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to be unique, turn up with identical features in widely scattered regions, alnoite, for example, occurs in Norway, Scotland, Montreal, British Columbia, New York and Brazil, tinguaite in Scotland, Norway, Brazil, Montana, Portugal, &c. This indicates that underlying all the variations in mineralogical, structural and chemical properties there are definite relationships which tend to repeat themselves, producing the same types whenever the same conditions are present.

Although in former years the view was widely current, especially in Germany, that igneous rocks belonging to different geological epochs should receive different names, it is now admitted on all sides that this cannot be upheld.

In 1902 a group of American petrographers brought forward a proposal to discard all existing classifications of igneous rocks and to substitute for them a “quantitative” classification based on chemical analysis. They showed how vague and often unscientific was much of the existing terminology and argued that as the chemical composition of an igneous rock was its most fundamental characteristic it should be elevated to prime position. Geological occurrence, structure, mineralogical constitution, the hitherto accepted criteria for the discrimination of rock species were relegated to the background. The completed rock analysis is first to be interpreted in terms of the rock-forming minerals which might be expected to be formed when the magma crystallizes, e.g. quartz felspars of various kinds, olivine, akermannite, felspathoids, magnetite, corundum and so on, and the rocks are divided into groups strictly according to the relative proportion of these minerals to one another. There is no need here to describe the minutia of the process adopted as the authors have stated them very clearly in their treatise (Quantitative Classification of Igneous Rocks, Chicago, 1902), and there is no indication that even in the United States it w1ll ever displace the older classifications.

We can often observe in a series of eruptive belonging to one period and a restricted area certain features which distinguish them as a whole more or less completely from other similar assemblages. Such groups are often said to consanguineous, and to characterize a definite “petrological province.” Excellent examples of this are furnished by the Devonian igneous rocks of southern Norway as described by Brogger, the Tertiary rocks of the Hebrides (Harker), the Italian lavas studied by H. S. Washington. On a larger scale the volcanics which girdle the Pacific (Andes, Cordillera, Japan, &c), and those which occur on the volcanic islands of the Atlantic, show the same phenomena Each of these groups has been formed presumably from a single deep-seated magma or source of supply and during a period which while necessarily prolonged was not of vast duration in a geological sense.

On the other hand, each of the great suites of eruptive rocks which constitute such a petrological province embraces a great range of types. Prolonged eruptions have in a few cases a somewhat monotonous character, owing to the predominance of one kind of Differentiation.rock. Thus the lavas of the Hawaiian Islands are mostly basaltic, as are those of Oregon, Washington and the Deccan, all of which form geological masses of enormous magnitude. But it is more usual to find basalts, andesites, trachytes, dacites and many other rocks occurring in a single eruptive complex. The process by which a magma splits up into a variety of partial products is known as “differentiation.” Its importance from the standpoint of theoretical petrology is very great, but as yet no adequate explanation of it has been offered. Differentiation may show itself in two ways. In the first type the successive emissions from a volcanic focus may differ considerably from one another. Thus in the Pentland Hills, near Edinburgh, the lavas which are of lower Devonian age, were first basaltic, then andesitic, trachytic and dacitic, and finally rhyolitic, and this succession was repeated a second time. Yet they all must have come from the same focus, or at any rate from a group of foci very closely connected with one another. Occasionally it is found that the earner lavas are of intermediate character and that basic alternate with acid during the later stages of the volcanic history.

Not less interesting are those cases in which a single body of rock has in consolidation yielded a variety of petrographical types often widely divergent. This is best shown by great plutonic bosses which may be regarded as having once been vast subterranean spaces filled with a nearly homogeneous liquid magma. Cooling took place gradually from the outer surfaces where the igneous rock was in contact with the surrounding strata. The resultant laccolite (Gr. λάκκος, pit, crater, λίθος, stone), stock or boss, may be a few hundred yards or many miles in diameter and often contains a great diversity of crystalline rocks. Thus peridotite, gabbro, diorite, tonalite and granite, are often associated, usually in such a way that the more basic are the first-formed and lie nearest the external surfaces of the mass. The reverse sequence occurs occasionally, the edges being highly acid while the central parts consist of more basic rocks. Sometimes the later phases penetrate into and vein the earlier; evidently there has been some movement due to temporary increase of pressure when part of the laccolite was solid and part still in a liquid state. This links these phenomena with those above described where successive emissions of different character have proceeded outwards from the focus.

