Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/605

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

the matter.

hú-tău íⁿ-keng thek ti-kūiⁿ khṳ̀ phōiⁿ;
the prefect has already directed the district magistrate to take up the case and adjudicate it.
kuaⁿ-hú ngîam thek tī-pó̤ sòi-sim khṳ̀ chê-chip;
the officer strictly charged the alderman to carefully inquire into it.
  • thek6818710
  • To cause to progress; to promote.
a good deed, springing from real love; unostentatious benevolence; a beneficient action secretly performed.
i sît-că hó̤ im-thek;
he is really philanthropic.
mâk ĕ īa-sĭ phû ŭ im-thek hûn cū hó̤ tói tīo cía cai-eh;
if a sign of real goodness appears it will debar the approaching evil from coming nearer.
im-thek bûu;
exhortations to benevolence.
  • 禿thek9231152
  • Hairless; bald.
thek lṳ̂;
a hairless mule, a term of contempt for a Buddhist priest.
  • 倜儻thek-tháng903
  • A law to one's self; worth of promotion.
pí pât nâng lêng-gūa thek-tháng;
has a more distinguished appearance than other people.


  • theng1151166
  • An aperture to give light in a room; a window; a sash; a shutter; a school or student.
pâng lăi kâi theng tîeh kui tōa cē cìaⁿ kng;
the windows of the bedroom must be made rather large then it will be light.
the vertical-bars across a window.
theng khuang;
îⁿ theng;
a round aperture for the admission of light.
theng mn̂g;
window-blind or shutter.
theng bâi;
the top of a window.
theng chēng;
a bar to fasten a window.
cùaⁿ theng;
to bar a window.
po̤-lî theng;
a glass window.
ô̤-kìa theng;
a window made from translucent shells.
hó̤ⁿ-thâu theng;
an elevated skylight in a roof.
thiⁿ theng;
a skylight.
khui theng;
open the window.
kueⁿ theng;
shut the window.
theng thèⁿ;
the prop by which a window shutter is upheld.
khui mn̂g thèⁿ theng tó̤ cò̤;
doing it with all the doors and windows all open; does it without fear of being seen.
phò theng;
shop windows.
phò theng pang màiⁿ chēng tāⁿ;
do not set up the shop window-shutters in a wrong order.
huang-lô theng;
the ventilator in the bottom of an earthen stove.
huang-lô-theng píaⁿ;
cí kâi kau-hâm lâi cò̤ kâi thih theng;
let us have a perforated iron mouth-piece at the end of this covered drain.
tâng theng phêng-íu;
friends who have studied at the same window;
fellow students; chums.
tieh ŭ câp nì bâng theng kâi kang-hu cìaⁿ ŭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
one must have given ten years to hard study in order to be able to do this.
khó̤ kìeu i tŏ̤ theng ĕ sĭ ŭ ēng kang;
can perceive that he was diligent at his studies.
  • theng796115
  • To correct, as officials do miscreants.
īa sĭ káⁿ kù-ì hŭam cŭe kâi cū tîeh chông tăng theng-phōiⁿ, cìaⁿ hó̤ theng-kài ău nâng;
if there be those who intentionally transgress, they must be punished with severity, that those who come after may be deterred from like crimes.
  • théng908647
  • To pull out, to stretch, to strain, to rush or stand forth.
théng sin;
to stretch one's self up straight.
cū sĭ i théng sin chut lâi cò̤ cú;
it was he who stood forth and took the management of affairs.
tàⁿ kàu théng heng pôih kèⁿ;
spoke with a big voice and fierce aspect.
kha théng tît-tît;
stretch your legs straight.
màiⁿ théng phùa phŭe;
do not strain the coverlet so severely as to teat it.
cē théng cū ŏi chun, cē pàng cū ŏi kiu;
when you pull it, it stretches and when you slacken the strain it shrinks; it is very elastic.
théng khuah cē;
pull upon it to make it wider.
théng khui-khui;
stretch it to make it cover as much surface as possible.
théng i tn̂g;
stretch it lengthwise.
théng tît-tît;
straighten it by pulling at the ends.
  • théng3376
  • To stretch open; to open out.
i kâi sî théng m̄ khui;
it cannot spread its wings.
nŏ̤ phìn sît théng kàu khui-khui;
both wings spread to their utmost stretch.
nŏ̤ phìⁿ mn̂g lóng-cóng théng khui;
open both doors.
théng hŏ-sùaⁿ;
spread an umbrella.
théng pò-phâng;
stretch an awning.
  • théng9081377
  • A punt; a canoe; a dugout; long small boats.
i sĭ tah théng-cûn khṳ̀ atah húe-cûu khṳ̀?
Did he go by a native boat or by steamer?
native craft.
a punt.
a flower-boat, used for parties.
a lighter.
a dragon-boat; a long canoe.
  • théng801627
  • To act with effrontery; presuming; forward; relying on one's pretensions or power.
théng kong lêng;
confident of one's own abilities; overweening.
i to sĭ tó̤ théng kong lêng;
he is always putting himself forward.
mih sṳ̄