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XXI. Of Inconsistency 173
XXII. Of Friendship 176
XXIII. On the Power of Speaking 182
XXIV. To (or against) a Person who was one of those who were not valued (esteemed) by him 188
XXV. That Logic is necessary 192
XXVI. What is the Property of Error 192

I. Of Finery in Dress 195
II. In what a Man ought to be exercised who has made Proficiency; and that we neglect the Chief Things 201
III. What is the Matter on which a Good Man should be employed, and in what we ought chiefly to employ ourselves 204
IV. Against a Person who showed his Partizanship in an unseemly way in a Theatre 207
V. Against those who on account of Sickness go away Home 209
VI. Miscellaneous 211
VII. To the Administrator of the Free Cities who was an Epicurean 213
VIII. How we must exercise ourselves against Appearances (φαντασίαι) 218
IX. To a certain Rhetorician who was going up to Rome on a Suit 219
X. In what Manner we ought to bear Sickness 222
XI. Certain Miscellaneous Matters 225
XII. About Exercise 225
XIII. What Solitude is, and what Kind of Person a Solitary Man is 228
XIV. Certain Miscellaneous Matters 233
XV. That we ought to proceed with Circumspection to Everything 234
XVI. That we ought with Caution to enter into Familiar Intercourse with Men 236
XVII. Of Providence 238
XVIII. That we ought not to be disturbed by any News 239
XIX. What is the Condition of a Common Kind of Man and of a Philosopher 240