Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/480

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

some one to go and find out what he was doing.

khṳ̀ phô̤k-tîeh i tú-tú tó̤ cîah a-phìen;
went and espied him just when he was smoking opium.


  • phóng457648
  • To hold or grasp with both hands; a double handful; to scoop up in both hands.
m̄ cĭeⁿ cêk phóng;
there is not a double handful of it.
phóng cúi m̄ hù chùi;
water scooped up in the hands does not all reach the mouth.
  • phòng662649
  • To run against; to meet unexpectedly; to encounter by accident.
sie phòng tîeh;
happened to meet each other.
jît àm, thóiⁿ m̄ kìⁿ, nŏ̤ nâng phòng káu thâu khak hueh lāu;
it was dark so that they could not see, and the two came in collision with such force that their heads bled from the bump.
phòng i m̄ tîeh;
did not come across him.
màiⁿ lâi tó̤ phòng thâu phòng náu;
do not come into collision with him.
nŏ̤ cîah cûn sie phòng;
the two vessels collided.
thèng phòng i kâi châi-khì;
it depends on his luck.
phòng tîeh ŭ ki-hŭi;
happened to have an opportunity.
líang ke tŏ̤ lō tèng siang phòng;
the two met on the road.
  • phòng6668615
  • To crackle; to pop.
phah phòng-phīe;
fire off crackers.
phòng-phĭe kîu;
  • phòng578947
  • Shaggy.
phòng-mô̤ⁿ káu; phòng-mô̤-ⁿsai;
a shaggy dog.
ciah káu mô̤ⁿ phòng-phòng;
that dog has very shaggy hair.
  • phông661327
  • Dust raised by the wind; to whirl the dust about.
huang thàu kàu muaⁿ lō phông-phông-eng;
the wind blows so that the whole road is covered with a cloud of dust.
huang li tōa, cē kîaⁿ hía sua phông-phông-kìe khí lâi;
the wind is high, and as soon as you start the fine dust swirls upward.
  • phông6611907
  • Disheveled, uncombed hair.
thâu mô̤ⁿ li phông-song, bô̤ siu-sîp;
the hair disheveled and unkempt.
  • phông662758
  • A booth.
kháu phông;
temporary rooms made in examination halls, by stretching awnings over the open courts and unroofed walls.
  • 躘蹱phŏng-pheng569
  • To stagger.
khí-thâu-ē ô̤h kîaⁿ, kîaⁿ lâi phŏng-pheng phŏng-pheng;
in begin
ning to learn to walk, one staggers.
i sĭ cîu cùi kâi īeⁿ, kîaⁿ lō phŏng-pheng phŏng-pheng;
he staggers as if he were tipsy.


  • phó̤7051815
  • Somewhat; a degree; a little; rather doubtful.
phó̤ cai cêk nŏ̤;
I know a thing or two.
úa phó̤ hío;
I partially understand it.
phó̤ hâh úa kâi ì;
it will answer my purpose.
phó̤ cōi;
rather too much of it.
phó̤ ŭ;
very likely has some.
cí kâi sṳ̄ úa phó̤-phó̤ thiaⁿ-kìⁿ;
I have heard something about this.
i to phó-phó cai;
he very likely knows.
phó̤ khío;
rather pretty.
  • phò̤5891405
  • Luxuriant; flourishing.
câng chīu phò̤-phò̤;
a tree having dense foliage.
a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ phò̤-phò̤;
a strong healthy child.
cí cho̤h kúe-cí phò̤ căi;
this fruit looks very thrifty.
  • phô̤704388
  • An old woman.
i phàⁿ láu phô̤;
he stands in awe of his old wife.
kong phô̤;
an old couple; Darby and Joan.
cêk phìeⁿ phô̤ sim;
a motherly heart.
hwn thâu phô̤;
a step-mother.
  • phŏ̤665645
  • To hold in the arms; to embrace; to clasp.
phŏ̤ a-nôⁿ;
hold a baby.
phŏ̤ m̄ phû;
cannot carry him.
phŏ̤ kha-thâu-u;
hold on the lap.
cêk ciah chíu phŏ̤ cêk kâi;
held one on each arm.
phŏ̤ i kâi ĕ ie;
clasped him around the waist.
i pûah lô̤h khṳ̀, phŏ̤ khí lâi chêk;
he has fallen down, take him up and trot him on your knee.
phŏ̤ tîeh kâi châk;
grabbed a thief.
phŏ̤-kò̤ kâi nâng;
one who pleads for the plaintiff.
úa phŏ̤ lṳ́ lô̤h;
I will lift you down.


  • pho̤h7111195
  • The grains in liquor; dregs.
that which floats on the vat.
put kùe tit tîeh i kâi cau-pho̤h;
got nothing more than the scum of it.
îeh-cúi pû khṳ̀ cîah, îeh pho̤h li tûi lío khṳ̀ tah;
steep it and drink the infusion, then pound the dregs soft and put them on as a poultice.
  • 𠢪pho̤h6861812
  • To cleave at a blow; to cut with a heavy stroke.
àiⁿ pho̤h cò̤ nŏ̤ kò̤ a saⁿ kò̤?
Do you want it cut in two or in three pieces?
pho̤h tn̆g;
cleave apart.


  • phú716728
  • Universal; throughout.
i khṳt i phú thien cṳ hĭa mēⁿ cêk kùe;
he was reviled by him, every approbrious term under the whole heavens being used.