Page:Discipline in school and cloister (1902).djvu/101

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their portion and, as usual, had been dismissed to bed. I was then ordered in. I need not tell you that I entered the room trembling from head to foot. Madam called me by my Christian name, and informed me she was very sorry to have to inflict punishment on such a big girl, but the rules of the school must be enforced, winding up by ordering me to prepare for punishment. I dropped on my knees and begged her to take into consideration my age and size; in fact I hardly remember what I did say. She was inexorable and, with a smile on her face, ordered me to obey, or she would have to call assistance and my punishment would be much more severe. I made some remark, when she seized me by my beautiful long hair and beat me about my ears, head, cheeks and arms with the birch, until I was compelled to give in and promise obedience in future.

Soon after, I found means to send a letter to my mamma, informing her of the circumstances related above. She accordingly took steps for my early removal, and I was soon afterwards married, but my mamma and aunt have never been friends or spoken to each other since.