Page:Early western travels, 1748-1846 (1907 Volume 7).djvu/33

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  • pers—Mr. Miller—Party on foot—Hardships—Starvation—Conflicting

councils—Gloomy prospects—Property
en cache—The party divided—Three men perish—M'Kenzie's
speech—He arrives at Astoria—Mr. Crooks and
others left behind—Mr. Hunt's arrival at Astoria—Voyage
concluded 173


Doings at Astoria—Three parties on foot—Their object—M'Lellan's
resolution—Hostile attack at the Long Narrows—Mr. Reed—Two
Indians shot—Heroic conduct of
M'Lellan—Difficulties adjusted—Advance of the party—Remarks—Arrival
at Oakinacken—Departure again for
Astoria—Scene at Umatallow—Mr. Crook's adventures
and suffering—Yeck-a-tap-am—Umatallow left—Merit
rewarded—Arrival of the party at Astoria—The ship
Beaver there also 186


General meeting of the partners—Resolutions passed—Departure
of the parties for the interior—Mr. Clarke—The cascades—Wyampam,
or the Long Narrows—Situation of the
party—Loss of time—Mr. M'Kenzie—A stroll through the
Indian camp—Mr. Clarke's alarms—Command transferred—Reed's
rifle recovered—A robber in irons—The
five shots—Yeck-a-tap-am rewarded—Mr. Stuart's departure
{xii} for St. Louis—Second division—Summer trip
to She Whaps—Boullard and his squaw—Mr. Stuart's
arrival at Oakinacken—Departure for She Whaps—Winter
operations at Oakinacken—Visits—Travelling scenes—A
night in the snow—Jacque and his powder-horn—Mr.
Stuart's account of his journey—Arrival at Walla Walla 194


Mr. Clarke—Stragglers—Hard Travelling—Cox's pilgrimage—Visit
to Spokane—Trade—Mr. Pillet—Mr. Farnham—Cootanais
and Flatheads—M'Lennan—Plunge in the lake—Adventures—Outposts—Catatouch