Page:Dr. Pritchard turned into a pillar of salt.pdf/11

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God, in His love, sent forth His own dear Son
To do the glorious work, and it is done;
The Holy Lamb for guilty sinners died,
God is well pleased, His justiee satisfied.

When in God’s sight the trembling sinner stands,
Condemned for breaking His most just commands,
Sees Justice, with his sharp and glitt’ring sword,
Prepared to deal the vengeance of the Lord,
And feels that it is hopeless to get free,
His heart is filled with speechless misery,
But when he calls upon the Blessed Name
Of Him who bore the sinner’s curse and shame,
Behold how quickly God’s dear Lamb appears,
To save his soul, and drive away his fears.
Sinee Justiee plunged the sword into His side,
He lets all free for whom the Saviour died.
So Truth commands the sinner’s fears to cease,
And Mercy smiles him into joy and peace,
While all the Attributes of God nnite
To sooth his soul and fill him with delight.

O great expedient! wondrons, blessed scheme,
The guilty sons of Adam to redeem!
O precious Lamb! what virtue is in Thee!
Thy blood can make the foulest clean—even me!
None need despair, since thou for sinners died,
O Lamb of God, the Glorious Crueified!