Page:Discipline in school and cloister (1902).djvu/100

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effort to free herself from the grasp of her tormertors, but all of no avail, for they, no doubt owing to their previous experience, could hold a young lady in any position. She received about a dozen stripes before she was released.

We had a system of making so many marks, and if any young lady had not made so many by the end of the week she was sure to receive a whipping. I have known as many as seven young ladies whipped on a Saturday. It was at these whippings that my aunt and her friends were present as unseen spectators, through the medium of small glass panels let in the door of a nearby closet.

During my two years at this establishment I was whipped several times. I shall never forget my last experience. I think the lady principal had made up her mind that I should be flogged on the Saturday, for at the early part of the week, however well I did my lessons, fault was found with me, and I got careless towards the end. On Saturday I found my name on the Black List, as it was called. I was number three on the list, my two schoolfellows, both girls about fourteen, had gone in and received