Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/498

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.


he will incite them to mortal strife, till both parties are exterminated.
teh sí;
crush to death.
kek sí;
sie sí;
burned to death.
thòi i sí;
die in his stead.
pûah sí;
killed by a fall.
káu sí, cêk seⁿ;
ten to one he will die.
  • 836312
  • Four; all around; everywhere.
sì khùi;
the four seasons.
sì sî kâi kúe-cí to hó̤ cîah;
the fruits of all the seasons are edible.
four sided, square or oblong.
sì kak;
sì cieⁿ, sì thói;
the limbs; the whole body.
sì mâk bô̤ chin;
a stranger among strangers.
sì cì;
all around.
múaⁿ sì-chù;
in every direction.
sì ûi to sĭ suaⁿ;
there are mountains on all sides.
sì phìⁿ bô̤ hûang-gāi;
no obstacle in any direction.
sì mīn;
every quarter.
sì hái;
all the world.
sì lâk chù ŭ;
it is to be found in ever so many places.
sì mn̂g pêⁿ kín;
all the gates barricaded.
sì lō nĕ tît-tit̂;
straight roads in all directions.
sì lō thîo-tît;
a straight course everyway.
saⁿ sì hûe;
three or four times.
sì ngŏ tńg;
four or five times.
cò̤ kàu sì pêⁿ poih ún;
made plain and safe in all quarters.
sì thong poih tâk;
opens out in all directions, (as a passage).
sì tāi thien ûang;
four demon kings whose images are placed at the doors of monasteries.
unlike every body else, a name of the Elephurus davidii*.
sì mâk sie tùi;
stand and look at each other and do nothing.
sì chîo tăi-láu;
holding office during the reigns of four emperors.
sì thĭo;
the letters denoting the time of one's birth.
cĭeⁿ sì hú, ĕ sì hú;
the officials of the upper and lower portions of the province.
  • 76314
  • An age, a generation; the world; mankind; times; life; seasons; experience of life; hereditary; successively; to enfeoff; during the times of; from age to age; perpetual; in divination refers to diagrams which denote one's self.
the world.
cêk sì nâng;
all my life; one life time.
sì tō̤;
seqⁿ chut sì;
born into the world.
kùe sì;
to die.
kim seⁿ kim sì;
the present age.
sì cīeⁿ;
sì-cīeⁿ nâng; sì-kang nâng;
people of the present time.
sì-kài hó̤ a m̆-hó̤?
How go the times with you?
i cn̂g kâi m̄ hío sì-chêng;
he does not at all understand the circumstances in the case.
phûeh sì-chêng;
talking about the condition of things.
i kâi nâng sì-chêng căi;
he has great knowledge of the world.
i kio i sĭ sì hiaⁿ-tĭ, m̄ sĭ sì cek-tîet;
he is of the same generation as they, not of a succeeding
sì kau;
friends of many generations.
sì-sîp kâi kuaⁿ-ciak;
a hereditary office and title.
sì ke;
an old and honorable family.
sîp-sêk sì kù;
become acquainted with the world.
thŵn kàu taⁿ jîeh cōi sì;
has been handed down through many generations.
jī sì có;
the sou of the founder of the family.
  • 7651911
  • Power, authority, influence; pomp, dignity, grandeur; strength, or that wherein it lies; resources; virility; air, exterior, figure, condition, state of.
vigor, prowess, force.
ŭ sì-lâk kâi nâng;
a man of influence.
ui-sì sît-căi tōa;
has really great dignity.
hó̤ sì-thâu;
a good omen.
to brow-beat.
to s̆i sì lĭ kâi nâng;
is one who fawns on the rich.
sit sì;
to lose influence.
lâi-sì sĭm sĭ hiong;
has a savage look.
i mih sṳ̄ to àiⁿ sái sì;
he likes to exercise his authority in every thing.
i kâi sì khah tōa, nâng m̄ chap i;
he is too authoritative and people will not associate with him.
cía sĭ sì só̤ pit-jîen;
this is something that I am compelled to insist upon.
aspect, position (said of places or buildings).
sêng sì, jīo khṳ̀;
improve the occasion and drive them out.
i nŏ̤ nâng tó̤ pí khûn sì;
the two are showing off their skill in boxing.
the style in which a thing is done; the adaptation of the manner to the circumstances.
i kâi kè-sì pí khṳ̀ hó̤;
he displayed his skill to good advantage.
mŏng lâi bô̤ kè bô̤ sì;
brandished (his weapons) without skill.
kò̤ cûn, kò̤ lâi bô̤ kè bô̤ sì;
rowed the boat in a very awkward way.
cò̤ lâi sĭ sì;
does it as if he knew how.
cúi-sì kàu cí-kò̤ kín căi;
the current is very rapid at this point.
hùe-sì tó̤ sĕng, phah m̄ cŭ;
the fire is increasing its fury, and they cannot stop it.
kah nâng kah nâng kai chíu sì;
each has his own way of doing things.
cŏ lâi bè-sì hó̤;
he sits well on a horse.
kúaⁿ cí kâi sì cìaⁿ kōi cò̤;
take advantage of the drift in that direction and yon can do it easily.
tô̤ kâi sì cū thìo kùe khṳ̀;
get an impetus by starting at a little distance away, and then jump across.
cĭa i ke-cú kâi sì;
depends on his master's power.
i kâi uá tī-tîang kâi sì?
Whose influence does he rely on?
i ŭ sì hó̤ khṳt-nâng úa;
he has authority on which people may depend for help.
tîeh cieh-sì cieh-sì nē;
must not place too much confidence in its strength.
ŭ sì màiⁿ cĭn sái;
do not lay out all your strength.
i bŏi sío-lí úa-cĭang tha nâng kâi sì cū tó̤ ui-hong;
he is not ashamed to put on an appearance of great dignity, relying wholly on the power of other people