According to modern views two explanations of these facts are possible. Some geologists hold that the different rock facies found in association are often due to local absorption of surrounding rocks by the molten magma (“assimilation”). Effects of this kind are to be expected, and have been clearly proved in many places. There is, however, a general reluctance to admit that they are of great importance. The nature and succession of the rock species do not as a rule show any relation to the sedimentary or other materials which may be supposed to have been dissolved, and where solution is known to have gone on the products are usually of abnormal character and easily distinguishable from the common rock types.

Hence it is generally supposed that differentiation is to be ascribed to some physical or chemical processes which lead to the splitting up of a magma into dissimilar portions, each of which consolidates as a distinct kind of rock. Two factors can be selected as probably most potent. One important factor is cooling and another is crystallization. According to physico-chemical laws the least soluble substances will tend to diffuse towards the cooling surfaces (Ludwig–Sorets's principle). This is in accordance with the majority of the observed facts and is probably a vera causa of differentiation, though what its potency may be is uncertain. As a rock solidifies the minerals which crystallize follow one another in a more or less well-defined order, the most basic (according to Rosenbusch's law) being first to separate out. That in a general way the peripheral portions of a laccolite consist mainly of those early basic minerals suggests that the sequence of crystallization helps largely in determining the succession (and consequently the distribution of rock species in a plutonic complex). Gravity also may play apart, for it is proved that in absolution at rest the heaviest components will be concentrated towards the base. This must, however, be of secondary importance as in laccolites the top portions often consist of more basic and heavier varieties of rock than the centres. It has also been argued that the earliest minerals being heaviest and in any case denser than the fused magma around them, will tend to sink by their own weight and to be congregated near the bottom of the mass. Electric currents, magnetic attraction and convection currents have also been called in to account for the phenomena observed. Magmas have also been compared to liquids which, when they cool, split up into portions no longer completely soluble in one another (liquation hypothesis) Each of these partial magmas may dissolve a portion of the others and as the temperature falls and the conditions change a range of liquids differing in composition may be supposed to arise.

All igneous magmas contain dissolved gases (steam, carbonic acid, sulphuretted hydrogen, chlorine, fluorine, boric acid, &c.). Of these water is the principal, and was formerly believed to have percolated downwards from the earth's surface to the heated rocks below, but is now generally admitted to be an integral part of the magma. Many peculiarities of the structure of the plutonic rocks as contrasted with the lavas may reasonably be accounted for by the operation of these gases, which were unable to escape as the deep-seated masses slowly cooled, while they were promptly given up by the superficial effusions. The acid plutonic or intrusive rocks have never been reproduced by laboratory experiments, and the only successful attempts to obtain their minerals artificially have been those in which special provision was made for the retention of the “mineralizing” gases in the crucibles or sealed tubes employed. These gases often do not enter into the composition of the rock-forming minerals, for most of these are free from water, carbonic acid, &c. Hence as crystallization goes on the residual liquor must contain an ever-increasing proportion of volatile constituents. It is conceivable that in the final stages the still uncrystallized part of the magma has more resemblance to a solution of mineral matter in superheated steam than to a dry igneous fusion. Quartz, for example, is the last mineral to form in a granite It bears much of the stamp of the quartz which we know has been deposited from aqueous solution in veins, &c. It is at the same time the most in fusible of all the common minerals of rocks. Its late formation shows that in this case it arose at comparatively low temperatures and points clearly to the special importance of the gases of the magma as determining the sequence of crystallization.

When solidification is nearly complete the gases can no longer be retained in the rock and make their escape through fissures towards the surface. They are powerful agents in attacking the minerals of the rocks which they traverse, and instances of their operation are found in the kaolinization of granites, tourmalinization and formation of greisen, deposit of quartz veins, stanniferous and auriferous veins, apatite veins, and the group of changes known as propylitization.[1] These “pneumatolytic” (Gr. πνεῦμα, spirit, vapour, λύειν, to loose, dissolve) processes are of the first importance in the genesis of many ore deposits. They are a real part of the history of the magma itself and constitute the terminal phases of the volcanic sequence.

The complicated succession from basic (or ultrabasic) to acid types exemplified in the history of many magmas is reflected with

  1. The term “propylite” (Gr. πρόπυλον, a gateway) was given by Richthofen to a volcanic rock which is supposed to have marked a new epoch in volcanic geology (see Andesite).