Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/482

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

screens; do not spoil the play by bringing into view the puppets that cast their shadows on the screen.

tîeh màiⁿ thăng phùa thâu, cē thăng phùa thâu cū cong-kú àiⁿ;
do not begin, else you will always be wanting to do it.
  • phùa6941813
  • To rive; to split; to rend.
phùa châ;
split wood.
phùa cò̤ nŏ pôiⁿ;
split it in two.
phùa cò̤ sì lìam;
split it into quarters.
phùa m̄ lô̤h;
I can't split it.
phùa châ, thóiⁿ châ sì;
in splitting wood consider which way the grain lies.
phùa tek-bih;
make bamboo splints.
  • phûa704388
  • An old woman, a dame, a crone, a hag.
an old couple.
i lâi pài ún kâi kong-phûa;
they came to pay their respects to our old people.
kong-phûa bó̤ pó̤-hō̤;
may the god of the bedstead grant a blessing.
lău phûa;
a grandfather's concubine.
bûe phûa;
a matchmaker.
thóiⁿ sìaⁿ phûa;
an old female spirit medium.
i seⁿ lâi a-phûa mīn a-phûa mīn;
he has a face like an old woman's.
thái-kò̤ phua;
a crone who is a leper.
i tó̤ tng sau-phûa;
she keeps a brothel.
sau-phûa âi;
an old woman who has charge of a bagnio.


  • phùaⁿ6521205
  • To trip up a horse.
hṳ́ kò̤ soiⁿ mâiⁿ-hôk phùaⁿ-bé-so̤h tó̤ táng i lâi;
first set a lasso for the horse's feet, and then await his arrival.
i kâi bé khṳt phùaⁿ-bé-so̤hⁿ phùaⁿ tó̤, nâng īa pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;
his horse was tripped up by the rope stretched to trip him, and the rider fell off.
  • phùaⁿ65312210
  • To purchase for retailing.
nín kâi hùe tŏ̤ tī-kò̤ phùaⁿ lâi?;
Where do you buy the goods that you sell?
cá-cá cū cĭeⁿ tîeⁿ khṳ̀ phùaⁿ hùe;
goes early to the market to get the goods he is to peddle.
  • phùaⁿ654185
  • A decision; a verdict; an official judgment.
tn̂g-phùaⁿ chau chut lâi thóiⁿ;
copy out the official decision for examination.
thóiⁿ i kâi tn̂g-phùaⁿ cò̤-nî phùaⁿ;
see what verdict shall be given.
phùaⁿ cúa-khò;
decide what is well or badly written in a copy-book, as a teacher does for his pupil.
  • phŭaⁿ65295
  • A comrade, a fellow, an associate; to follow, to attend on.
sĭ i kâi tâng-phŭaⁿ;
it is his companion.
i pái mêⁿ tó̤ phŭaⁿ lêng;
he every night keeps the manes company, by sleeping near the coffin.
pûe-phŭaⁿ nâng-kheh tó̤ cŏ̤;
sitting with a guest.
ŭ nâng sie phŭaⁿ a-bô̤?;
Is there any one with him?
bô̤ nâng sie phŭaⁿ;
without companionship.
kâi sĭ tṳ phŭaⁿ hóⁿ mî;
it is like to the dog offering himself to the tiger as a bed-fellow.
bô̤ phŭaⁿ, kù-chṳ́ m̄ cê g khṳ̀;
did not go because I had no one to go with me.
mêⁿ-hng lâi sie phŭaⁿ lāu-jîet cē;
come this evening and enjoy the entertainment with us.
bô̤ mûeh hó̤ phŭaⁿ chíu;
I have nothing to take in my hand (to give ease of manner).


  • phuah6866412
  • A downward stroke in writing.
cêk phuah kùe lâi cêk phuah kùe khṳ̀;
two downward strokes, one inclining to the left and the other to the right.
tíam sĭ tíam, phuah sĭ phuah, màiⁿ thèng sía;
a dot is a dot and a dash is a dash, do not make these indiscriminately.
lâu nŏ̤ phuah chiu;
had a moustache.
nŏ̤ phuah bâi ngía căi, sìu-sìu;
had beautiful tufted eyebrows, neither too heavy nor too thin.
pit cē khô̤h tîeh bâk, cū phuah m̄ khui;
if your pen is stock up with dry ink it will not make a smooth stroke.
  • phuah7108512
  • To throw water down; a dash of water; vigorous.
hŏ phuah cêk sin;
the rain has splashed all over me.
i taⁿ kau-cúi khṳ̀ phuah chài;
he is carrying water from the ditch and watering the vegetables.
i kâi nâng ûah-phuah căi;
he is in very good spirits.
ûah-ûah phuah-phuah kâi nâng;
a very lively person.
  • phuah13211911
  • To put on fertilizers.
phuah châng;
to put fertilizers on the fields.
  • phuah7516410
  • To fan.
khîa ki sìⁿ tó̤ phuah huang;
had a fan and was fanning himself.
phuah huang-lô;
fan the fire in the earthen stove.
phuah i chìn;
cool it by fanning it.
  • phûah530434
  • character seems to be missing a "dot" The gait of a sprained horse.
i kîaⁿ lō phûah-a-phûah;
in walking he crosses his legs, as does an ox weak in the legs, or as a very old man.
tâng-cá cêk ciah hóⁿ phûah-a-phûah kîaⁿ tŏ̤ cí kò̤ kùe;
a little while ago a tiger went ambling along here.


  • phue671324
  • Unbaked clay vessels; unburnt tiles or pottery, ready for the oven.
c̤̀o kâi phue tŏ̤-kò̤, būe cêng sie;
have the pot