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who have been honoured by an invitation to contribute their own portraits to the hall of the painters at the Utfizi Gallery in Florence. Some of her best pictures, notably a portrait of Piet ]. Joubert, and “Three Inmates of the Orphanage at Amsterdam, ” are at the Ryks Museum, and one entitled “ The Orphan ” at the Boyman Museum in Rotterdam.

SCHWARZ (or SCHWARTZ), CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH (1726-1798), German Protestant missionary to India, was born on the 8th of October 1726 at Sonnenburg, in the electorate of Brandenburg, Prussia. Having learned Tamil to assist in a translation of the Bible into that language, he was led to form the intention of becoming a missionary to India. He received ordination at Copenhagen on the 8th of August 1749, and, after spending some time in England to acquire the English language, embarked early in 1750 for India, and arrived at Trichinopoly on the 30th of July. Tranquebar was for some time his headquarters, but he paid frequent visits to Tanjore and Trichinopoly, and in 1766 removed to the latter place. Here he acted as chaplain to the garrison, who erected a church for his general use. In 1769 he secured the friendship of the raja of Tanjore, who, although he never embraced Christianity, adorded him every countenance in his missionary labours. Shortly before his death he committed to Schwarz the education of his adopted son and successor. In 1779 Schwarz undertook, at the request of the Madras government, a private embassy to Hyder Ali, the ruler of Mysore. When Hyder invaded the Carnatic, Schwarz was allowed to pass through the enemy's camp without molestation. After twelve years in Trichinopoly he removed to Tanjore, where he spent the remainder of his life. He died on the 13th of February 1798. Schwarz's direct success in making converts exceeded that of any other Protestant missionary in India, in addition to which he succeeded in winning the esteem of Mahommedans and Hindus. The raja of Tanjore erected a monument, executed by Flaxman, in the mission church, in which he is represented as grasping the hand of the dying missionary and receiving his benediction. A splendid monument to Schwarz by Bacon was placed by the East India Company in St Mary's church at Madras.

See Remains of Schwarz, with a sketch of his life (1826); Memo/irs of Life and Correspondence, by H. N. Pearson (1834, 3rd ed. 1839); Lffe, by H. N. Pearson (1855).

SCHWARZ, KARL (1812-1885), German Protestant theologian, was born at Wiek on the Isle of Rtigen on the 19th of November 1812. His father, Theodor Schwarz, pastor at Wiek, was well known as a preacher, and as the writer of a number of popular works (parables, romances, &c.) under the pseudonym “ Theodor Melas." Karl Schwarz pursued the study of theology and philosophy at Halle, and afterwards at Bonn (1831) and Berlin (1832-1834). At Berlin he came under the influence of Schleiermacher and Hegel, whose influences are seen in his work Das Wesen der Religion (1847). In 1837 he was imprisoned for six months on account of his advanced political opinions. After his release he helped (from 1838) with the H allische Jahrbaxher. From 1843-1845 he lectured at Halle, and was then suspended by the government.. In 1849, however, he was appointed professor extraordinaries, and later received a number of distinctions (in 1858 chief court preacher, &c.). Schwarz took an important part in the founding and directing of the German Protestantenvereinfand became an eminent exponent of liberal theology. His work Zur Geschichte der neueslen Theologie (1856, 4th ed. 1869) is a valuable source for the history of theology in Germany. His other works include Lessing als Theologe (1854) and Grundriss der christl. Lehre (1873, 5th ed. 1876). He died on the 25th of March 1885. In his memory a Karl-Schwarz-sliflung was founded in connexionfwith the theological faculty at Jena.

See G. Rudloff, Karl Schwarz (1887); F. Hummel, Die Bedeulung der Schrifl von Karl Schwarz: Uber das Wesen der Reliqion (1890); and Herzog-Hauck, Realencyklopadie.

SCHWARZBURG-RUDOLSTADT, a principality of Germany, an independent member of the German empire, and one of the Thuringian states (see THURINGIA). It shares with Schwarzburg-Sondershausen the possessions of rise old house of Schwarzburg, consisting of the upper barony (Oberherrschafl) in Thuringia, on the Gera, Ilm and Saale, and the lower barony (U nlerherrschaft), an isolated district on the Wipper and Helbe, about 25 m. to the north, surrounded by the Prussian province of Saxony. As the dignity of prince is held in virtue of the Oberherrschaft alone, a share of both baronies was given to each sub-line of the main house. The total area of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt is 363 sq. m., of which 283 are in t.he upper and 80 in the lower barony; the chief towns in the former district are Rudolstadt (pop. 12,500 in 1905), the capital, and Blankenburg (2000), and in the latter F rankenhausen (6374). Both baronies are hilly, the highest elevation being attained in the Grossfarmdenkopf, 2900 ft. The scenery of the Thuringian portion of SchWarzburg-Rud0lstadt attracts many visitors annually, the most beautiful spots being the gorge of the Schwarza and the lovely circular valley in which the village of Schwarzburg nestles at the foot of a curiously isolated hill, crowned by the ancient castle of the princely line. Cattle-rearing and fruit-growing flourish in the lower barony, While the upper barony is finely wooded. Of the Whole country 44% is under forest (mainly coniferous trees), and 50% is devoted to agriculture and pasture. The chief grain crops are rye, oats, barley and potatoes. Great attention is paid to poultry farming and beekeeping, and the exports from these sources are considerable. About 14% of the population are engaged in agriculture and forestry, 21% in mining and cognate industries. Trade and manufactures are insignificant; iron, lignite, cobalt, alum and vitriol are among the mineral productions. In 1905 the population was 96,835 or about 265 to the square mile. Nearly all these were Protestants.

Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt is a limited hereditary monarchy, its constitution resting on laws of 1854 and 1870. A diet has met at intervals since 1816, and is now entitled to be summoned every three years. The present diet consists of sixteen members elected for three years, four chosen by the highest assessed taxpayers, the others by general election. The troops of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt have been incorporated with the Prussian army since the convention of 1867. The principality has one vote in the Reichstag and one in the federal council. Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt is the cadet branch of the house of Schwarzburg, descended from Albrecht VII. (1605). In 1710 the count was made a prince, in spite of the remonstrances of the elector of Saxony, although he was prevented from taking his seat in the imperial college at Regensburg until 1754. The principality entered tlfe Confederation of the Rhine in 1807 and the German League in 1815. In 1819 it redeemed the Prussian claims of superiority by surrendering portions of its territory. See Sigismund, Landeskunde des Fiirstenlums Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt (2 vols., Rudolstadt, 1862~1863).

SCHWARZBURG-SONDERSHAUSEN, a principality of Germany, and constituent state of the German empire. It shares the old Schwarzburg lands with Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt. In general it may be said that while Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt forms the southern, Schwarzburg-Sondershausen occupies the northern portion of the lands once divided between them. The total area. of the principality is 333 sq. m., of which 133 are in the upper and 200 in the lower barony. The chief towns are Arnstadt (pop. 16,275 in 1905), which at one time gave name to a line of counts, in the southern, and Sondershausen (7425), the capital, in the northern (or upper) barony. The general description. of the nature and resources of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt applies also to this principality, except that 62% of the whcile is devoted to agriculture and pasture and 30% to forests, only about two-fifths of which are coniferous trees. The chief crops are oats, barley, wheat and rye, but by far the most land is planted with potatoes. About 15% of the population are supported by agriculture and forestry, and about 18 % by mining and cognate industries. The industries are varied, and in some branches, notably gloves (at Arnstadt), glass, sausages and sugar relining, considerable. In 1905 the population was 85,152, or about 245 to the square mile. Almost all of these were Protestants.