mind, but do not mention it.

=== nah ===

  • 垢穢nah-sap330
  • Dirty, filthy, soiled, foul.
nah-sap căi;
very filthy.
nah-sap sìeⁿ;
eng kàu cĕng-cĕng nah-sap;
the dust has settled on it till it is all a mass of dirt.
khîeh koi-mô̤ⁿ-chóiⁿ, khṳ̀ chóiⁿ tīo nah-sap;
take a feather broom and bush off the dust.
cêk sin kô kàu nah-nah sap-sap;
he is plastered with dirt.
hìeⁿ nah-sap tîeh khṳ̀ sói;
so dirty it must be washed.

=== nai ===

  • nái613382
  • A lady; the wife of a man of position and wealth.
a tōa nái;
the eldest brother's wife, in a rich family.
jī nái, saⁿ nái;
inferior wives of an official.
sì îa nái;
the wife of the fourth son of an official.
sṳ nái;
madam; lady.
a-nîe a-nái;
  • nái61241
  • An adversative particle, it may be, forsooth, then.
bô̤ nái put khó̤?
Is it then quite impossible?
cí kâi nái sĭ i a-hiaⁿ;
this then is his brother.
cò̤ kàu i kùe ì, nái khéng khṳ̀;
if things surpass his expectations it may be he will go.
  • nài6151554
  • To blush, to turn red, but not with any desire to reform.
i nài-nài nē, cn̂g kâi m̄-ùi sío-lí;
he turns red when detected, but is destitute of a moral sense of shame.
tàⁿ tîeh, i nài-nài nē;
when you speak to him about it, he hangs his head and changes color.
kâi mīn nài-nài nē, ût bô̤ kò̤ khṳ̀;
blushed and did not know which way to turn.
  • năi5001549
  • To rely on; to trust in.
bô̤ năi cṳ thû;
a loafer, a lazy fellow, a useless chap.
chŵn năi i kâi lâk;
depend wholly on his strength.
  • năi613755
  • A yellow plum.
thô̤, lí, năi saⁿ īeⁿ tī īeⁿ hó̤?
Which is the best, a peach, a red plum, or a yellow plum?
  • năi6131263
  • To bear with; to endure; to suffer; to forbear; patient.
tī-tîang năi tit khṳ̀?
Who could put up with it?
úa năi m̄ khṳ̀;
I cannot endure it.
hău-seⁿ-kíaⁿ năi kûaⁿ, năi jûah;
young people can bear cold and heat.
khak-khó năi ke khùn-kíaⁿ;
bear it a little longer.
lâng năi;
cin-cin m̄-hó̤ năi;
really not to be borne.
m̄ năi sói;
will not bear washing.
năi kú;
m̄ năi kú;
not durable.
m̄ năi chēng;
will not last long when worn.
exercise patience.
khak-khó jím-năi;
persevere, and be patient.
năi sng năi siap;
endure hardship.
  • năi613375
  • A remedy; a resource; how; what way.
bô̤ khó̤ năi hô̤;
there is no help for it; could not do otherwise.
bô̤ năi hô̤ cìaⁿ thiaⁿ i;
had no other course open to me, and so followed his advice.
sim sĭeⁿ àiⁿ cîah, bô̤ năi cîah m̄ lô̤h;
I thought I would eat it, but I could not.
ciang năi i hô̤?
What can be done about it?
sǹg sĭ chut i bô̤ năi kâi;
I must make up my mind to it.