Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/488

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • sak72114018
  • A Sanscrit syllable introduced by the Buddhists.
the third class of saints; used to denote idols which are the images of deceased worthies.


  • sam733753
  • 75 Deal, pine, fir timber.
sam thâu, sam búe;
the large and the small end of a stick of timber.
theⁿ sam-pâi;
to pole a raft of pine logs.
i tó̤ khui sam hâng;
he keeps a lumber-yard.
timber; lumber.
khîa sam;
to shoulder a log.
tōa sam, sam kíaⁿ;
large and small logs.
khṳ̀ sam;
to saw logs.
cí ki sam àiⁿ kṳ̀ cò̤ kúi lō?
How many cuts will you have made in this log?
cí ki sam cìeⁿ tn̂g cìeⁿ tît hó̤ cò̤ kî-kuaⁿ sam;
this log is so long and so straight that it will do for a flag-staff.
ah sam phûe;
bind np in bark splints.
tōa hō̤ sam, síe hō̤ sam;
the best and the poorest kinds of fir.
sam mâk;
a knot in fir.
kṳ̀ cò̤ sam tn̄g;
saw it into lengths crosswise (as for cotiins).
khṳ̀ chūe kò̤ sam-kíaⁿ búe lâi tú;
get the smallest section of a small log and brace this up.
sam chieh;
the girth of a log.
  • sam72612
  • Three; thrice; several times.
sam ngŵn kîp tĭ;
the three highest graduates of each degree.
a dark purple, or plum color.
cêk jît sam chang;
three meals a day.
  • sám143019
  • To taste; to peck at; to sip.
to take a taste of.
bói pàng kò̤, ē pùaⁿ ē hó̤ sám-kháu cē;
buy and lay it aside to take a bite of now and then.
cía put kùe sĭ sám-kháu kâi mûeh-kĭaⁿ;
this is something to peck at merely, it is not a thing to satisfy one's hunger upon.
cêk ē pùaⁿ ē sám-kháu cū hó̤, m̄ hó̤ cîah ke;
take a taste of it once in a while, but do not eat much of it.
  • 戲謔sám-pêh180
  • To joke; to jest.
i tó̤ sám-pêh;
she is joking.
i hàuⁿ tàⁿ sám-pêh;
he is fond of raillery.
  • sám72311911
  • To sprinkle with a powder.
cang îeh-bûah khṳ̀ sám;
powder it with medicinal powder.
sám cho-khng;
sprinkle it over with chaff.
  • 𩭹sàm72319011
  • Disheveled; long and bushy.
i kâi mô̤ⁿ sàm-sàm;
its feathers are thick and rough.
cêk thâu-khak mô̤ⁿ sàm-sàm;
his hair is all disheveled and unkempt.
  • 𩁺sàm7341733
  • A slight drizzling rain; to rain on.
hŏ sàm-sàm;
fine, slow rain.
hía saⁿ m̄ cai siu khí, sàm hŏ, sàm kàu nĕ lok-lok;
did not think to bring in the clothes, and the fine rain has wet them so that they are dripping wet.


  • sang2913217
  • Light, sandy, friable soil.
i hṳ́ kò̤ kâi thô sĭ sang kâi;
the soil there is loamy.
i hṳ́ kò̤ cn̂g kâi sĭ sang thô, bŏi kàu kò̤;
the soil there is all loamy earth, without clods.
red coral.
sang-hû cu;
red coral beads.
sang-hû tèng;
a red coral button.
  • sang78717210
  • A pair, a brace, a couple; a match to any thing; to go with as a mate.
cêk sang ôi;
a pair of shoes.
sêng sang sêng tùi;
a perfect match to it.
sang to̤;
swords in one sheath.
kauh kàu seⁿ sang;
left in a damp place till it is rusty.
chĭeⁿ tâng sang;
has become covered with verdigris.
thih chĭeⁿ sang;
the iron has rusted.
cang kieⁿ khṳ̀ chìu to̤ sang;
take some ginger-root and rub the rust off the knife.
  • sang8301908
  • Segregated, not compact; loose, lax, slack; unimportant.
pàng sang;
not stringent; easy about.
cí kâi huap khah sang;
this law is too lax.
sim pàng sang;
keep your mind easy.
chíu cē sang cŭ khṳt i kw̆n cáu khṳ̀;
as soon as I relaxed my hold a little he slipped away.
phŏ̤ kín-kín, m̄ khéng pàng sang;
clasped it tightly and would not loosen his hold.
sang-sang nē, bô̤ sĭm-mih tăng;
it is not at all dense, and not very heavy.
pâk sang se-su, màiⁿ līu sí i;
tie him up with a rather slack rope, do not choke him to death.
màiⁿ khîeh lío sang-sang sùaⁿ;
do not leave them all at loose ends in carrying them.
cêk sin kâi kṳn-kut sang-sang sùaⁿ-sùaⁿ;
he is very loose jointed.
pàng sang i cē, màiⁿ thó̤ khah kín;
be easy with him, and not demand the payment too urgently.
sói lío cĕk sin sang-sò̤ căi;
after bathing felt much refreshed.
cē bô̤ nâng kẃn-lí lío sang hêh-hêh;
as soon as there is no one to take charge of it, it gets all scattered about and out of order.