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And Justice, as the counsel for Heaven’s Crown,
Demands that they should cut the rebel down.
Does not the law condemn thee to thy face,
And is not thine an aggravated case?
“Thou hast destroyed thyself,” the Judge deelares;
This is one charge which thy indictment bears.
Hast thou not dozed thy precious soul with sin,
And poisoned every noble power within?
Bad words and deeds, those poisons given by thee,
Have they not wrought both death and misery?
Hast thou not sinned in thought, and word, and deed?
And wilt thou stand and impudently plead,
“Not guilty,” in the sight of that Great Lord,
Who knows thy every thought, and deed, and word?
Or wilt thou let the devil plead thy cause,
And try to show that tliou hast kept God’s laws?
A web of falsehood he will quickly weave,
To flatter his poor vietim, and deceive;
Pretending that he’ll save thee from the pit,
He blinds thine eyes, and leads thee down to it.
And when with him thou art compelled to go
Down to that place of everlasting woe,
Thou must confess it, and it will be seen,
How much deeeived thy foolish heart has been.

Now, since I’ve warned thee to beware of hell,
I’ll ring aloud the glorious Gospel bell.
Sing, O ye Heavens! and let the Earth rejoiee!
For God has spoken with Love’s melting voiee;
He has deelared his great salvation plan,

And there is hope, sweet hope for sinful man!