Page:Early Man in Britain and His Place in the Tertiary Period.djvu/562

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Rabbit, 257, 262.

Ramsay, A. C, on the pre-glacial mountains, 24; on the post-meiocene age of the river Thames, 25, 47.

Range, De, on "moraine profonde," 117; on submerged forest of Lancashire, 252.

Range of living genera in Meiocenes of Europe, 40; of the River-drift and Cave-men, 232.

Réallon, bronze merchandise found at, 383.

Reaping-hook, bronze (fig.), 360.

Reboux, discoverer of fragments of human remains, 168.

Red Crag mammals, 85; strata, 71, 72.

Red Indians, skeletons of, 313.

Red oxide of iron used by Cave-men for painting their faces, 211.

Reindeer (Cervus tarandus), 99, 160, 257, 262; in Scotland, 152; ford at Windsor, 155; found at Kew, 156; in London, 156; migration of, 189; Admiral von Wrangel on, 190, 191; remains of young, scarce, 191; sinew used for sewing by the Cave-men, 210; group of (fig.), 215; incised on an antler, Kesslerloch (fig.), 221; tendon used as thread by Eskimos, 236; of Prehistoric Britain, 260; rare in England, abundant in Scotland, 261; in Caithness in A.D. 1159, 494.

Relation of geology to archæology and history, 1-12; of Cave-men to the River-drift men, 230.

Rhinoceros, 40, 54, 57, 80, 109; megarhinus, 79; etruscus, 84; megarhinus (fig.), 86; woolly, tichorhinus, 104; small-nosed, leptorhinus, 104; etruscus, 133, and megarhinus, 126; megarhinus, upper true molar of (fig.), 140; upper milk molars of (fig.), 140; remains at Oreston and Baume, 144; merkii (big-nosed), 145.

Rhinolophus ferrum equinum (great horseshoe bat), 98.

Rib (cut), fragment of, from the Tuscan Pleiocenes (fig.), 91; fragment, with figure of horse, Robin Hood Cave (fig.), 185.

Richard, Abbé, discovery of stone implements in Palestine, 166.

Richardson, Sir John, on calving-time of reindeer, 191.

Rigollot, researches in strata of the Somme Valley, etc., 163.

River-deposits, late Pleistocene, 154; in Thames Valley, Falconer on the age of, 142; Prestwich on the age of, 142.

River-drift hunter of the Pleistocene age and his surroundings, 124-173; belongs to temperate division of mammalia, 99; near Salisbury, 161; social condition of, 163; range of, on Continent, 163; in Africa, Palestine, and India, 165; bones of, in river-deposits, 16 ; relation of, to the glacial phenomena, 169; general conclusions as to, 172; Faudel, on discovery of his remains, 167; on the same by Eugene Bertrand, 67; preceded Cave-men in British caves, 197; in French caves, 198; their relation to Cave-men, 230; range of Cave-men compared with, 204.

Rivers of the Eocene period, 25; of Meiocene age in Britain, 47; of Pleiocene age, 74.

Robenhausen pile-dwelling, 292.

Robin Hood and Church Hole Caves, 177; strata in (fig.), 178.

Robinson, discovery of bronze articles in Dowris Bog, 363; on manufacture of bronze, 407.

Rod of reindeer antler, Church Hole Cave (fig.), 185.

Roe, 257, 262; (Cervus capreolus), 98.

Rolleston, on Neolithic swine (note), 297.

Roman Britain, 488.

Roman coins in the tidal alluvium on coast of Lancashire, 252.

Rum, volcano on, 45.

Rütimeyer, quoted concerning the Cænopithecus (note), 34; on mid Meiocene apes, 57; on the presence of man in the lignites of Dürnten (note), 145; on the Neolithic hog, 296; oxen and other domestic animals, 297, 298, 299.


Sacrifices, human, supposed to have been offered in Neolithic age, 287.

Saiga antelope (Antilope saiga), 98.

St. Bride's Bay, submergence at, 252.

St. Kilda, volcano, 45.

Salisbury, River-drift man in the neighbourhood of, 161.

Salix polaris (polar willow), 130.

Salmon, 257.

Samland, amber region, 417.