Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/496

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
a classic poem.
si sṳ̂ ko̤ hù;
verses, ditties, odes and songs.
si íu;
a fellow rhymester.
kó si;
ancient poetry.
ngó ngân si, chit ngân si;
verses with five or with seven words in a line.
pâi-lût si;
a canto, a long poem.
chit-lût si;
a sonnet of eight lines with seven words in a line.
chit cô̤h si;
a stanza of four lines, with seven words in a line.
ngŏ cô̤h si;
a stanza of four lines with five words in a line.
chì-thiap si;
poems given in at the examinations.
si kù;
four lines of rhyme.
i kâi si sit lîam kâi jī;
his poem has one false rhyme in it.
hó̤ si-hù;
a good song.
chiam si;
an oracular response in verse, obtained by drawing a lot referring to a number on the table of oracular verses in a temple.
  • si75814210
  • Spiral or crenulated, as shells.
screwlike; spiral; a cork-screw.
lô̤-si khak;
spiral shells.
lô̤-si teng;
a screw.
lô̤-si jẃn;
a nut which works upon a screw.
lô̤-si m̄ kah, jẃn m̄ lô̤h;
the screw does not fit, and will not go in when turned.
i kâi teng ēng ŭ lô̤-si a bô̤?
Has the lamp a screw at its top?
cí kâi cun-chùi ēng ŭ lô̤-si;
the top of this flask screws on.
lô̤-si khàm;
a top that screws on.
lô̤-si kùa;
a cover that screws on.
the ribbed scallop.
lô̤-si khah siap, jẃn m̄ chut;
the screw works with such friction that I cannot screw it out.
  • si757446
  • A corpse.
sí-si; sin-si; si-síu; sí hâi;
a corpse.
sin-si tī-tîang khṳ̀ siu i?
Who has gone to bring in the bodies?
ngĭam si;
hold an inquest.
si chin khṳ̀ kò̤ kuaⁿ;
the relatives of the dead went to complain to the magistrate.
ngĭam tîeh kâi si bô̤ sieⁿ;
found no wounds on the body at the inquest.
î si thû-lūa;
remove a corpse to another person's house in order to implicate him in the murder.
cieh si hŵn hûn;
borrowed another body, his own having been buried, and returned to life.
ngŏ lō pun si;
to pull a person in pieces by attaching oxen to drag in five different directions.
cang i kâi si pàng sîaⁿ gūa hō̤-nīa;
put the corpse outside the city wall as a warning to the people.
  • si1208359
  • Silk as it comes from the cocoons; silk in general; the fibers of nettle hemp and other plants; silky; fine, flossy; small, minute; to sew with silk; a cord, a line, a fiber, a wire; veins in wood; in decimals, a hundred thousandth, or the hundredth part of a cash; stringed instruments of music.
chôiⁿ si;
the silk of silkworms.
i sĭ hû-si kheh, lâi bói hû-si kâi;
he is a silk buyer who has come to buy raw silk.
silk wadding, used for linings or in shrouds.
pue si eng-tîeh mâk;
a gossamer thread floating in the air, got into his eye.
côih cò̤ nêk-si;
cut it up into shredded meat.
thoah chài-thâu si;
grate turnips into shreds.
thiu si;
reel silk from the cocoons.
ti-tu si;
a spider's web.
lî hâu si hut;
the very least particle.
tâng is;
fine copper wire.
só̤ chēng sĭ si tîu lîn tn̄g;
dresses in silks and satins.
sewing silk.
si cháu;
silk goods.
koi si mīⁿ;
chicken stew.
ngṳ̂n si;
tine silver wire.
ngṳ̂n si-mīⁿ;
white vermicelli.
côih cêk si cêk si;
cut it up in fine strips.
thì kàu sòi-si sòi-si;
pick it into shreds.
si hâu bŏi khueh-khìam;
does not lack a particle.
khang si kùe mêh;
stretch a silken thread to test the pulse upon.
kă-tîeh seⁿ si;
it is stringy when you bite into it.
i kâi nūaⁿ seⁿ si;
his saliva is ropy.
phùi chut lâi, i kâi thâm tèng tòa ŭ hueh-si;
when he expectorates, there are flecks of blood in the phlegm.
cheⁿ si;
raw silk.
sêk si;
twisted silk.
ńng si;
slackly twisted silk.
ngĕ si;
hard twisted silk.
i sĭ cîah thîo-si, a sĭ cîah cho-si?
Does he use coarse or fine cut tobacco?
pêh si hun;
pale colored fine cut tobacco.
kim si; n̂g si;
fine cut yellow tobacco.
bé búe si;
horsehair used as thread.
tùe ŭ tio si tŏ̤-kò̤;
a thread is hanging to it.
khîeh khṳt chôiⁿ keⁿ si;
lot the silk-worms spin silk over it.
ti-tu tūi si lô̤h khṳ̀;
the spider lets himself down by a filament.
sap kàu si-si;
hash it up fine.
thiu lâi khah tōa si;
shaved it up into too large strips.
seⁿ si;
is stringy.
thó-si cí;
seeds of the dodder, a medicinal plant, used as a tonic.
  • si835302
  • To control, to manage, to preside over; a commissioner, a superintendent, an officer; a court or office; a subdivision of a district, like a township.
the provincial judge.
the salt commissioner.
the commissioner of the revenue.
saⁿ si;
the three commissioners, (above named).
líang si;
the minister of justice, and the salt commissioner.
phah kuaⁿ-si;
engaged in a lawsuit.
the jailor.
kak pŏ kâi si-ŵn;
directors in the various Boards.
kong si;
a public company, like the old East India Company; a mercantile firm; a managing committee of officers.
si mĕng càu sîn;
the god of the kitchen.
tī-tîang tó̤ si sṳ̄?
Who has the direction of the affair?
tī-tîang tó̤ cò̤ si-sṳ̄?
Who acts as superintendent?
chì mn̄g i só̤ si hô̤ sṳ̄;
inquire what he superintends.