Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/607

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • thêng2910923
  • To stare vacantly; the eye fixed.
mâk thêng-thêng;
his eyes are fixed.
mâk li thêng, khì li chẃn;
the eyes fixed and the breath drawn with difficulty.
  • thĕng8631186
  • To wait for; to let.
thĕng úa lâi;
wait till I come.
úa thĕng lṳ́ kú lío;
I have been waiting a long time for you.
cêk thĕng, nŏ̤ thĕng, hŵn būe lâi;
waited ever so long and he has not yet come.
thĕng úa kùe lío;
wait and let me pass.
i tó̤ thĕng cûn;
she is waiting for a boat to come along.
thĕng i ôiⁿ;
wait till he is at leisure.
khĭa tó̤ thĕng;
stands waiting.


  • thi6342025
  • Viscid; sticky; bird-lime.
khô̤ kàu nĕ thi-thi;
simmer it till it is very gummy.
thi cío;
catch birds with bird-lime.
i kâi thi tîeh nĕ thi-thi cìaⁿ thi tit tîeh;
the bird-lime must be very adhesive then it will catch them.
thi căi;
very glutinous.
khṳt i thi kín tŏ̤ kò̤;
is stuck fast in it.
  • thí3376
  • To stretch open.
mn̂g thí khui;
set the door wide open.
khàu kàu chùi thí-thí;
crying with mouth wide stretched.
chìe kàu chùi thí-thí;
laughing with open mouth.
hûe-sīeⁿ chùi thí-thí, m̄ sĭ àiⁿ cîⁿ cū sĭ àiⁿ bí;
when a priest grins, he wants either money or rice.
thí kàu khuah-khuah;
stretch it wide open.
ka-to̤ ngán khah siap, thí m̄ khui;
the shears are so tight at the pivor that I cannot open them.
pó tō̤ chùi lṳ́ thí khui cē, úa cìaⁿ hó̤ khîeh lô̤h khṳ̀;
open the mouth of the bag more widely, so that I can put in the things.
hŏ-sùaⁿ thí khui khṳt i la ta;
open the umbrella and let it dry.
thí kha;
set the legs far apart.
hŏi, nâng àiⁿ khṳ̀ lîah i, i kâi kha thí kàu khuah-khuah;
when a crab is going to be caught, he opens his claws wide.
  • thí88418813
  • The body; the substance; the essentials; respectable; influential; to realize.
the body; the human frame.
i kâi sì-thí mông tîeh cn̂g kâi ngân-ngân;
his whole body feels cold to the touch.
reputation; the respect in which one is held by others; honor and dignity.
i kìe-sĭ i sit tîeh i kâi thí-mīn;
he complained of her having diminished his importance in the eyes of others.
hīn-khek i thí-mīn căi;
he is now held in high esteem.
côiⁿ sĭ tó̤ cò̤ nâng kâi kang, hīn-căi thí-thí mīn-mīn kâi nâng;
formerly he was one who hired
out to do other people's work, now he is an honored personage.
to accommodate; to consider the interest of a nother.
úa thí-thiap lṳ́, lṳ́ īa tîeh thí-thiap úa: jī-ke tîeh sie thí-thiap cìaⁿ hó̤;
I consider your wishes, and you must consider mine also: all will be well if both are accommodating.
to sĭ cêk thí;
it is all one thing.
to tîeh ŭ kâi thí-thóng;
in all things there must be regard to decorum.
cn̂g kâi bô̤ thí-thóng;
without regard to what is befitting.
  • thì708188
  • To peel; to strip off.
thì tīo phûe;
strip off the bark.
thì mûaⁿ-phûe;
to peel off the bark used for ropes.
thì hṳ̂ phûe;
to flay fish.
khṳt châk thì kàu cêk sin cheng-khih cheng-khih;
stripped by a highwayman.
  • thì40644
  • To tear apart, as in anger.
khì kàu thì tīo i kâi saⁿ;
so angry that he rent his clothes.
tng mīn thì tīo;
tore it up in his face.
thì kàu chùi-chùi;
tore it in pieces.
khîeh khí lâi thì cò̤ ku-ā-kò̤;
took it up and tore it in several pieces.
thì cò̤ nŏ̤ pôiⁿ;
tear it in two.
  • thì608511
  • To obstruct, to stop; indigestible; disagreeing with one; a hindrance.
i kâi nâng thì căi;
he is very uncomfortable.
cò̤ sṳ̄ m̄ hó̤ khah thì;
in doing things do not make yourself too uncomfortable.
i phêng-sù sĭ thì kàu seⁿ si;
it was formerly impeded in its growth so that it became stringy.
i tó lăi sĭ ŭ cek-thi;
he has undigested food in his stomach; has indigestion.
hindered, impeded, stopped.
i cêk lō li bô̤ có̤ bô̤ thì;
he had no hindrance during the whole journey.
i li khṳ̀ kàu pùaⁿ lō ngŏ̤ hŏ cū có̤-thì ku-ā jît;
when he had gone half way there he encountered a storm and was prevented from going on for several days.
i cṳ̆ sòi bŏi thì, lí-lí tōa;
he has from his earliest childhood met with nothing that prevented his growth, and has grown steadily.
i kâi nâng khah thì;
he is too mulish.
thì căi;
harassed, hindered.
i sĭ thì-khìkâi pēⁿ;
he has a derangement of the system caused by stoppage of the fluids.
ūn khì có̤-thì ku-ā nî;
luck has been against him for several years.
thóiⁿ i kâi mêh lâi kàu li sĭ thì-siap;
her pulse is irregular as if the circulation were impeded.
bigoted; set in one's way; opinionated.
  • thì1126410
  • To pick in pieces with the hands.
thì cò̤ nŏ̤ pôiⁿ;
pull it apart.
cêk hah cêk hah