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Navarre till the conquest of Ferdinand the Catholic:—

Garcia IV. 1134–1150 A descendant of Sancho el Mayor. Elected by the Navarrese on the death of Alphonso of Aragon without issue.
Sancho VI., called 
 “The Wise”
1150–1194 Son. Father of Berengaria, wife of Richard Cœur de Lion.
Sancho VII. 1194–1234 Son. Died without issue.
Theobald I. 1234–1253 Husband of Blanche, daughter of Sancho “The Wise.”
Theobald II. 1253–1270 Son. Died without issue.
Henry I. 1270–1274 Brother.
Jeanne I. 1274–1305 Daughter, wife of Philip IV. of France. Navarre was now absorbed in France, and so remained till 1328, when on the death of Charles IV. of France, the last of the house of Hugh Capet, it passed to his niece Jeanne, daughter of Louis X., and wife of Philip, count of Evreux.
Jeanne II. 1328–1349
Charles II., called
 “The Bad”
1349–1387 Son. These two kings were much concerned with France, and little with Spain.
Charles III.,
 “The Noble”
John I. of Aragon 1425–1479 King of Navarre by right of his wife Blanche, daughter of Charles III. On his death Navarre passed to his daughter by Blanche, Eleanor, widow of Gaston IV., count of Foix. She died in the same year as her father, and Navarre passed to her grandson, Francis Phoebus.
Francis Phoebus 1479–1483 Died without issue, and was succeeded by his sister, the wife of Jean D’Albret. The Spanish part of Navarre was conquered by Ferdinand the Catholic in 1512.
Catherine 1483–1514

Kings of United Spain

Joan, “The Mad”  1504–1520  Daughter of Isabella, whom she succeeded in Castile, with her husband Philip I., of Habsburg. After his death, her father Ferdinand was guardian and regent.
Charles I.
 in Spain
1516–1556 Son of Joan. Was recognized as king with his mother; elected to the empire as Charles V.
Philip II. 1556–1598 Son. Succeeded on abdication of Charles V.
Philip III. 1598–1621 Son.
Philip IV. 1621–1665 Son.
Charles II. 1665–1700 Son. Died without issue.
Philip V. 1700–1746 Succeeded by the will of Charles II., as grandson of Maria Teresa, daughter of Philip IV., and of Louis XIV., king of France. With him began the line of the Spanish Bourbons. He abdicated for a few months in 1724–1725 in favour of his son Louis, but resumed the crown when Louis died.
Ferdinand VI. 1746–1759 Son by Philip V.’s first marriage with Maria Louisa of Savoy. Died without issue.
Charles III. 1759–1788 Brother. Son of Philip V. by his second marriage with Elizabeth Farnese.
Charles IV. 1788–1808 Son. He abdicated under pressure in 1808 in favour of his son Ferdinand, and then re-

signed his rights to Napoleon.

Ferdinand VII. 1808–1833 Was proclaimed king on the forced abdication of his father. Remained a prisoner in France during the Peninsular War. He repealed the Salic Law established by Philip V.
Isabella II. 1833–1868 Daughter. Her succession was resisted by her uncle Don Carlos, and the Carlist Wars ensued. Deposed.
Alphonso XII. 1875–1885 Son. His mother abdicated in his favour and he was restored.
Alphonso XIII. 1886– Born after his father's death.

 (D. H.) 

Bibliography.—(1) Sources: There are several published collections of sources for Spanish history. Of these the oldest is R. Belus, Rerum hispanicarum scriptores aliquot in bibliotheca Roberti Beli . . . 3 vols. fol. (Frankfort, 1579–1581). In 1740–1752 was published at Madrid J. A. de Creu y Bertodano’s Coleccion de los tratados de paz, alianza, neutralidad, garanzia, proteccion, treguia y mediacion, &c., que han hecho los reyes de España con los pueblos, republicas y demas potencias y otras partes del mondo, in 12 vols, folio. A Coleccion de documentos inéditos para la historia de Espagna, by Pidal and others, was published in 65 vols. (Madrid 1842–1876). In 1851 the Royal Academy of History of Madrid began the publication of its Memorial histórica español, a collection of documents, &c. See also Dionisio Hidalgo, Diccionario general de bibliografia española, 7 vols. (Madrid, 1862–1881).

(2) Works: The standard general history of Spain written by a Spaniard is that of Don Modesto Lafuente in 30 volumes (1850–1867; new ed., by Valera, 22 vols., Barcelona, 1888). It was written before the medieval period had been properly investigated, is wordy, and largely spoilt by displays of national vanity. A later ' and more critical writer of nearly the same name, Don Vicente de la Fuente, has published valuable Estudios criticos sobre la historia y el derecho de Aragon (1884–1886). No satisfactory general history of Spain has been written by a foreigner. The best is that of M. Romey, Histoire d’Espagne (1843). Don Rafael Altamira has published an Historia de España y de la civilización española (2 vols., Barcelona, 1900–1902), in which he sums up the results of later research. Among older writers Juan de Mariana, who ends with the Catholic sovereigns, professedly took Livy as a model, and wrote a fine example of a rhetorical history published in Latin (1592–1609), and then in Spanish translated and largely re-written by himself. It was continued to 1600 by Minana. An English translation, with supplements, was published by Captain J. Stephens in 1699. The Anales de Aragon of Geronimo Zurita (1610) are very far superior to the history of Mariana in criticism and research. The great school of Spanish historians died out with the other glories of the nation in the 17th century. The later periods have been indifferently treated by them, but Don Antonio Canovas del Castillo published some valuable studies on the later Austrian dynasty under the title Estudios del reinado de Felipe IV. (1889). The reader may also consult—for the earlier period—Florian de Ocampo and Ambrosio de Morales, whose combined works are known as the Crónica general de España (fol. editions, 1543–1586, republished in 10 small volumes at Madrid, 1791–1792). This was continued by Prudencio de Sandoval, bishop of Tuy and afterwards of Pampeluna, under the title of Hist. de los reyes de Castilla y de Leon: Fernando I.–Alonso VII. Both ancient and later times are dealt with in the Historia general de España, escrita por individuos de la real academia de la historia (Madrid, 1892 sqq.)—a series of studies by different hands; that on the reign of Charles III., by Seor Manuel Danvila, is very valuable for the later 18th century. An account of the troubled years of the 19th century has been written by Don Antonia Pirala, Historia contemporánea (1871–1879). The latest general history of Spain is Don Rafael Altamira y Crevea’s Historia de España y de la civilización española, 3 vols. (Barcelona 1902–1906). The standard authority for the Mahommedan side of Spanish history is the Histoire des Musulmans d’Espagne, 711–1110, by R. P. A. Dozy (4 vols., Leiden, 1861). It requires to be supplemented by Don Pascual de Gayongos’s translation of Al Makkari’s History of the Mahommedan Dynasties in Spain (1840–1843) and by Señor Francisco Codera’s Decadencia y desaparición de los Almoravides en España (Saragossa, 1899) and Estudios criticos de hist, arabe española (ibid., 1903). See also Stanley Lane Poole, The Moors in Spain (“Story of the Nations” Series, 1887) and S. P. Scott, Hist. of the Moorish Empire in Europe (3 vols., Philadelphia and London, 1904). Other English works, on general Spanish history, are Martin A. S. Hume's Spain, its Greatness and Decay, 1479–1788 (Cambridge, 1898) and Modern Spain, 1788–1898 (“Story of the Nations” Series, 1899), and Butler Clarke’s Modern Spain, 1815–1898 (Cambridge, 1906). Excellent summaries of Spanish history year by year are published in the Annual Register.