Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/495

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • sêng78644
  • To succeed to; to take over; to undertake; to receive and hold.
sĭ kio i sêng pûe kâi;
is what ho has taken off her hands; has superseded him in the possession or occupancy of it.
cí kâi sĭ kio nâng sêng kâi;
this is something taken over from another.
cía sêng-sĭu m̄ khí;
I am not adequate to this.
adulation; flattery.
sêng-ciap i kâi ĕ chíu;
take hold when he lets go.
sêng tng m̄ tit;
cannot bear up under so much; cannot answer for it.
i tó̤ tng sêng-hwt-pâng cóng-su;
he is the officer in the Board who receives and forwards dispatches.
sêng cīeⁿ kâi mĕng;
to receive orders from a superior in office.
cang i a-tĭ kâi kíaⁿ lâi sêng i kâi hieⁿ-teng;
adopted his younger brother's son, as a successor who should in his stead worship the manes.
  • sêng7815
  • To aid, to second; a deputy, a coadjutor, an assistant.
a prime minister (an ancient term).
a district magistrate's deputy.
jī ke sĭ sêng;
they are coadjutors each to the other.
a road-master superintending a station on a post-road.
  • sêng77249
  • In arithmetic, to multiply.
sǹg-sìo put kùe sĭ ēng kui in sêng tṳ̂ kâi huap;
calculation is merely the use of the rules for division, addition, multiplication and subtraction.
  • sêng77622
  • To bring to pass.
sêng cĭu;
cò̤ tit sêng;
can compass it.
cò̤ m̄ sêng;
could not bring it about.
cò̤ sêng a būe?
Is it yet completed?
m̄ sêng khì;
not fitted for the position.
sêng jîn khì;
fitted for actual life.
tì sêng pēⁿ;
to become sick.
cò̤ sêng lío;
already effected.
lṳ́ thóiⁿ cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ cò̤ tit sêng;
see whether this can be effected.
sêng teng;
an adult.
būe sêng teng;
a minor.
i kâi chin íⁿ-keng cò̤ sêng lío;
his marriage is already consummated.
tô̤h jît sêng chin;
choose the day for the wedding.
m̄ sen̂g phìen tn̄g;
not amounting to a wholesale packet.
kong sêng, mîaⁿ cĭu;
honors attained and fame secured.
lău-sêng căi;
  • sêng830754
  • The pine tree.
resin, pitch.
sêng thùaⁿ;
charcoal made from pine.
sêng-peh lûi;
pine cones.
sêng-peh chiu;
pine needles.
the yew.
  • sĕng77249
  • To seize the opportunity; to take advantage of; to avail one's self of; in arithmetic, to multiply.
sĕng ŭ khang-khiah cū jîp khṳ̀;
get in through a crack.
sĕng ki-hŭe;
seize the chance.
sĕng i bô̤ ṳ̆-pĭ;
catch him unprepared.
sĕng huang, pàng húe;
when the wind is right, set it on fire.
sĕng cí kâi sì ío kōi cò̤;
take advantage of the drift in that direction, and it will be more easily done.
kui in sĕng tṳ̂ kâi sǹg huap;
the rules for division, addition, multiplication and subtraction.
sĕng ki cak-lw̆n;
take the opportunity to revolt.
sĕng pĭen kìa lâi;
send it when there is a convenient opportunity.
  • sĕng7721087
  • Plenteous; abundant; flourishing; exuberant; in perfect conditio.
jú buah jú sĕng;
the more I annoint it, the more it spreads.
luxuriant; affluent; thrifty.
sĕng sue;
to thrive or to decline; growing vigorous, or failing in health.
cí hûe cìaⁿ tó̤ sĕng kâi sî-hāu;
this is a prosperous time with it.
thô̤ hue sĕng khui kâi sî-hāu;
when the peaches are in bloom.
i kâi húe tó̤ sĕng;
the fever is increasing.
húe tó̤ sĕng, phah m̄ kùe;
the fire is burning more hotly, and cannot be extinguished.
châk-sì sĕng;
the rebels gather strength.
cía sĭ i cêk tn̄g sĕng ì;
this is his idea about it.


east and west; all between the east and west; anything; frequently used as a term of reproach.
hṳ́ khí nâng m̄ sĭ tong-si;
such people are of no account; they are of no use in the world; they are nobody.
hía, àu tong-si;
they are worthless trash.
kâi sĭ sĭm-mih tong-si?
What sort of thing is it?
  • si7591496
  • Poetry; verse; odes; hymns.
cò̤ si;
compose verses.
cêk siu si;
one stanza.
sŏng si; ngîm si;
to sing or chant hymns.
si kó̤; si chó̤;
the rough draft of a poem.
si tôi;
the title or prelude of a poem.
sì kù si;
verses of four lines.
si nêk;
the ode itself.
si bûn kŭ hó̤;
the odes are excellent.
cêk tîo si;
a poem or hymn.
tôi si;
improvise a stanza.
hŏ̤ si;
match rhymes.
úa cò̤ tîo si lṳ́ hŏ̤;
I will compose an ode, and you compose another having the same rhymes throughout.
khîeh pńg si ūn lâi chê;
get a book of standard rhymes and see whether this is a correct rhyme.
a poet.
si kiaⁿ;