Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/479

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

cía phŏ sĭ cŏ̤ kâi;

these are cooked accounts.
chíu tèng khîeh png ŵn-phŏ;
held in his band a book in which to take subscriptions for the relief of Buddhist priests or for the repair of temples.
hàm chê-phŏ-kuaⁿ chê thóiⁿ;
tell the keeper of the records in the land of shades to examine the records and see.
kin-nî sĭ tī-tîang cip phŏ?
Who keeps the accounts this year?
a record of rents.


  • phoi6577510
  • A list of successful candidates.
the scholar at the head of the list placarded after an examination.
  • phoi679644
  • To reply officially to an inferior; to give a decision or order to subordinates; to post a judgment as is done at the door of the office; notice or report of a case.
cīeⁿ jît kâi tîaⁿ jîp lío ŭ phoi a būe?
Has the plea which was entered the other day received official attention yet?
íⁿ-keng phoi cún lío;
has already assented to the petition.
khṳ̀ lío táng i phoi hûe;
go and wait for the official reply.
phoi sī;
to publish a case.
úa thóiⁿ-kùe cu-phoi;
I have seen the official paper with notes in red ink.
cĭu-sî cū phoi-tẁn;
decided the case on the spot.
toaⁿ tèng phoi mêng-pêh;
the order tells plainly what is to be done.
i kâi bûn-cieⁿ cò̤-nî phoi?
What is the reply given in the dispatch?
cú-kháu phoi kàu hó̤ căi;
the Commissioner superintending the Examinations, decided the case in an admirable way.
phoi mêng sì-cì;
settle the boundaries.
kuaⁿ phoi po̤h chut lâi;
what came out in the cross-examination by the magistrate.
phang phoi;
side notes.
  • phoi678185
  • To pare; to shave off.
phoi tīo phûe;
pare off the rind.
phoi cheⁿ-phûe lâi;
pare green pears.
  • phòi690910
  • A thin piece of a thing.
fragments of tiles.
cang àng-le cîeh-phòi tó̤ sie kâk;
throwing potsherds and bits of stone at each other.
chûn cêk phòi-kíaⁿ tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ;
have but a shaving of it left.
khîeh nŏ̤ phòi pang lâi kṳ̀;
took two strips of board to saw.


  • phōiⁿ6521609
  • or pōiⁿ. To manage, to attend to, to prepare, to provide, to go on with, to transact business; to act as a factor.
i tó̤ chê-phōiⁿ cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;
he is making official inquiry into this matter.
mih mûeh pĭ-phōiⁿ kàu hó̤-hó̤;
everything is in readiness.
phōiⁿ i cò̤ sĭm-mih cŭe?
Of what
degree of crime is he adjudged to be guilty?
phōiⁿ hùe;
to make a contract for goods.
pàng i lâi phōiⁿ ùaⁿ;
depute him to come and attend to the case.
tó̤ phōiⁿ i kâi sṳ̄;
manages his business for him.
i sĭ phōiⁿ sṳ̄ kâi nâng;
he acts as agent.
íⁿ-keng phōiⁿ tît lío;
it is already settled.
kuaⁿ-hú àiⁿ phōiⁿ i;
the magistrate will inquire into it.
phōiⁿ kàu iap-iap thiap-thiap;
very thoroughly attended to.
  • phōiⁿ6481158
  • Tares; cockle; weeds among grain.
cí cho̤h bí seⁿ phōiⁿ: àiⁿ cîah tiang-sî tîeh cai lō̤ tīo phōiⁿ;
this rice has cockle-seed in it: when it is to be cooked the seed must be winnowed out.


  • phok7107512
  • Sincere, plain, unpretending.
honest, rustic, sincere, simple minded.
frugal, expending no more than is necessary.
kui ciu, hẃn phok;
to reform one's habits.
  • phok8436410
  • To take an impression by rubbing upon a paper laid over a stone; a facsimile; an impression.
cía jī tŏ̤ tī-kò̤ phok lâi?
From what was this impression taken?
sĭ tŏ̤ cṳ̆-īⁿ lăi kâi cîeh-pi phok chut lâi kâi;
it was taken from a stone tablet in the college.
phok jī-thiap;
take impressions for use as examples to copy.
phok khṳ̀ hŭn-hŭn;
blurred in taking the impression.
  • phok892174
  • Protuberant; bulging.
phok mâk;
protruding eyeballs.
phok-mâk kim-lí;
eyeballs bulging from their sockets, like those of goldfish.
  • phok7106412
  • To impinge; to strike upon; to flap; to flog.
chin-chĭeⁿ húe sie khṳ̀ cē khuah cū o̤h phoh-mît;
like fire which after it reaches a certain height, is slapped out with great difficulty.
hṳ́ cêk kó châk cò̤ cē phok-mit khṳ̀;
that band of robbers was extirpated at a stroke.
  • phok714250
  • To divine by looking at, or by rattling coins inside a tortoise shell; to guess; sortilege; divination.
kit hiang būe phok;
not yet divined whether it is lucky or unlucky.
i suaⁿ ui mīaⁿ phok lóng-cóng ŏi;
he can practise sortilege, tell fortunes, cure the sick, and locate graves.
  • phôk83795
  • To spy; to reconnoitre.
khṳt i a-pĕ phôk tîeh;
was espied by his father.
àm-cĕⁿ hàm nâng khṳ̀ phôk-thóiⁿ i tó̤ cò̤ mih sṳ̄;
secretly engaged