Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/639

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • ṳ̆11281814
  • To prepare for, to prearrange, to get ready for; beforehand.
i ṳ̆-pĭ hó̤ a būe?
Is he all ready for it?
úa iⁿ-keng ṳ̆-pĭ pīn-pīn;
I have already perfected the arrangement for it.
hun-hù i tîeh cai ṳ̆;
tell him he must be prepared for it.
ṳ̆ hó̤ a būe?
Is everything in readiness?
úa bô̤ ṳ̆ i àiⁿ lâi;
I did not foresee his coming.
cí cho̤h nâng-kheh úa ṳ̆ ŭ poih sîaⁿ lâi, kù-chṳ́, ṳ̆ kàu lâk tieⁿ sîah;
I more than half expected these guests, and therefore provided to some extent for their entertainment.
chuah i m̄ cai ṳ̆ i;
took him unawares.
sái kàu nâng bô̤ ṳ̆;
take people by surprise.
soiⁿ ṳ̆ tó̤-kò̤;
all ready beforehand.
soiⁿ cò̤ kâi hì sĭ ṳ̆ cok kâi;
the first performance was a forerunner of others to come in celebration of a god's birthday.
  • ṳ̆11281529
  • Contented, easy, satisfied with what comes; taking one's pleasure.
úa cía sṳ̄ hŵn sĭ iu-ṳ̆, bue kwt;
I am not yet ready to take up the matter, and am still undecided in regard to it.
úa thóiⁿ i sĭ îu-îu ṳ̆-ṳ̆, bô̤ kwt-tẁn;
I see that he is dallying, and is not ready for any decisive action.
  • ṳ̆11251348
  • To be concerned in; connected with.
úa bô̤ ṳ̆ sṳ̄;
I have nothing to do with the matter.
cía sṳ̄ úa bô̤ ṳ̆ cai;
this affair is something that I know nothing about.
i chŵn bò̤ ṳ̆ bŭn;
he heard nothing about it.
  • ṳ̆228303
  • A interjection, expressing disgust or dislike.
ṳ̆, pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;
ah, he has fallen down.
ṳ̆, bŏi hó̤ lío;
there, it is spoiled.


  • ṳn623616
  • Favor, grace, mercy, kindness; benefits, obligations; imperial favor; charitable; compassionate; to oblige, to show favor to; partial to; heartfelt.
i kám i kâi ṳn;
she excites his compassion.
i sĭ bûang ṳn hŭ ngĭ kâi nâng;
he is an ingrateful reprobate.
khai ṳn;
show mercy.
cía sĭ ṳn-tíen khṳt i;
this is showing him unmerited favor.
i cò̤-nî ṳn ciang chiu pò̤?
Why does he requite good with evil?
cêng sĭu kùe i kâi ṳn;
have experienced his kindness.
sĭ i kâi tăi-ṳn-jîn;
it is his benefactor.
ŭ ṳn-cêk kîp peh-sèⁿ;
has conferred great benefits upon the people.
pò̤ i kâi ṳn;
requite his kindness.
sīa ṳn;
show gratitude for favors.
pò̤-tap sín ṳn;
divine favors.
cí kâi ṳn tōa jû thiⁿ;
this obligation cannot be expressed; the favor is great as the heavens.
hûang ṳn;
imperial favor.
in ang cía ṳn-ài căi;
they, the husband and wife, are very kind to each other.
cía sĭ i kâi ṳn kong;
this is his praiseworthy charity.
môk ṳn tĭ-cṳ́;
shower blessings on his followers.
  • ṳ́n1102441
  • A director or overseer of other officers.
the Mayor of the Capital, a high officer whose jurisdiction is independent of the provincial governor, and restricted within the metropolitan prefecture.
hú-ṳ́n pí kak séⁿ kâi hú tōa ho̤h cōi;
the office of Mayor of the Capital is much higher than that of the provincial officers.
seng-kiaⁿ ŭ cêk kâi hŏng-thien hú-ṳ́n;
the Manchu capital has a mayor of the same rank as the mayor of Peking.
i pat cò̤ kùe sŭn-thien hú-ṳu;
he has been Mayor of Peking.
  • ṳ́n110317014
  • Retired; screened; covered; in private life; to keep out of view.
ṳ́n kṳ suaⁿ lîm;
to dwell in seclusion in the country.
ṳ́n sṳ̆;
a retired scholar, one never in office.
ṳ́n gṳ́;
an eliptical sentence.
i ṳ́n-châng khì;
she is very reticent.
ṳ́n-ṳ́n thóiⁿ kìⁿ ŭ nâng lâi;
made out with difficulty to perceive some person approaching.
ṳ́n-ṳ́n thóiⁿ kìⁿ;
saw indistinctly as in twilight or in thick fog.
i ŏi ēng ṳ́n sin huap, sái kàu nâng thóiⁿ m̄ kìⁿ i;
he knows how to apply the rules for rendering one's self invisible, so that people do not perceive him.


  • wn1132408
  • Oppression; grievance; wrong; injury.
an injustice.
wn-úang căi;
very unjust.
to oppress.
ŭ wn bô̤ sin;
no reparation made for the injury done.
khîu lṳ́ kio i sin wn;
pray you to redress his wrong.
wn-chîu būe pò̤;
an injury still unrevenged.
kak wn-chiu;
to get up a quarrel.
hâm wn sĭu khut;
endure oppression.
hàm wn;
proclaim one's grievance.
wn ngîap kúi;
an avenging spirit.
sói wn-lôk;
wipe out a grudge.
wn-wn siang pò̤;
their mutual injuries were revenged on each other.
  • wn10385719
  • Curved; bent; winding; bowed; arched; circuitous.
á wn;
to bend by pressure of the hand.
ut wn;
to bend by heat and pressure.
tau kàu nĕ wn-wn;
bend it till it is much curved.