Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/497

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • si758705
  • To bestow; to distribute; to relieve.
si ṳn khṳt;
favor him.
khîu i si ṳn;
besought him to show mercy.
sok-sok si kîaⁿ;
speedily grant that it be so.
si cú;
tōa si cú;
great benefactor.
si sía;
beshow in charity.
si cì;
give alms.
si cîah;
distribute food.
si kuaⁿ-bâk;
to give away coffins.
si-pun kúi cîah;
feed destitute spirits.
si tê, si îeh, si cîⁿ, si bí, si kûe-lôih, si phùa-hîuⁿ;
distribute tea, medicine, cash, rice, splint hats, and old clothing.
jûah thiⁿ-sî si kûe-sìⁿ, chìn thiⁿ-sî si húe-thang;
in hot weather give away palm-leaf fans, in cold weather, braziers.
si ui;
contribute funds for paying physicians.
i cū bô̤ si ûi lí;
he can do no more.
kí só̤ put àiⁿ, màiⁿ si i nâng;
what you dislike others to do to you, that do not do to them,.
si hue-sua-thô, pi-cîeh;
to aid by giving mortar to build the tomb and a grave-stone.
cêk chiet si-cì kâi sṳ̄ tŏ̤ nâng kâi lâk;
alms-giving must be according to one's ability.
  • si754440
  • An effigy of an ancestor; living persons were anciently dressed to personate them, and were then worshipped.
khì kàu saⁿ si sîn pău-thìo;
danced and hopped about from the excess of his rage.
kó-cá kâi cì có, sip-lìp ŭ kâi si, tǹg cò̤ có, chēng i có kâi hôk-sek;
in the ancient worship of ancestors, an image was made to represent the ancestor, and wore the ancestor's clothing.
  • si1811201
  • The clue, connection or link, which joins things.
a genealogy.
i kâi sì-si kio nín sie tâng mē?
Is his genealogy the same as yours?
  • si7591187
  • To divine with stems of the milfoil or mayweed.
ēng si-cháu lâi si kâi khùe;
take milfoil and try what the lot will show.
  • 761385
  • The beginning; opening; a y 761 6 start; to commence; the earliest; to be first; as an initial, then, at that time, was.
the first.
sí cong bŏi pìen-êk;
from beginning to end there is no variation.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ kâi sí-mŵt lṳ́ tàⁿ úa thiaⁿ;
relate the whole affair to me from beginning to end.
cía sĭ tī-tîang chàng-sí kâi?
Who invented this?
the founder of the family.
cṳ̆ sí cì cong;
from beginning to end.
kàu taⁿ sí cai i sĭ hó̤;
know now for the first time that it is excellent.
cò̤ sṳ̄ m̄ hó̤ ŭ sí bô̤ cong;
in whatever one does he should not make a commencement and reach no termination.
  • 836782
  • To die; dead; death; ghastly; mortally; dangerous; fearless to the death; a superlative after a verb or an adjective; urgent; intense; fixed, not movable.
phah sí;
beat to death.
hāi sí nâng;
be the death of somebody.
m̄ cai sí;
reckless; knows no fear.
i kâi sim būe sí;
he has not yet become indifferent to it.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ i kâi sim cìaⁿ sí;
thus his desire for it will die out.
sí lō;
a dangerous road.
i būe hío sèⁿ sí mn̂g;
he does not yet know in which way safety or danger lies.
m̄ pat sí, so̤h cò̤ gû(illegible text);
did not know what death was, and mistakenly thought she was asleep.
khì sí nâng;
vex one to death.
sí lâu, sí cúi;
stagnant water.
hṳ́ kâi tī-hng sĭ sí tī;
that is dangerous ground.
sí nâng khut;
a beastly hole.
i sĭ pēⁿ sí, m̄ sĭ khṳt nâng thâi sí;
he died of disease, not by violence.
kiaⁿ sí;
scared almost to death.
ló sí;
mortal hatred.
hĕng sí; hṳ̆n sí;
exceeding dislike.
khṳt i poh sí khṳ̀;
worried to death by him.
cōi kíaⁿ gō̤ sí pĕ;
numerous progeny bring starvation to the father.
àiⁿ sí, bōi tit sí;
is anxious to die as soon as possible.
cía hāu-peh-cheh sĭ àiⁿ cò̤ sí kâi a ûah kâi?
Do you wish to have these shutters made with movable or immovable slats?
sí cŭe;
a capital crime.
i cìeⁿ-seⁿ sí hŵn-lío khah tâk khṳt i;
he deserves a heavier punishment than death.
cŭe put cì sí;
a crime not punishable by death.
i pēⁿ kàu àiⁿ sí;
he is sick unto death.
kă sí m̄ hàuⁿ pàng;
sets his teeth into it with deathly grip, and will not let go.
tûi sí m̄ jīn;
though beaten to death, will not confess.
seⁿ sí pìaⁿ kàu sêng;
redouble the exertions, and thus win in a straggle between life and death.
m̄ ngw̆n sí;
not willing to risk his life for it.
tàⁿ tîeh i ngŵn sí;
says he is willing to die for it.
màiⁿ wn-khut sí nâng;
do not oppress people intolerably.
i bŏi sí;
he is not going to die.
àiⁿ sí àiⁿ ûah; àiⁿ tùe nâng seⁿ sí;
will cast in his lot with such an one whether it be to lire or to die.
tùi nâng sí;
oppose to the death.
sí kàu ngĕ-ngĕ;
stone dead.
thâi sí tṳ;
to kill hogs.
khùaⁿ-ûah sí;
die a peaceful death.
chám sí;
die miserably.
khó sí i;
pester him to death.
i hó̤ sí lío;
he might as well die now.
cìu sí cūa;
swear to die for an object.
kúi līu sí;
throttled by a demon.
tĕⁿ sí;
kill by choking with the hand.
tèⁿ sí; ké sí; cuang sí; tieⁿ cò̤ sí kâi;
to feign death.
hṳ̂ sí mâk m̄ khoih;
a fish does not close its eyes when dying.
lío mâk kim-kim;
after he was dead his eyes remained wide open.
lṳ̂ sí to bô̤ ēng;
yon may kill yourself by your exertions and all will be of no use.

i sí sí kīo, kĭo kàu jī-ke phok