Page:Early Man in Britain and His Place in the Tertiary Period.djvu/563

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Sansan and Simorre, animals found at, represent mammalia of Europe in middle stage of Meiocene period, 53.

Saporta, de, on the north polar region and the dispersion of Tertiary floras, 20; on the climate of Pleiocene Europe, 89; on temperature of Pleiocene age, 78; on the flora of Meximieux, 77; on the zones of forest growth in Pleiocene age, 78; on the Pleistocene forests of France, 131.

Sayce, on the witness of language, 322.

Scandinavia, Bronze age in, 389; Prehistoric Iron age in, 440; tin in, 402.

Schmerling, Recherches sur les Oss. foss. (note), 103.

Schmidt, Waldemar, on centres of bronze industry (note), 415.

Schwendauer on Supposed existence of man in lignite beds of Dürnten, 145.

Scotch firs in submerged forests, 256.

Sculptured rock at Tegneby (fig.) 394.

Sculptures of the Bronze age in Scandinavia, 392; of Cave-men, 223.

Scraper (flint), Robin Hood Cave (fig.), 182; of Eskimo (fig.), 236.

Sea, Eocene, reduced in the Meiocene age, 42; Meiocene, 40; Pleiocene, 72; Pleistocene Europ, 109-112; late Pleistonic Britain, 148-151; Prehistoric Britain, 248-255.

Seal incised on canine of bear, Duruthy cave (fig.), 217.

Seeds and fruits cultivated by Neolithic inhabitants, 300; of wild plants of lake-dwellings identical with those of present time, 302.

Selkirk, Earl of, on polled cattle (note), 87.

Semnopithccus (ape), 60, 80, 87.

Sepulchres, caves used as, 229.

Sequoia, 48, 49, 53.

Setaria Italica of Neolithic age, 301.

Sheep, 262; musk (Ovibos moschatus), 99, 100; of the Neolithic age, 297, 299.

Shell mounds of Denmark, 302.

Shield, bronze, in repoussé, Denmark (fig.), 391; bronze, Giffin Castle, Ayrshire (fig.), 427.

Short-horn, 262.

Shoshones, implements used by the, according to Captain Jones, 180.

Shrew, musk (Mygale moschata), 40, 54, 98, 128; common (Sorex vulgaris), 98, 128; water (myogale), 40.

Silene cretica (Cretan catchfly), 302.

Simpson, Sir James, cited (note), 289; on cupstones for reception of offerings to the dead, 378.

Skeletons, human, in river-deposits, 167; of Cave-men, 224, 225, 226; in caves of Cro-Magnon, Frontal, Furfooz, and Mentone, 242.

Skertchley, on the relation of the River-drift man to the glacial phenomena, 169.

Skull, Neolithic, 310, 311, 312; long, of Neolithic age, long barrow, Rodmarton (fig.), 812; of Bronze age, round barrow, Gristhorpe (fig.), 312.

Skye, volcano at, 45.

Smelting, materials for, and implements for working bronze, 385.

Smith, G. A., on the moose, 260; on the reindeer, 261.

Smith, William, cited, on the Iberic and Celtic races, 319.

Socketed celt, Thames, Kew (fig. ), 351.

Solinus, Julius, on amber possessed by Emperor Nero, 418.

Solutrien, epoch of the Palæolithic age, 199.

Somerset, caves of, 193.

Somme Valley, researches in the strata of, 164.

Sorby, H. C, on marine currents, 19.

Sorex (shrew), 40; vulgaris (common shrew), 98.

Southall, J. C., on French pottery, 209.

South-eastern coast line of Britain during the Eocene age, 17.

Southern seaboard, Meiocene age, 40.

Spain and Gaul, Celtic invasion of, in the Neolithic age, 315; Iberic races in, 317; River-drift man in, 164; tin mines in Bronze age, 403; the Iberic element in the present population of, 323.

Spear of Eskimo (fig.), 237.

Specialisation of mammalia in Tertiary period (fig.), 12.

Spencer, Herbert, evolution theory of, 7.

Spermophilus citillus (pouched marmot), 98; erythrogenoides (pouched marmot), 104.

Spindle-trees, 132.

Spinning and weaving in Bronze age, 359; knowledge of, by Neolithic inhabitants, 267, 275.

Spitzbergen, Meiocene plants of, 63.

Spruce, its arrival in Europe, 125; Heer on, 125; in Grinnel Land, etc., 125; at Dürnten, 145.

Squirrel (Sciurus), 40, 54, 128.

Stag (Cervus elaphus), 98, 127, 145, 257, 262.