Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/606

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

théng kong sueh lêng;

thrusts himself forward in a pretentious way on all occasions.
i to sĭ théng ui-sì khṳ̀ khi-iap nâng;
he relies on his pretensions and power to browbeat people.
i cìeⁿ-seⁿ sĭ tó̤ théng kè-sì;
in so doing he is putting on airs in order to intimidate.
  • thèng90612816
  • To accord, to wait for, to tarry, and often answers according to, as, let.
thèng khî cṳ̆-jîen, maìⁿ míen-kíang i;
let it take its natural course; wait till it comes about of itself; do not force it at all.
thèng thiⁿ îu mīaⁿ;
just as heaven decrees.
thèng i cò̤;
wait for him to act.
thèng i lâi;
let it be until he comes.
as it happened; according as circumstances direct; incidentally.
lâu pàng kò̤ thèng-cău-hùe àiⁿ ēng;
leave it until it happens to be required.
thèng châi-khì;
acording to his ability.
  • thèng570512
  • Without regard to propriety or method.
màiⁿ thèng tàⁿ;
to not talk at random.
màiⁿ theǹg thiaⁿ nâng kâi ūe;
do not indiscriminately listen to people.
i khṳ̀ thèng cŏ̤, nâng àiⁿ chìe i;
if he goes and sits out of place, people will laugh at him.
i to sĭ thèng-thèng tàⁿ, thèng-thèng cò̤, m̄ hío huap-lût, m̄ hío chêng-lí;
he is always talking at random, and acting without regard to rule, as if he did not understand the regulations, nor have any idea of correct principles of action.
i kâi cò̤-sṳ thèng-kàng, màiⁿ khṳ̀ chap i;
his ways are lawless, do not associate with him.
  • thêng90799
  • To rest, to stop; to hold up, as when there is enough; well arranged; suitable.
thêng kang; thêng chíu;
to stop work.
cĭam thêng kang kúi jît;
stop work for a few days.
thêng chíu khùn-kíaⁿ;
stay your hand a moment.
thâu sía thâu thêng pit tó̤ sĭeⁿ;
alternately wrote and ceased writing that he might think.
sṳ̆-lí kàu thêng-thêng tàng-tàng;
arranged with the most perfect regularity.
ín-keng siu-sîp thêng-tàng lío;
is already set in complete order.
câp thêng lō íⁿ-keng kîaⁿ ŭ chit thêng khṳ̀;
of the ten stopping places on the route we have already passed seven.
cĭeⁿ lō bô̤ thêng kha, lí-lí kîaⁿ;
went the whole way without stopping.
thêng-cŭ bé;
stop the horse; rein up the horse and make him stop.
thêng cam;
cease from sewing.
thêng cam tó̤ phah-sǹg;
stopped sewing and considered whether she was doing it rightly.
thêng kīe;
stop the progress of a sedan-chair.
saⁿ thêng to phùe-kah tit kùe;
the upper, middle, and
lower portions of his profile are suited to each other; his features are well proportioned.
kut nêk thêng-ûn;
his bones and his flesh are well proportioned, neither being too great for the other.
thìaⁿ khṳ̀ cí hûe ío thêng tīam cē, bô̤ hìeⁿ thìaⁿ;
the pain is just now ceasing, and it does not ache badly.
  • 葶藶thêng-lêk537
  • A plant like cress, said to intoxicate or kill fish; the reddish, mucilaginous seeds are used to relieve asthma and hoarseness.
  • thêng788512
  • Clear; limpid; still; pure.
cía cúi ŏi thêng-cheng a bŏi?
Is this water clear?
n̂g-hô̤ sĭang ŭ thêng-cheng jît, nâng seⁿ khá bô̤ tit ūn sî;
the Yellow River has days when it is limpid, and how can a lifetime be without seasons of luck.
sĭ kio thêng-hái kūiⁿ kiam-kài tī-hng;
it is a region contiguous to the Teng Hai district.
  • thêng907587
  • The family rooms; rooms used by children for study or work; domestic.
thien-thêng pá múaⁿ;
a high spacious forehead, a term in physiognomy.
kio i kâi ūe tăi siang kèⁿ thêng;
very different from his description of it.
ke-thêng hûa-môk;
harmonious domestic relations.
  • thêng791157
  • A task; a journey; a road.
cía khí lô̤h khṳ̀ sĭ tōa kang thēng kâi;
this taken altogether is a big job.
taⁿ īa kien kŭa chîen-thêng;
now looks forward to preferment.
khṳ̀ kàu hṳ́ kò̤ kâi lō-thêng sît-căi hn̆g;
the journey there is indeed long.
  • thêng86418710
  • To mount, to ascend, to leap.
i ŏi thêng hûn kè bū;
he can leap upon a cloud and ride the mist.
thóiⁿ-kìⁿ ciah cio thêng khonh pue khṳ̀;
saw a bird soar into the firmament.
  • thêng907859
  • Water running back and making a pool.
cía cúi sĭ thêng-lâu a sĭ kîaⁿ lâu?
Is the tide here formed by backwater, or by direct influx?
cúi kàu cí kò̤ cū thêng lâi;
the current sets backward from this point.
  • thêng907544
  • The place where audiences are held, the court of the palace; courtly.
the government; the court; the Emperor.
cía sĭ chîo-thêng kâi sṳ̄;
this is government business.
caù-cai chîo-thêng;
inform the government or the Emperor.