Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/487

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

of lanterns.

sài thóiⁿ tī-tîang kâi sîn chîang ngía;
see who will make the finest tabernacle for their god.
i kâi pêh sài kùe soh;
its whiteness rivals the snow.
sài kó-ngẃn;
see who will make the greatest display of antique curiosities.
sài kùe cin kâi;
surpasses the actual ones.
  • 婿sài790389
  • A son-in-law; a husband.
niece's husband.
sun sài;
a son's daughter's husband.
gūa sun sài;
a daughter's daughter's husband.
mūeⁿ sài;
a younger sister's husband.
i khṳ̀ cò̤ sin kíaⁿ-sài;
he has gone to pay the first visit to his bride's parents.
i ong sài cò̤-pû lâi;
the old man and his son-in-law came together.
i kâi cáu-kíaⁿ àiⁿ lāu pàng kò̤ cie kíaⁿ-sài kâi;
they are going to keep their daughter with them and bring a husband for her into their family.
tô̤h sài;
choose a husband.
gūa seng sài;
a sister's daughter's husband.

  • sài733726
  • To dry in the sun.
úa àiⁿ phah kâi sài-péⁿ;
I am going to make a platform for drying things in the sun.
cía tîeh sài kang lío cìaⁿ hó̤ ngói;
this must first be dried thoroughly in the sun, and then it may be ground fine.
khîeh khṳ̀ jît tèng cē sài cū khauh-khauh;
put it in the sun and dry it a little while, and it will warp from dryness.
cía sĭ chó̤-lîak sài kùe jît tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ, hŵn phâk būe kàu tī;
this has been only slightly exposed to the sun, and is not yet dried through.
  • 使sài76196
  • A messenger; a servant sent to inquire.
an envoy, a legate.
one who is sent.
sîn sài;
an angel.
kong sài;
a delegate.
an ambassador.
a civil governor of one province.
i khṳ̀ chut sài;
he has gone as deputy.
a provincial judge.
piaⁿ-pĭ sài-cía;
an Intendant of Circuit.
  • sài7283210
  • A frontier, a boundary, a limit.
sài gūa kâi tī-hng;
beyond the borders.
piaⁿ-bé chut khṳ̀ kàu sài gūa;
the troops went over the frontier.
  • săi763754
  • The persimmon.
ripe red persimmons.
deep red persimmons.
thīm săi;
to cover persimmons with hot chaff in order to ripen them.
gû thīm săi;
yellow persimmons.
săi píaⁿ;
dried persimmons.
săi lih;
the persistent calyx.
săi píaⁿ lih;
the calyx and stems of dried persimmons.
hut ;
the seeds.
săi sng;
the flour on the surface of dried persimmons.
ieh săi-khĭ;
guess at the number of carpels in an unopened persimmon.
cháu săi-kíaⁿ;
the red fruit of the belladonna plant.
siap săi;
the astringent persimmon.
  • sāi8381133
  • To offer sacrifices to gods or devils; to set up and worship as a god.
sāi sîn cîah sîn, sāi hût cîah hût;
those who offer sacrifice to the gods, live on the gods, those who offer sacrifice to Buddha live on


sāi có-kong;
worship the ancestors.
sāi cò̤ cêk kham;
set them up in one shrine.
  • sāi942753
  • Timber; lumber.
châ sāi;
wood used as material for making things.
hó̤ cò̤ sāi;
this will do for the stuff to use in the making.
to̤ m̄ cĭeⁿ sāi;
this will not do to use as the timber for making it.
êⁿ sāi;
timber for rafters.
sam sāi;
pine lumber.


  • sak85910812
  • To shove a boat over the mud.
cûn sak bûa khàm-kha;
drag and push the boat over the mud-flats up to the bank.
  • sak7281422
  • A louse; a parasitic insect.
lice in the head.
a large louse.
sak hê;
small lice.
sin tèng kâi sak;
body lice.
pìn tīo sak;
comb out the lice.
a fine comb.
bâk-sak tìam;
a trap for bed-bugs.
cí īe îeh ŏi pheh tīo bâk-sak;
this preparation will drive away bugs.
suah sak;
destroy lice.
seⁿ sak;
breeds lice.
  • sak7283210
  • To stop or fill up, to close, to obstruct; to spike, as a gun.
i kâi phīⁿ sak;
his nose is stopped up.
jú thiaⁿ jú sak khìo;
the more I hear the less I comprehend.
blocked up.
cang cun-thak lâi sak miⁿ;
take a stopper and stop it tightly.
sak i kâi chùi;
stop his mouth.
cúi-kau sak khṳ̀;
the drain is obstructed.
to block up, as an approach.
to stop up, as by passing a plug through a hole.
bô̤ hó̤ sak ceh;
nothing wherewith to stop the censure.
khah s`o͘i, sak m̄ kín;
it is too small, it will not fill the orifice.
siaⁿ sak khṳ̀;
his voice is husky.
sak kàu kín-k´ʼn, bŏi làng khùi;
stopped up tightly with no crevice for ventilation.
hĭⁿ-khang sak cháu-cúa, màiⁿ thiaⁿ i;
plug up your ears with brown paper, and do not listen to him.